In the following geographical phenomena, due to the earth's revolution, () A. the alternation of day and night B. the rising and falling of the sun, moon and stars in the east C

Hold the lamp and watch the sword when drunk
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In the following geographical phenomena, the earth revolution produces ()

A. Alternation of day and night

B. The sun, moon and stars rise in the east and fall in the west

C. Time difference at different longitude

D. Seasonal changes

Best answer:

The geographical phenomena caused by the earth's rotation are the alternation of day and night and the time difference, the rising of the sun in the east and the setting of the sun in the west. The phenomena caused by the earth's revolution include the alternation of seasons, the change of the length of day and night, etc

Therefore: D

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There is no explanation for this question

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Geographic knowledge around:

1. Clothing is closely related to geography, and clothing materials are closely related to geographical environment. Silkworm production is suitable for the subtropical zone. Hangzhou Jiaxing Lake region in Zhejiang Province and the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province are both important silk producing areas in China. Xinjiang, where the sun shines well, is the most important production area of long staple cotton in China. People's favorite woolen sweaters and leather clothes are mainly made of wool and various kinds of leather rich in the pastoral areas in western China. Secondly, clothing style is related to regional characteristics. In the hot and dry Arab region, people like to wear white loose robes. On the snowy plateau where the daily temperature range is very large, Tibetan herdsmen in China often wear a "asymmetric" robe with an arm exposed. Third, clothing changes are related to climate change. In areas with four distinct seasons, people usually prepare several sets of clothes corresponding to the seasons, including short sleeved shirts, T-shirts and dresses for men in summer, casual clothes and sweaters in spring and autumn, ski shirts and leather jackets in winter, etc. On the contrary, in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, where "there is no cold or hot weather all the year round, and winter comes when it rains", a unique landscape of "wearing clothes all the year round" has been formed. 2. Diet and geography. From the perspective of staple food structure, due to different water and heat conditions, wheat is mainly planted in the north of China, while rice is mainly planted in the south, forming a pattern of "rice in the north and rice in the south". In addition, the cooking skills of China's "eight major cuisines" have their own characteristics, known as "sweet in the south and salty in the north, hot in the east and sour in the west". Its formation is also related to the geographical environment. Take the formation of "sweet in the south and salty in the north", which is related to the climate difference between the north and the south of China. The north of China is located in the warm temperate zone. The winter is cold and dry, the summer is hot and rainy, and the temperature varies greatly from year to year. In the past, even a small amount of vegetables were difficult to survive the winter, and at the same time, they were not willing to "squander" for a while. The northerners pickled the vegetables and slowly "enjoyed" them. In this way, most people in the north have formed the habit of eating salt. The south is rainy, with good light and heat conditions, and is rich in sugarcane. Compared with the north, vegetables are recommended several times a year. Southerners are "surrounded" by sugar, so they naturally form the habit of eating sweet. The northerners don't like sweet, but in the past sugar was rare, so they had to use "salty" instead of "sweet" to adjust their taste. Although there is no shortage of sugar in the north, once the taste is formed, it cannot be changed overnight. 3. Housing and geography. The style and materials of traditional dwellings are mostly affected by local physical and geographical conditions. For example, the Inuit people in North America use ice blocks as external walls; The herdsmen on the grassland usually live in yurts that are easy to load and unload to meet the needs of nomadism; The residents of the Loess Plateau use the characteristics of good loess verticality to dig caves to live; The hot minority areas in southwest China are dominated by bamboo buildings. Nowadays, the development of commercial housing also needs to consider many geographical factors, such as the traffic location of the residence, the spatial combination of surrounding supporting facilities, the comprehensive condition of the surrounding environment quality, the internal environment design of the residential area, and the orientation, lighting, ventilation, floor height, spacing and other factors of the house. 4. Travel is closely related to geography, and people's travel is closely related to geographical environment. In the high mountains and canyons, people use the rapids in the canyons to take rafts; Camels become the "boat of the desert" in the boundless sand sea; On the endless grassland, people ride horses like flying; In Jiangnan, people use boats to shuttle between rivers. When people travel, whether for travel or business trip, they should decide the departure time and transportation mode according to the weather and environmental conditions.

Old friends don't return to the city 2024-06-21 13:52:40

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