What's the way out after reading the sergeant school

set sail
Selected answers

After reading the NCO school, I went out to engage in the operation, maintenance and medical care of various technical equipment. Because of the educational background and professional advantages, as long as the performance is acceptable, they can basically be promoted to the third period of non commissioned officers and then retired. After the third period of non commissioned officers' service, they can choose to relocate and be arranged by the local government to work in government institutions or state-owned enterprises.

Work after graduation from non commissioned officer school

1、 According to the army practice, all soldiers who graduated from the NCO school, because of their educational background and professional advantages, can basically be promoted to the third NCO and then retired as long as they can perform well. This has long been the custom of the army, so we can rest assured.

2、 Reading NCO school can not only learn professional knowledge and skills, but also enrich their own experience, broaden their horizons, and lay a solid foundation for future military career. Having learned a skill in the NCO School, you can not only show your strength on the military journey, but also apply it even if you return to the local place after retirement, so as to contribute to your career and benefit your whole life.

3、 According to the national policy on the placement of retired non commissioned officers, non commissioned officers who have completed their three terms of service can choose to be transferred to other jobs and be assigned by the local government to work in government institutions or state-owned enterprises. Although all of them are employed in the work attendance system, and their identities are only employees, they are, after all, staff members, who are stable enough to work, have guaranteed pay, and are also truly "iron rice bowl".

Choice of Graduating from Non commissioned Officer School

First, graduated non commissioned officers generally have less than 8 years of service (retirement is not arranged, but in some cases, they can also retire after five years of service, or even less.

Non commissioned officers are an important part of the army, accounting for 50-60% of the total. Non commissioned officers are intermediate between officers and soldiers. They are soldiers of officers and officers of conscripts, but they are not officers.

Now there are junior (8 years), intermediate (16 years) and senior (more than 16 years) non commissioned officers. The family members of senior non commissioned officers can accompany the army, allocate rooms according to the standard of battalion cadres, and work until retirement. Very few non commissioned officers have also been recommended for admission, usually in combat forces. General placement for retired non commissioned officers above intermediate level.

Second, NCOs schools mainly undertake the training of NCOs and technical soldiers, and a small number of officer colleges also train some NCOs. The non commissioned officer colleges and universities have higher education to recruit outstanding soldiers with high school education or above. Implement systematic vocational training, complete the skill training of corresponding professional technology, and engage in the operation, use, maintenance and medical care of various technical equipment after graduation. The NCO school has trained a large number of professional talents every year, and has taken up front-line professional posts in the army. It has become a professional expert in the army and played its due role in China's national defense.

Third, it is understood that after graduation from the NCO school, you will return to the original army and work in the professional positions of the NCO school you studied. In addition, the professionalism of NCO schools is very strong, which will be of great benefit to the future employment in the army, After graduation from the general non commissioned officer school, he will become a real professional soldier.

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