Do you regret being admitted to the air force? What's the reason

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People who have been admitted as air force pilots will also regret it. The main reason is that even if they have been admitted as air force pilots, they will have a high elimination rate during their school study. There are very few people who can really become air force pilots after graduating from aviation school. Joining the flight force has always been a process of elimination. And the pilot's time is not free.

Why do pilots regret being admitted to the air force

There are many reasons for regretting the air force pilot test. Here are some common reasons for regretting the air force pilot test.

① The elimination rate is very high

The elimination rate of air force pilots is very high. Since the beginning of air force recruitment (divided into high school pilots and military school graduates), the standards are very strict. The physical examination of air force pilots should not only check their normal health level, but also pay attention to whether there are physical hazards threatening flight safety in certain environments such as high altitude and high speed. Therefore, the selection criteria are stricter than the general physical examination criteria.

Therefore, a large number of air force pilots will be eliminated in the primary physical examination of air force pilots, and air force pilots have been continuously eliminated for ideological reasons, physical reasons, courage and other reasons. Only 12 out of 10 air force pilots can enter the flight force. Even if they enter the flight force, they may still be eliminated due to many problems.

However, I hope you can understand that the reason for the continuous elimination is that the air force pilots themselves are very dangerous when performing tasks. If a certain condition is not good enough, it is likely to be dangerous during the mission. Whether successfully selected or dropped out due to some reasons, each student is a national treasure, and elimination is responsible for the safety of students' lives.

② Time is not free

Although the welfare of air force pilots is very good, they can not return home all year round, their freedom is limited, and they are locked in a closed environment every day to isolate themselves from the outside world. Because air force pilots are too important, they basically have no right to choose. They should obey the organizational arrangements and the orders of their superiors. Retirement and job transfer should also be approved by the organization. They can't leave without doing something.

Benefits of becoming an Air Force pilot

(1) High administrative level: the first air force pilot is the deputy company post, and the senior air force pilot can reach the deputy division post at most.

(2) Good conditions for accompanying the army: the family members of air force pilots of individual aircraft types can also directly arrange civilian work in the army without being restricted from accompanying the army below the deputy battalion level. Those who are not with the army will be arranged to visit their families once a year; Single air force pilots live in pilot apartments with well-equipped rooms;

(3) Flight allowance: enjoy flight allowance according to flight hours. 60-900 yuan per hour.

(4) Annual convalescence: enjoy a vacation for one month a year.

There is a saying in the Chinese army that three peasants support an army, three armies support a navy, and three navies support an air force; Three air force engineers raise an air force pilot.

(5) The wife of a fighter pilot can also be recruited as a civilian officer.

(6) The children of air force pilots are taken care of when they go to college. If they cannot go to local universities, they can be enrolled in military schools;

(7) After the air force pilots have been grounded for years, there are still 500000 to 800000 yuan of grounding subsidies.

Lotus Picking in Jiangnan 2024-05-26 11:05:21

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