The registration time for the first half of the 2023 teacher qualification examination in Hebei Province is specific

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The written examination registration of Hebei 2023 teacher qualification certificate in the first half of the year is expected to be held in January, and the written examination time of the teacher qualification certificate is expected to be March 11. After meeting the conditions for applying for the teacher qualification certificate, the application will be made on the primary and secondary school teacher qualification website.

Registration time of teacher qualification certificate in the first half of 2023 in Hebei

Registration time of teacher qualification certificate in the first half of 2023 in Hebei: the written examination registration time is expected to be mid to late January 2023, and the interview registration time is expected to be mid to late April.

There is a unified registration website for teacher qualification examination, namely the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination website, where all provincial teacher qualification examinations are registered.

At the specified time of teacher qualification certificate registration, the examinee should enter the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination network, find the "examinee service" window, and find the teacher qualification certificate "registration system" in the "examinee service" window.

Click the "Registration System" of the teacher's certificate to enter, and then you can see all the provinces of the examination. Next, you need to select your own provinces of the teacher's certificate to enter the registration page to register.

Hebei 2023 First Half Teacher Certificate Application Process

1. Login. Candidates log on to the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network", view the registration announcement of the provincial teacher qualification certificate, and follow the guidance on the navigation page to enter the provincial registration entrance.

2. Registration. Candidates must read carefully and fully understand the requirements of the provincial teacher qualification certificate application before proceeding. When registering, candidates are required to fill in the ID number, name, mobile phone number, login password and other information specified in the teacher qualification certificate registration announcement, and carefully read the Letter of Commitment for Integrity Test (electronic version) on the website. Follow up operations can only be carried out after confirmation of the commitment.

3. Fill in personal information. Candidates for teacher qualification certificate must truthfully fill in the information such as the residence registration location, residence permit application location, whether the student is at school, whether the major is teacher training, graduation school, student registration number of the student at school, the highest educational background and certificate number, and upload the certificate photos according to the format requirements (bareheaded, front face, color, white background, JPG/JPEG format, no more than 200K).

4. Fill in the application information. Candidates shall select the examination category, examination area and subjects of teacher qualification certificate according to the requirements of the provincial announcement (the subjects reported must be checked at one time, and once approved, no addition or change is allowed). After submitting the information, the examinee's registration status changes to "pending approval". The information related to the application for the teacher's qualification certificate of candidates can be modified by themselves before review.

5. Accept review. The provincial examination staff will review the candidate's teacher certificate application information within the specified time limit. See the provincial registration announcement for details of whether candidates need to arrive at the scene. The status of the approved candidates is changed to "to be paid". Candidates who fail to pass the examination can modify and improve the registration information before the deadline of teacher qualification certificate registration, resubmit the application information and accept the examination again.

6. Pay online. All provincial examinees can pay the examination fee of teacher qualification certificate online. The status of the examinee who has completed the payment is changed to "Successful registration (paid)" to complete the registration. If the examinee passes the examination but fails to pay the fees within the time limit, the teacher qualification certificate registration is invalid. Once the registration is successful and the payment is completed, the fee will not be refunded.

Spring wind 2024-05-23 13:54:24

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1. Shuowen (Shuowen) by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty: Later, the emperor followed.
2. Zuo Zhuan, Thirty second Year of Xi Gong: Tomb of Hougao in Xia Dynasty.
Group words: Qinghou, Houjing, Houzheng, Zhuhou, Houxu, Houshi, Wanghou, Houzhang, Houkai.
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Jinou, a Chinese word, is spelled j ī n ō u.
Provenance: Jin Ganbao, "Sought the Gods", Volume IV: "The woman parted with her husband with a golden Ou, a musk pouch, and tears."
example sentence:
1. The History of the Ming Dynasty · The Tin Biography of Qian Long: "The emperor imitated the ancient divination scripture, stored it in the name of Jinou, burned incense and worshipped it, and then explored it."
2. Qing Dynasty · Huang Zunxian's poem "Feelings": "Jin Ou is close to Bubi Gongqing, and receives the title of ice for ten days."
3. The fifth poem of Tang · Sikongtu's "Feelings about the History of the South and the North": "The Jin Ou in the Hall of Warfare Girders is broken, and the jade trees in the Palace are destroyed by fire."
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Provenance of idiom: The 24th chapter of Peng Yangou's Black Book Ghosts in the Qing Dynasty: "This thing must be tasted. Why not just taste it for literati and literati, but also try it to make people feel happy?"
Idiom usage: as predicate and attribute; It refers to the fear of difficulties.
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Near synonym: give up halfway, skim on the surface.
The opposite: perseverance.
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