What's wrong with eating fruit that makes your stomach uncomfortable

Wind at the end of sunset bridge
Selected answers

It is due to indigestion. It is recommended that you eat a light diet. When eating fruits raw, you must ensure that the fruits are in a clean state. Do not eat too much. If necessary, you can take some stomach invigorating tablets. Other fruits belong to raw and cold food. For example, apple and other foods contain more fruit acid, and eating fruit on an empty stomach will aggravate the discomfort. It is suggested to take proper conditioning and omeprazole to protect gastric mucosa for treatment such as washing. At the same time, the diet is light and controlled.

Rose with thorns 2024-06-28 15:17:06

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The image of Yanmen Prefecture

The image of Yanmen Prefecture:
"Dark clouds crush the city" is a metaphor for the enemy's arrogance.
"Armor light" is the flash of armor worn by soldiers. Gold scale: The ancient armor was made of scaly iron pieces. "Jiaguang is blooming to the sun" is a portrayal of soldiers who are indomitable and righteous.
"Purple" refers to the purple soil near the Great Wall.
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Original text:
The black clouds are pressing the city to destroy it, and the armour light is turning to the sun.
The horn sounds all over the sky in autumn, and is stuffed with swallow fat to coagulate the night purple.
Half a roll of red flag is near Yishui, and the frost is heavy and the sound of cold cannot rise.
I will report to you on the golden stage and carry the Jade Dragon to die for you.
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