Diversity of Late Summer Sunny Days Episode 51 Ends of Late Summer Sunny Days Episode

People are as light as chrysanthemums
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Introduction to the Story of Midsummer Sunny Night

The Midsummer Evening Sunny is a modern urban drama, which mainly tells about Xia Wanqing, the daughter of Hualang Group's chairman, who was engaged to her boyfriend Mo Lingtian after being calculated by her friend Lai Xue, and her boyfriend repents. Xia Wanqing is in a dilemma.

Diversity of Late Summer Sunny Days Episode 51 Ends of Late Summer Sunny Days Episode

It was only after Xia Wanqing learned that her ex boyfriends Mo Lingtian and Lai Xue had been boyfriend and girlfriend for a long time, and she had been kept in the dark like a clown.

Xia Wanqing has no choice but to meet Qiao Jinfan, Qiao's son. But Qiao Jinfan is a playboy, a rich man who only knows how to play. He and Xia Wanqing worked out a series of plans to help Xia Wanqing get out of the current predicament. Unexpectedly, another trap has just begun.

With the development of the story, Xia Wanqing's identity gradually surfaced. She was the child of Xia Zhenglang and other women, but now her status in the family is not as bright and beautiful as she looks.

Xia Wanqing and Qiao Jinfan got what they needed and started a love relationship, but it was just a kind of love in front of outsiders and family members. They both hoped to get married in front of the interests of the two families and gain more benefits. The two people who were acting gradually fell in love with each other in the process of acting. However, more and more thorny problems emerged later.

The Qiao family has become traitors, making almost all of the Qiao family's industries become outsiders. Faced with all this, Qiao Jinfan's father decided to take on his own responsibility, including the police, and Qiao Jinfan's father was arrested.

Qiao Jinfan tried his best to get his father out, because his father was framed, but now the Qiao family has no previous prestige, and no one is willing to help them.

At this time, Qiao Jinfan's ex girlfriend came back. She wanted to help Qiao Jinfan with her property, but she had a purpose. If she wanted her to help the Qiao family overcome difficulties, Qiao Jinfan had to marry her. On the one hand, it was her family interests, on the other hand, it was her personal feelings. Qiao Jinfan was trapped in a tangle. At this time, Xia Wanqing is also pregnant, but he didn't tell Qiao Jinfan and didn't want to embarrass him.

Mo Lingtian, Xia Wanqing's ex boyfriend, found Xia Wanqing and hoped that she would accept him again. Both of them had their own difficulties and hoped that the other party would be better. But they had no other choice in front of the family. Fortunately, Qiao Jinfan saved his family business with the help of his good friends, sent the bad guys to prison, and successfully left his father, Qiao Jinfan, who was originally estranged, also made up with his father.

When Qiao Jinfan saw Xia Wanqing again, they hugged each other happily. Xia Wanqing also told Qiao Jinfan that she had his child. Xia Wanqing was very popular with Qiao Jinfan's grandma and sister. Now she likes Xia Wanqing more and starts to give birth to Qiao Mingjiao, Qiao Jinfan's sister.

Introduction to the Story of Midsummer Sunny Night

The story of A Sunny Evening in Midsummer tells that Xia Wanqing (Yang Mi) is extricated by the "playboy" Qiao Jinfan (Liu Kaiwei) when she encounters a friend's scheming, her boyfriend repents and falls into a series of traps.

However, all this was just the beginning of a more complicated and huge trap. Xia Wanqing's real life experience gradually surfaced, and "Playboy" was just a mask of Qiao Jinfan. A love started initially because of "revenge" finally made the two people desperate.

Xia Wanqing (Yang idem), the daughter of the chairman of Hualang Group, the chief real estate agent, was rescued by Qiao Jinfan (Liu Kaiwei), the successor of Qiao Group and the "playboy", when she was confronted with a friend's scheming, her boyfriend's repentance and no way out.

For different reasons, the two began a love of "impure purpose", but in the struggle for interests with the two families and the intrigue of their treacherous friends, the two people who had not believed in love finally found true love in each other.

After experiencing family changes and public repression, Qiao Jinfan, who was originally cynical and immature, also grew up and began to truly assume his responsibilities as a man.

What is the episode of admiring sunset to restore memory?

Late sunny day in midsummer Episode 32 of late summer and Qing Dynasty is to restore memory.

Related story: Qiao Jiyun wants to arrange a meeting between Lai Fengyi and Old Lady Qiao. He knows that he is sorry for her. Qiao Jiyun wants Lai Fengyi to stay upright, and Lai Fengyi asks him not to regret. Mo Lingtian quarrels with Laixue again. Qiao Jiyun also signs the contract for the land in Hong Kong. Xia Zhenglang's plot succeeds, and he and Xie Zhaohou benefit from it.

Xia Wanyang hopes that his mother will treat Xia Wanqing better in the future. He plans to sell the bar and return to Hualang. Ge Meiqiao is very happy when she knows. Xia Wanyang invites Qiao Jinfan in the name of Xia Wanqing, and they talk about the family. Xia Wanyang doesn't want Xia Wanqing to be wronged in this indifferent home. He hopes that Qiao Jinfan and Xia Wanqing will finally have a good result, and Xia Wanyang will hand over the bar to Qiao Jinfan.

Introduction to roles in midsummer sunny evening

1. Mo Lingtian Actor: Wu Jianfei

Mo Lingtian, a poor boy who grew up alone. Although he is powerless and powerless, he has excellent business brains and a proud character. Although Xia Wanqing's father helped him become a new star in the business world, he never treated him squarely, and even measured his engagement with his daughter by his business achievements. Mo Lingtian is grateful for Xia Wanqing's efforts and always bears it, but he meets Lai Xue again when he is engaged.

2. Laixue Actor: Liang Youlin

Qiao Jiyun's illegitimate daughter Laixue. Because I grew up in an unsound family, I lacked love and security in my heart. She has a soft and sweet appearance, but her heart is dark and resourceful. She once gave her first love to Mo Lingtian. When she learned that she was the daughter of the Qiao family, she designed to take back her boyfriend, which even lured Mo Lingtian to join the Qiao family to seize the family property.

Introduction to the late sunny days in midsummer

After three years of marriage, in the face of her husband's indifference, she never showed weakness, but when the mistress came to the door with his child, her first tears rolled in her eyes.

In the face of his rare consternation, she straightened her spine and turned obstinately!

Behind his back, he sneered: Xia Wanqing, with your status as the mayor's daughter, many rich people come to ask for marriage. Why bind me?

At the moment when the divorce agreement was signed, she picked up her pride and smiled.

She said: Mo Lingtian, if it is a mistake to love you, then these three years are the consequences of my own mistakes. In the future, you will never have a chance to hurt me because of this love!

One month after divorce.

The eldest son of the Qiao family in the city, the second generation of rich people from Shanghai after returning home, was surprised to see the man she met when she was most embarrassed. He called on her to propose marriage.

He said: Marry me, not only parents feel at ease, but also can hit the man who hurt you!

He said: Marry me and promise that I will not betray you in my life, because the woman I love will never come back!

In the face of this charming, smiling, but unfathomable man, she still has reason.

She asked, "If it is not for love, it must be for something. What conditions do you need to marry me?"?

The answer is simple and heartless: very simple, you are the daughter of the mayor!

Oh, sure enough, it's easy to marry a good man based on her identity. If it's not for love, how long can the marriage last, but if it's for love, it's not a failure?

So, she fixed her eyes on the man in front of her, and this time she chose a marriage without love!

Main characters: Xia Wanqing, Qiao Jinfan, Mo Lingtian, Lai Xue, Jing Ai

Style: Drama

Ending: Joy

Plot: Get along after marriage, and love grows over time

Male leader: unfathomable, cold and resolute

Female owners: talented women, career oriented

Describe the good plot of late sunny days in midsummer and Qiao Jinfan. Write the number of sets

I have just finished watching the fourth episode, Jinfan Kisses the Sunshine;

In the ninth episode, Jin Fan makes a false engagement with Wanqing, and Jin Fan goes to Wanqing's home to propose marriage;

In the tenth episode, Wanqing cooks for Jinfan in their private club;

In the 14th episode, Old Madam Qiao celebrates her birthday. Jinfan plays the piano for Wanqing to listen to. After the banquet, she takes her to eat mixed sauce noodles;

In the sixteenth episode, Jin Fan calls Wanqing when she is in a bad mood. Jin Fan and Wanqing sing in KTV. Jin Fan is bored and sends WeChat messages to Wanqing all the time; In episode 21, Jin Fan sends Wanqing's clothes to Mo Lingtian's wedding. Wanqing likes it very much. They go to the wedding together. Jin Fan attracts people's attention and makes Wanqing happy;

In the twenty second episode, Jin Fan disappeared for three days. Wanqing was very angry. When she left work at midnight, Jin Fan waited downstairs and apologized to Wanqing;

In episode 23, Jin Fan drinks too much for work and comes home late. Wanqing is worried. She takes a woman home, but nothing happens with her. Wanqing hears that her father wants to use Jin Fan by himself. The next day, Wanqing comes to Jin Fan's home, sees the woman, and breaks up with her. But the recorder accidentally falls on Jin Fan, After listening to the recording, Jin Fan knew how Wanqing felt about him; In the 24th episode, Jin Fan makes a formal confession to Wanqing and gives her a ring. They kiss each other;

In the 26th episode, Wanqing and Mingjiao send Jinfan and Xie Chuang breakfast, and Jinfan kisses Wanqing;

In the 29th episode, Jin Fan goes out to explain because he misunderstood his former girlfriend and Wanqing;

In the 35th episode, after a misunderstanding between Jinfan and Wanqing, Wanqing decides to quit, and asks Jinfan to treat Jingyuan well, and asks Qiao not to collapse;

In the thirty eighth episode, Jin Fan asks Wanqing to go on the yacht and says that he will elope with her. He doesn't want to be a tool of business. He marries Jingyuan for money. Wanqing persuades Jin Fan to go back and marry, and asks him to save the Qiao crisis. They kiss on the boat;

In the thirty ninth episode, Jin Fan's wedding was unexpected. After Wanqing went to the hospital for blood transfusion to Jingyuan, she left, and asked Jin Fan to guard Jingyuan. Jin Fan's mother died. Qiao Mingjiao told Xia Wanqing about her mother's departure. Xia Wanqing comforted her, and Qiao Mingjiao believed that she would get better. Qiao Jinfan receives a phone call from Xia Wanqing, who reassures her that Xia Wanqing will think of him and will not meet with Jin Fan.

In episode 43, Wanqing's mother has a nervous problem and runs out. Wanqing asks Jinfan for help. Finally, Wanqing and Jinfan meet again. Part 44: Wanqing is pregnant;

In the 45th episode, Jinfan knows that Wanqing is pregnant with his child. Jinfan wants to take Wanqing away, but Wanqing disagrees. Wanqing is forced to jump into the sea by his father and Mo Lingtian;

In the fiftieth episode, Mo Lingtian finds Wanqing and puts her under house arrest at her private club with Jinfan, and shows her a fake newspaper that says that Jinfan is married. Jingyuan testifies that Wanqing intends to take away the child, and after arriving at the hospital, Jingyuan and Laixue rescue her together; In the 51st episode, Jinfan is together with Wanqing.

have experienced all sorts of hardships 2024-05-05 13:57:06

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