What conditions does the cfa test represent

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Taking the cfa exam means that the examinee meets the qualifications of education and work experience. the cfa exam can be divided into three levels. To register for the CFA Level I exam, candidates need to meet the following conditions:

14 years bachelor degree or above.

2. Undergraduate students within 11 months (inclusive) before graduation.

33 years college degree plus 1 year full-time working experience.

42 year college degree plus 2 years of full-time work experience.

5. Without college degree or above, 4 years of full-time experience is required.

At the same time, candidates are required to abide by professional ethics, have international travel passports, have a certain level of English and confirm that there are CFA registration channels in their regions before applying for the CFA Level I.

For the cfa level 2 exam, candidates must pass the level 1 exam before they can register; The cfa level 3 exam requires that candidates pass the level 2 exam before registering.


What are the requirements for the cfa exam

Requirements for applying for the cfa exam include:

1. Abide by professional ethics; Complete registration and registration and pay fees;

2. Education requirements: those with 4-year bachelor's degree or above can directly apply for the exam; Undergraduate students can apply for the exam within 11 months before graduation;

3. One year college degree plus one year of full-time working experience;

2. One year college degree plus two years of full-time work experience.

Cfa is the abbreviation of "chartered financial analyst", which is a professional qualification in the securities investment and management field. Cfa is also the most rigorous and valuable qualification certification in the global investment industry, so cfa is called the first financial examination, which is divided into three levels:

1. Cfa level one examination course focuses on investment evaluation and management tools, and also includes an introduction to asset valuation and portfolio management skills. The first level exam (Level 1) is in the form of multiple choice questions, 120 questions for each volume, 240 questions in total.

2. The CFA Level II examination course focuses on the application of asset valuation and investment tools (including economics, financial statement analysis and quantitative analysis methods). The form of Level 2 is Multiple Choice, 60 questions for each volume, 120 questions in total.

3. The content of cfa level three examination is a comprehensive summary of the first two groups. The form of Level 3 is divided into two parts. The morning part includes short answer questions and calculation questions. The afternoon part is consistent with the Level 2 form, with 10 item sets, 6 sub questions for each question, and a total of 60 questions.

The registration time for each level of the CFA exam is divided into three stages. This is because the CFA Association encourages candidates to register early and review early. The earlier they prepare, the more sufficient they will be to successfully pass the exam.

Cfa examination conditions at all levels

The answer is as follows:

The cfa examination condition is to comply with professional ethics; Complete registration and registration and pay fees; Education requirements: those with 4-year bachelor's degree or above can directly apply for the exam; Undergraduate students can apply for the exam within 11 months before graduation;

3. One year college degree plus one year of full-time working experience;

2. Year college degree plus 2 years of full-time work experience

Expansion: cfa is the abbreviation of chartered financial analyst, which is a professional qualification in the securities investment and management industry. Cfa is also the most rigorous and valuable qualification certification in the global investment industry, so cfa is called the first financial examination, which is divided into three levels: cfa level one examination course focuses on investment evaluation and management tools.

It also includes an introduction to asset valuation and portfolio management techniques. The CFA Level II exam course focuses on the application of asset valuation and investment tools. The content of the CFA Level III exam is a comprehensive summary of the first two groups

The cfa test conditions are as follows:

1. Have a bachelor's degree or equivalent professional level or above, and there are no restrictions on the specialty.

2. The total length of college study and full-time work experience is four years or more.

3. If the applicant does not have a bachelor's degree, but has a fairly professional standard, he or she can also be accepted as a candidate. CFA Institute uses work experience to assess the professional level of applicants. Generally speaking, four years of work experience is regarded as a substitute for a bachelor's degree.

These 4 years of work experience do not necessarily involve work in the investment field, but legal, full-time and professional work experience is acceptable.

4. The fourth year students can take the exam in the last academic year.

Acacia turns into red tears 2024-06-20 14:47:03

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