What can I use to remove the sauce of turkey noodles

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Clothes stained with hot pepper sauce of turkey noodles can be cleaned by the following methods:

1. When the clothes are dry, apply the special hand washing detergent stock solution to the stains, completely cover the stains, and after standing for 5 minutes, add the detergent for regular washing;

2. If the stains cannot be removed after the above methods, pure white cotton, linen and polyester clothes: add a bottle cap to every half basin of water to clean the color stains of white clothes, mix well, put the clothes into the bath for 30 minutes, and rinse them. If the color stain is not removed after 2 hours, take out the clothes, add white clothes to the basin to clean the color stain, mix well, put the clothes into the basin to continue soaking, and the cumulative soaking time shall not exceed 6 hours.

3. White clothes made of color or other materials: put the clothes into a basin, stick the stains on the bottom of the basin, measure a quarter of the bottle cap with the color stain cleaning bottle cap of the color clothes, clean the color stain of the color clothes and the collar of the quarter bottle cap, pour them on the stains, cover the stains with other non stain parts of the clothes, prevent air drying, leave them for 2 hours, and rinse them clean. If there are still stains not removed after 2 hours, the standing time can be extended to overnight.

Green silk to white hair 2024-05-15 11:10:03

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