Exam requirements of acca

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Acca's exam requirements are that candidates are not allowed to access any information, nor can they bring any information into the exam room. The ACCA exam is a closed book, computerized exam. The questions, answer requirements and answer interface are displayed on the computer screen. Candidates should use the computer mouse and keyboard to answer questions on the computer answer interface.

The full score of each subject in the ACCA exam is 100 points, and the pass criteria are 50 points and above. There are 15 courses in ACCA, and students need to pass 13 courses to obtain ACCA certificate. There is no limit on the validity period of the scores in the basic stage of ACCA examination, and the validity period of the scores in the professional stage is seven years. If the students cannot pass all professional stage examinations within seven years, the scores of those who have passed the professional stage courses for more than seven years will be invalidated and they must take the examination again.


What is the qualification of acca certificate

Acca is an international certified public accountant certificate. The application conditions are as follows:

The requirements for acca certificate are as follows (if one of the following conditions is met):

1. Students from institutions of higher learning recognized by the Ministry of Education can register as formal students of ACCA after successfully completing the freshman course examination.

2. Anyone who has a college degree or above recognized by the Ministry of Education can apply to become an official student of ACCA.

3. At least 16 years old, you can first register as a FIA student, and then become a A CCA student after obtaining the primary business accounting certificate through FFA, FBT and FMA.

The ACCA exam adopts a closed book, computerized exam mode, that is, the examinee obtains the test questions, answers and submits the answer results at the computer terminal. Acca takes all subjects in english and is a global exam.

ACCA is the abbreviation of "The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants". It is the world's leading professional accounting group, and also the professional accounting organization with the largest number of international students and the fastest growing student scale. ACCA membership is recognized by EU legislation and many national company laws.

The Institute of Chartered Certified Accountants, founded in 1904, is the world's leading professional accounting group and the professional accounting organization with the largest number of international students and the fastest growing student scale. Headquartered in London, ACCA has branches in Los Angeles, Canada, Toronto and Sydney, Australia, and has offices in more than 70 cities around the world.

What is ACCA? Do you have any requirements to apply for the exam?

Meaning: The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), founded in 1904, is the world's leading professional accounting group and the professional accounting organization with the largest number of students outside Shanghai and the fastest growing number of students. CCA is called "International Certified Public Accountant" in China and is one of the most famous international accounting organizations today.

Registration conditions

(1) Anyone who has a college degree or above recognized by the Ministry of Education can apply to become an official student of ACCA;

(2) Students from institutions of higher learning recognized by the Ministry of Education can register as ACCA students after successfully completing all course examinations

(3) Applicants who do not meet the above qualifications and are over 21 years old can apply for membership through MSER. This approach allows students to pass F2 and F3 courses within two years as off campus advanced students of ACCA, and then continue to take other subjects as formal students.

(4) Applicants who do not meet the requirements of items 1 and 2 can also apply for taking the CAT qualification examination first. After obtaining the CAT qualification certificate, you can be exempted from the examination of three courses F1-F3 in ACCA and directly enter the examination of skill courses.

People who study ACCA enter the company simply to do finance, such as fund hedging, budgeting, financial analysis, bookkeeping, summary and report preparation. It depends on the company and individual opportunities. People who get ACCA usually do financial management, such as supervisors and CEOs. Of course, optical ACCA is far from enough for large companies

What ACCA has done in the top four is the same as what other majors have done in the top four. At most, there may be some places where you can do better than others. After all, the Big Four is a place that only looks at English but not majors (I hate the rejection of the Big Four at the beginning), so I can't see the difference in work when I go in, and ACCA will not have any advantage over others. CPA is the king.

Acca registration conditions and requirements

ACCA registration conditions and requirements (you can apply if you meet one of the following conditions):

(1) With a college degree or above recognized by the Ministry of Education, you can apply to become an official student of ACCA.

(2) Students from institutions of higher learning recognized by the Ministry of Education who have successfully passed all course examinations in the first academic year can register as ACCA formal students.

(3) Applicants who do not meet the above registration qualifications but are over 18 years old can first register as FIA, and pass three FAB, FMA and FFA examinations (the three examinations are the same as AB, MA and FA), then they can become formal ACCA students (need to choose a conversion path in the account), and obtain the first three examinations free, and directly enter the ACCA skills course stage of the exam.

Examination registration and examination time:

1. Examination registration:

AB, MA, FA and LW can book the computer test at any time, and the specific test time needs to consult the computer test centers around the country. The list of computer test centers can be queried on ACCA English official website. In addition to the above four subjects, you must make an appointment on ACCA's English official website. The maximum number of candidates is 8 each year.

2. Examination time:

The first four exams are scheduled. Other subjects have been tested four times a year since 2016, that is, candidates can take the exam in March, June, September and December. Please check the ACCA English official website for the specific exam time.

Purple Campanula 2024-06-20 14:47:32

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Initial consonant: b p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、c、s、y、w。
Finals: a, o, e, i, u, ü ai、ei、ui、ao、ou、iu、ie、 üe、 r、an、en、in、un、 ün、 ang、eng、ing、ong。
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The part of a Chinese character except for its initial consonant and tone. It used to be called rhyme. The finals can be divided into three parts: rhyme beginning (preposition), rhyme belly (main vowels) and rhyme ending. For example, the vowel of "Niang" ni á ng is ang, where i is the beginning of the rhyme, α is the belly of the rhyme, and ng is the end of the rhyme. Every vowel must have a rhyme belly, and rhyme head and rhyme tail are optional.

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1. "Zuo Zhuan, Fifteen Years of Xi Gong": "You will walk on the earth and wear the emperor."
2. Shuzhou Is Called to Try Not to Go to My Book: "It's hard to wear a bowl and look at the sky at the same time."
3. Ode to Tokyo: "Dai Jinzheng built a yellow axe."
Sentence making:
1. Our old headmaster was heartily loved by the whole school.
2. Teacher Li is kind and open-minded, and is deeply loved by students.
3. He has done good things for the people, and people love him for sure.
4. He is selfless, fearless, upright and deeply loved by the people.
5. Mr. Zhang is an old teacher who is deeply loved by his classmates.
6. From childhood to adulthood, I will always respect and love you.
7. These teachers, who have worked hard and made great contributions, are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people.

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From modern phrases.
1. Number of tables. Single. For people and all kinds of things. For example, one place.
2. The whole. For example, he did not rest this morning.
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