Conditions for Campus Recruitment Examination of CITIC Bank

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Conditions for Campus Recruitment Examination of CITIC Bank

The basic conditions for recruitment examination of CITIC Bank are as follows:

1. Abide by laws and disciplines, be honest and trustworthy, and have no bad records of violations of laws, regulations, disciplines, etc;

2. Students from Mainland China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan;

3. Have a full-time bachelor's degree or above recognized by the state, majoring in software engineering, computer science and technology, information and communication engineering and other information technology related majors and other cross disciplinary science and engineering majors;

4. Pass CET-4 or above;

5. Have good learning, research and analysis ability, language and writing expression ability, organization and coordination ability and sense of solidarity and cooperation; 6. Be physically and mentally healthy and able to bear certain work pressure; The physical condition shall comply with the relevant provisions of the General Standards for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial) (revised in 2010) and the Operation Manual for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial) (revised in 2013);

7. Comply with the relevant provisions of CITIC Bank on the withdrawal of relatives.

Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields 2024-06-10 17:26:31

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