How does the 4S store promote offline

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1、 Alliance of different industries

1. Cooperate with business entities in different industries and at different levels to exchange publicity resources and help promote.

2. Form: community convenience store, bus body, tricycle ceiling, parking lot, community road gate, community security booth.

3. Free promotional sun umbrella, X shelf, mobile car card, QR code for consultation products, local small restaurants, small shops, beauty salons can give free counter cards, menus, toothpick boxes, meal napkins, and drinking cups. Expand brand awareness and customer gathering effect.

4. The regional contract system can be adopted when expanding outside or in different industry alliances. The sales consultant is responsible for his own region, and cooperates with the car wash shop, second-hand car shop, auto trade shop, etc. (the sales consultant in charge of the region will assess) in the region. Subsidies will be given to cooperative merchants for transaction referral, customers for replacement or mortgage subsidies, and brand banners, Yilabao Posters and other publicity materials shall be placed so that each sales consultant can contract a fixed area or street for product or brand promotion.

Case 1: Cooperation with driving schools

A cooperation alliance has been reached with the management of the local driving school, allowing the sun umbrella with the brand logo to be placed in the driving school, and placed at the transfer place of the trainees in the training ground. It will be widely publicized to attract the attention and consultation of the trainees.

Some sun umbrellas are placed next to the small restaurants in the canteen where the driving school students and coaches often rest, so that they can have a place to shade when they rest. At the same time, the sales staff can distribute leaflets and product materials nearby.

The cooperation with the driving school is very precise, especially for the students who have just got their driving licenses, they will basically buy cars, so it must be a good time to attack.

Case display II: mobile card

In urban areas where parking spaces are scarce, the placement of mobile car cards is very practical. Even if the parking space is occupied, the mobile card has the owner's contact information, which is very convenient to contact with the owner, and relatively harmonious and polite.

Case 3: Solar Umbrella

The sun umbrella printed with brand logo, company address, sales hotline and other information is placed outside the convenience store (security booth in the community) in the urban area. There is a large flow of people, and the sun umbrella is exposed very frequently, and the cost of the sun umbrella is not high (generally between 70 and 100 yuan). The publicity effect is obvious.

Case display 4: community gate

Choose middle and low-grade residential areas, talk with the property management about conditions, pack the road gate with KT board, or place outdoor billboards. The company address and sales hotline are shown on the package.

2、 Low cost customer gathering

1. Borrow other sites to obtain resources in the form of scheduled tours at a lower cost

2. Form: surrounding exhibition tour, car wash display, rear bumper sticker (vehicle tailgate, rear bumper, etc.), rear window single lens (rear windshield), etc

3. Tailgate stickers: make exquisite tailgate stickers for local dissemination, increase the exposure of single store information (4S store address, sales hotline, etc.), improve service, and spread word of mouth.

4. Rear window single transparent sticker: design single transparent advertising, let the customer paste on the purchased vehicle, and give the customer the promise of free maintenance. Encourage employees' personal vehicles to be publicized and give fuel card subsidies.

Sponsorship activities: spend small money to make great influence. For example: badminton competition, hiking, square dance crowd or store naming, etc. Advertise POLO shirts for this group of people, make team flags, and establish team leaders for daily supervision.

5. Community Film Week Activity

Choose a community with high occupancy rate for film week activities

Before the opening of the film and during the intermission, the advertising film of the car brand is played continuously on the big screen

The exhibition car is displayed beside the cinema to attract the owners of the community to see the car. The salesperson takes the initiative to introduce the car. Every night, they will collect information about customers who are interested and invite some customers to come to the store for a second test drive.

3、 Thousands of villages and thousands of stores project

1. Cooperation mode of exclusive sales personnel, set up exclusive sales outlets (similar to the second network)

2. The project of thousands of villages and thousands of stores is to establish a rural information station, enter the local village for tour sales, formulate cooperative sales performance, and give a sales commission of 1000-2000 yuan for single car transactions.

3. Suppose that every 4S store sends out a car and a sales consultant, and every village goes to the market, and the villages and towns in the region can be completed in one month. Come again next month. If you run more, you will become more and more familiar with the situation in each village. If you know the truth, it is easy to sell. You can also raise the village to the town, requiring each town to post advertisements at the main intersection and gas station, and set up subsidies. That is, how much money will be given to a customer and how much more money will be given to a transaction.

Tang Monk likes to be elegant when washing his hair 2024-04-27 11:41:31

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1. The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Lv Family - Shi Rong: "The spirit of an upright man and the ambition of a swan are sincere."
2. Tang · Lu Zhao's Ode to Dance: "Kuang means to squat with graceful steps, and then know the ambition of a swan. He does not follow the common customs."
3. The first part of Zheng Guangzu's "Wang Can Climbing the Tower", Yuan Dynasty: "Great men rely on the aspirations of swans and are based on the talents of heroes.".
4. The Biography of Zhang Ding and Zhang Gui in the Northern History: "When they are depressed and have not met, they can also know that they have lofty aspirations!"
5. Song · Lu You's poem "Miscellaneous Books in the Nunnery": "The aspiration of swans on the ridge of abandoned farmland, the sound of phoenix in the Changxiao Mountain."
6. Yu Dafu's poem, "In the autumn, when a diplomat was dismissed for trying to rush eastward, I don't know when to return home", said: "The swallow doesn't know the ambition of the swan, and the phoenix will cherish the feather wound!"

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50 meter run: It is a sports event that can reflect the ability of fast running and reaction.
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