Nanjing Aviation University Jincheng Tuition

Falling flowers follow flowing water
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2020 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Jincheng College

Tuition: 14000 yuan/year for humanities and social sciences majors, 15000 yuan/year for science and engineering majors (17000 yuan/year for embedded training), and 16500 yuan/year for arts majors.

Accommodation fee: 1500 yuan/student academic year for four rooms, 1200 yuan/student academic year for five rooms, 1000 yuan/student academic year for six rooms (depending on the specific accommodation conditions).

The school has various scholarships and grants, and provides work study positions to reward outstanding students and help students with financial difficulties to successfully complete their studies.

Extended data:

Admission Rules

According to the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation and relevant supplementary regulations, the following supplementary requirements are made for the physical health of candidates applying for the following majors according to the actual training requirements:

The physical examination requirements of flight technology specialty shall be in accordance with the Specification for Physical Examination and Identification of Flight Students Enrolled in Civil Aviation (MH/T 7013-2017). Physical examination for transportation (civil aviation maintenance engineering), transportation (civil aviation electronic and electrical engineering), visual communication design, product design, environmental design, and digital media art requires non color blindness and color weakness. Among the examinees in the major of transportation (aviation service and management), those who plan to engage in the direction of "on-board cabin service" in the future must understand the physical requirements of the airline for cabin attendants when filling in the form (see the professional introduction of the school for details).

How about Jincheng College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics? tuition? hotel expense? Are there any incidental charges? How about the surrounding environment? Is consumption expensive?

How to pay the tuition of Jincheng College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

The tuition of the second course is the lowest in undergraduate colleges, generally 3000~5000 per year

Except for art software and other college tuition majors

A book is usually 5000~7000 a year

Three books are generally 10000~15000 a year

Some majors are more than others.

This has nothing to do with the quality of your major. It depends on whether your major has a great demand for educational resources. For example, software, art, etc. should be higher, and civil engineering, electrical information, etc. should be less.

Also, I said that the pure tuition does not include other accommodation fees and miscellaneous fees.

Jincheng College of China Southern Airlines is located in a relatively remote location. In recent years, the transportation is relatively convenient, and there are special buses to all stations and airports in Nanjing.

All kinds of expenses add up to about fifteen thousand (excluding art students). There are pedestrian streets around, all kinds of them are complete, because they are not in the urban area, so the consumption is not high. If you live on 1000 yuan a month, you can still live on small days every month!

Maple leaves fall 2024-06-18 15:00:48

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Who said that the Cangjiang River is always peaceful and free from disasters? Recently, the river water has been mixed with blood and rushed to the east.
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Original text:
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The difference between individual and individual

The difference between individual and individual: different references, different sources, and different emphasis.
1、 Different references:
1. Each: one by one, each.
2. Each: each; All those; One by one.
2、 From different sources:
1. Everyone: From Mao Zedong's "Talk to Editors of Shanxi Suiyuan Daily": "The soldiers in northern Shaanxi have improved their consciousness after training and complaining about their grievances... Everyone is fighting hard and their morale is high, and they won the battle immediately."
2. Everyone: From the first chapter of "Biography of Heroes of Children": "The family members were overjoyed when they heard that the master had got a foreign post."
3、 Different emphasis:
1. Individual: refers to a group or a whole.
2. Each: refers to each specific one.
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1. When we reached the top of the mountain, we were all out of breath.
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2. The headmaster is responsible for all aspects of the school's work.
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