How about Mingde College of Guizhou University in 2017

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Not bad. All the three colleges are like that. No one or two of them can afford 10000 yuan per year; The student accommodation is arranged as six rooms, and the accommodation standard is 800 yuan/year

It's OK. I'm going to apply for the second independent edition of Guizhou University of Technology soon. If the score is not too high, I can barely read it

Shaanxi's policy of upgrading from junior college to undergraduate in 2023

I took the exam last year in the west translation, which is also my major. In 2005, five colleges and universities recruited international trade majors. There are 100 people in Xigong University (one book), 300 people in Northwest University Modern College (three books), 150 people in Xi'an Jiaotong University Vocational College (three books), 300 people in Xi'an Posts and Telecommunications (two books), 300 people in Xi'an Institute of Technology (two books). Tuition fees are unified in the whole province: 5500 yuan/year. The actual enrollment is more than that. If the school wants to earn money, how can it do without students? Good luck!

Other information:

There are 32 undergraduate schools in total. Enrollment list of Shaanxi colleges and universities:

Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an University of Engineering, Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Institute of Technology, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Xianyang Normal University, Weinan Normal University, Xi'an Foreign Studies University, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi'an University of Arts and Sciences, Yulin University, Shangluo University, Ankang University;

Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics, Xi'an Medical College, Shaanxi Preschool Normal University, Xi'an Aviation University, Xi'an Peihua University, Xi'an Translation Institute, Xi'an Foreign Affairs University, Xi'an Eurasia University, Xijing University, Shaanxi Institute of Fashion Engineering;

Shaanxi International Business College, Xi'an Siyuan College, City College of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Huaqing College of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, North Information Engineering College of Xi'an University of Technology, Xingzhi College of Xi'an University of Finance and Economics, Mingde College of Northwest Polytechnical University, and High tech College of Xi'an University of Science and Technology.

The college to undergraduate examination refers to the selection examination for college level students to study at the undergraduate level. It is the examination system for college level students to enter undergraduate colleges in the mainland China's education system.

There are two types of junior college students:

The first type is the college to undergraduate level of general higher education (also known as the college to undergraduate level of unified enrollment), and the examination objects are only limited to the new college graduates from all provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government and full-time colleges and universities (unified enrollment).

The naming of individual provinces is different. For example, Hebei Province is called the college extension version, Guangdong Province is called the college insert version, Jiangsu Province is called the college transfer version, and other provinces are called the college upgrade version.

The second type is the upgrading of adult higher education from junior college to undergraduate, which has four ways: including upgrading from self-taught college entrance examination to undergraduate college entrance examination, adult college entrance examination from junior college to undergraduate college entrance examination (divided into two learning methods of part-time and correspondence), online education from junior college to undergraduate college (distance education), and open university (former radio and television university) from junior college to undergraduate college.

Extended data:

College level promotion of unified recruitment

The selection of the unified college to undergraduate examination varies from province to province, and now it is basically hosted by the provincial education examination institutes, with unified examinations. Some provinces, such as Shanghai, have been selected by various universities since 2013. Each province's annual enrollment plan for college to college promotion is based on the enrollment plan for general higher education schools and specialties issued by the Ministry of Education.

The enrollment is limited to the current outstanding ordinary full-time college graduates. The regulations vary from province to city and from school to school. Some provinces, cities and schools require English Level 3 or above (Shanghai is Level 4), no failure record, and the reported majors must match the majors they have learned. Some provinces, cities and schools do not have this requirement. For details, please refer to the policies of each province in that year.

Unified college entrance examination can only be applied to undergraduate colleges in the province, and cross provincial application is not allowed. According to the Department of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the promotion from junior college level to undergraduate level in colleges and universities is a full-time degree in the national enrollment plan.

Unified college entrance promotion is a full-time undergraduate course of general higher education. It refers to selecting outstanding students from recent college graduates of general colleges and universities to enter the undergraduate level of general colleges and universities for two-year advanced study. After completing the required credits, they will be awarded the undergraduate scientific calendar certificate of general higher education when they graduate. If they meet the conditions, they will be issued a degree certificate, and will be issued an employment registration certificate for the undergraduate course.

The unified college entrance examination belongs to the unified recruitment (unified recruitment) within the national plan. The full name of the unified examination is "the unified examination for selecting excellent vocational college graduates for undergraduate study", which is referred to as the ordinary college entrance examination (Hebei Province is referred to as the "specialized receiving edition", Jiangsu Province as the "specialized transferring edition", and Guangdong Province as the "specialized inserting edition"). Listed in the enrollment plan of ordinary colleges and universities in that year, they enjoy the same treatment as ordinary four-year undergraduate students.

In recent years, the Department of Education of Zhejiang Province has made it clear for many times in the important conference of enrollment that the "college to undergraduate" student source plan is the main planned growth point of ordinary universities in Zhejiang Province, and requires all universities to strengthen the care and training of "college to undergraduate" candidates.

The first degree of college graduates is undergraduate degree.

College entrance examination

"Undergraduate to undergraduate" enrollment refers to the category of undergraduate enrollment of colleges and universities with undergraduate education qualification, which is based on the enrollment plan issued by the state, targeting college graduates from national education series colleges and universities and those with higher education background, and enrolling through the unified "undergraduate to undergraduate" examination of adult colleges and universities.

The obtained diplomas are recognized by the state and have relatively high hardness. They have the same effect as ordinary undergraduate courses in terms of salary, personnel treatment, postgraduate examination, certificate examination, civil servant examination, career examination, study abroad, professional title assessment and other aspects.

Students who apply for the college entrance examination should have a junior college diploma or above in the national education series. Such diplomas include junior college and above diplomas of national education series, such as junior college of general higher education, self-study examination of higher education, adult college entrance examination, network education, etc.

Candidates who have completed the required professional credits within the specified number of years and passed the exam will receive a bachelor's degree issued by adult colleges and universities and electronically registered by the Ministry of Education. Those who meet the requirements for degree application will receive a bachelor's degree certificate.

It is understood that e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333431363062, with the reform and development of the education system, the vigorous development of China's higher education, the growth of social demand for high-level talents, employers have put forward higher educational requirements for employees, and more and more graduates need to improve their educational level through the adult college entrance examination.

Undergraduate promotion from self-taught examination

The self-taught higher education examination, referred to as the self-taught examination or self-taught examination for short, is a higher education examination system in China that focuses on academic qualifications for self-taught scholars and combines individual self-taught, social assistance and national examinations. This system was founded in the early 1980s, which is a new open and socialized education form.

The examinees are not restricted by sex, age, occupation, race, nationality and education level. It has been recognized by the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada and many other countries.

In the national unified examination, the graduation certificate is stamped with the university seal of the examiners and the seal of the provincial self-taught examination commission. It is recognized by the state that the hardness of the diploma is relatively high, and it has the same effect as ordinary undergraduate courses in terms of salary, personnel treatment, postgraduate examination, certificate examination, civil servant examination, career examination editor, studying abroad, professional title evaluation and other aspects.

TVU upgraded from junior college to undergraduate

The difference between RTVU and other higher education levels. The commonly known TV University does not refer to a specific school. It is a distance education system covering the mainland of China, which is composed of the Central Radio and Television University, provincial radio and television universities, municipal and county radio and television university campuses and workstations.

Like other adult colleges and universities, it is mainly aimed at social personnel who fail in the college entrance examination or lose learning opportunities due to various other reasons, and in-service personnel who need to improve their educational level.

Similar to the self-taught examination of higher education, it is easy to enter and strict to leave, and its learning forms include semi full-time (part-time work and study) and part-time. The difference is that the self-taught examination is mainly self-study. RTVU studies through computer network, satellite TV and other modern media technologies, participates in the unified examination arranged by the state, and obtains a junior college degree.

blue sky 2024-06-18 14:59:34

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