Jinan University 2+2 International Undergraduate Program in Stomatology

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Jinan University 2+2 International Undergraduate Program in Stomatology. Jinan University is the first overseas Chinese university established by the government in China and one of the oldest universities in China. At present, the university is a national "double first-class" construction university jointly built by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Guangdong Province, directly under the management of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. At present, the school has a complete range of disciplines, covering 12 disciplines including literature, history, philosophy, economics, management, law, science, engineering, medicine, education and art. It has both arts, science, engineering and medicine, with significant comprehensive characteristics and great potential for cross integration.

Jinan University signed the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement with the China Service Center for Studying Abroad to become the training base of the China Service Center for Studying Abroad. Jinan University, as a strategic partner of the China Service Center for Studying Abroad, has set up an unplanned training program for studying abroad.

Jinan University 2+2 International Undergraduate Program in Stomatology

Jinan University undertakes the management of the project, relying on its own high-quality educational resources, drawing on the international advanced teaching model, and is committed to providing all-round teaching and services for students to study abroad smoothly; The China Service Center for Studying Abroad provides policy guidance and related services for the construction of training programs for studying abroad.

Project Introduction

With the recent occurrence of some global public health events, the importance of cooperation between countries has become more prominent. The public's discussion on how to prevent public health events puts forward a higher demand for doctors' comprehensive quality, which is also a necessary ability for international medical talents in the 21st century.

The international comprehensive talent training course offered by the School of Stomatology of Jinan University is dedicated to the training of "applied" talents. It is based on basic practice - professional practice - comprehensive practice and penetrates the "application" throughout the whole process of talent training. The comprehensive ability and innovation ability of students are improved, and the language application and academic professional level of students are improved.

Students have studied in the 2+2 International Undergraduate Program of School of Stomatology, Jinan University for two years, and foreign cooperative universities can exempt credits from the program (no more than 1/3 of the total credits of foreign undergraduate programs).

Students who have completed domestic courses with IELTS scores meeting relevant requirements can continue to study in foreign cooperative universities for 2 years after being admitted by foreign universities, and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities after completing their studies. (Note: For clinical medicine/stomatology, at least 5-6 years of overseas study is required to complete the degree course)

Major: basic medicine, stomatology, biomedicine, clinical medicine, genetics, medical genetics, public health event management, medical management, etc

*In addition to academic English and professional courses, according to the requirements of foreign universities, students of international courses offer separate IELTS course training and organize high-quality returnee English teachers to give face-to-face tutoring.

Entrance path

High school graduation: ordinary high school graduation or international high school graduation

Year 1-2: International Undergraduate Program of School of Stomatology, Jinan University

The 3rd and 4th years: Foreign universities won foreign bachelor's degrees

Years 5-6: Master's degree from foreign universities

Enrollment target

It should be open to the whole country (including students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) for former ordinary high school graduates and international high school graduates.

For example, the students who have completed the second year of senior high school (the best students will be admitted)

Tuition standard: 75000 yuan/year


Participate in the entrance test (written test+interview) organized by the 2+2 International Undergraduate Program of our college, and accept students with qualified results;

If one of the following conditions is met, the written examination may be waived

The total score of college entrance examination reaches the local undergraduate admission line;

Those who have scored more than 90 points in a single subject of college entrance examination English;

International high school graduates who have passed ALEVEL or IB or AP;

IELTS 5.0 or TOEFL 55 or above;

Famous domestic colleges and universities cooperate with foreign universities recognized by the Ministry of Education to obtain a foreign bachelor's degree. They can directly apply for postgraduate courses. After completing their studies, they can obtain a foreign master's degree. You can choose from 4+0, 3+1, 2+2, 3+2 and other modes of studying abroad! For more information about Jinan University's 2+2 International Undergraduate Program in Stomatology, click the blueprint "Consultation" on the left on the computer side and the mobile client can directly "consult" the teacher or telephone online at the bottom right.

Clouds and rain drifting 2024-05-18 15:06:09

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