Is the Chinese People's Police University 211 or 985

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Is the Chinese People's Police University 211 or 985

The People's Police University of China is neither 211 nor 985. The school was founded in 1981, formerly known as the Academy of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force. It is a public security college that mainly trains new police talents, generates new police forces and trains senior police officers for the party and the country.

The Chinese People's Police University is neither a 211 nor a 985 college. Because this school is located in Hebei Province, and there are no 985 colleges and universities in Hebei Province. Some 985 and 211 colleges and universities have branch schools in Hebei Province, but there are no 985 colleges and universities in Hebei Province. There is one 211 University in Hebei Province, that is, "Hebei University of Technology", which is not the People's Police University of China, so the People's Police University of China is neither 985 nor 211 University.

Basic Information of the People's Police University of China

1、 School Introduction

The People's Police University of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Police University") was founded in 1981 and was initially called the Academy of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force. It is mainly to train command, management and professional technical police officers for the active public security forces, undertake the training tasks of China's peacekeeping police, formed peacekeeping police riot teams, standing peacekeeping police teams, police liaison officers stationed abroad and foreign police, and undertake the training of public security organs. Since its establishment 38 years ago, it has made important contributions to China's public security active service cause and economic and social development. The school is also known as the "cradle of loyal guards".

2、 Discipline construction

Although the Police University is a subordinate college with clear characteristics in professional development, it has also formed a number of disciplines covering law, engineering, military science and so on. It has 6 first-class disciplines authorized for master's degree, including law, public security science, public security technology, safety science and engineering, and military command, 18 master's degree authorization points, and 5 key disciplines in Hebei Province, It has formed a postgraduate education system in which full-time and part-time training are promoted simultaneously and academic degrees and professional degrees are developed in harmony.

Key disciplines of Hebei Province: law, safety science and engineering, military command, public security information, fire fighting and emergency rescue technology;

3、 Professional settings

According to the statistics of enrollment majors in 2020, there are currently 15 majors that the People's Police University of China enrolls for ordinary high school graduates, all of which are four-year undergraduate programs. Among them, 9 are public security majors, 6 are fire protection majors, and the following are the details of classified majors;

Public security: immigration management, entry and exit management, border control management, police command and tactics, public security political work, public security information science, network security and law enforcement, data police technology, foreign police;

Fire protection: fire engineering, fire investigation, electronic information engineering, fire command, rescue command and technology, nuclear, chemical and biological fire protection.

Flowers bloom on the street 2024-06-16 11:18:21

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It refers to a poem that is difficult to walk uphill. Inspiration:
1. Qu Yuan (Pre Qin)'s Lisao:
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How hard the road of life is, how difficult it is; Where are you now?
I believe that the time will come to ride the wind and waves, and then we must set sail and cross the sea!
3. Li Bai (Tang Dynasty):
Oh, dear, how dangerous it is!
It is more difficult to climb the Shu Path than to reach the sky!
Silkworm and Yu Fu, what a loss to start the country!
Erlai is 48000 years old and has no connection with Qin Sai.
There is a bird path in Taibai of Xidang, which can defeat Emei Peak.
The collapse of the earth and the destruction of the mountain killed the warrior, and then the ladder and stone stack were linked together.
There is a high mark of six dragons returning to the sun on the top, and a reverse wave returning to Sichuan on the bottom.
Alas! What a lofty shore!
It is difficult to climb the Shu Path, and it is simply difficult to climb into the sky.
It is said that Cancong and Yufu founded the Kingdom of Shu. The founding time is too long to talk about in detail.
It has been about 48000 years since then. Qin and Shu have never communicated with each other since they were blocked by the Qinling Mountains.
In the west, Taibai Mountain is so high that only birds can fly over it to the top of Mount Emei in Shu.
The mountain collapsed and the earth cracked, burying five heroes who started the mountain. In this way, the high and dangerous mountain road and the plank road will be connected with each other later.
In the middle of Sichuan, there are mountains blocking the Six Dragons of the Sun God, and under the mountains, there are great rivers draining with waves.

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Vowel difference:
If two syllables have the same initial, the vowel affixed words will have the same base word, and different affixes indicate that there are different finals in the syllable; The syllabic characters do not have the same sign. For example, syllables (ka) and (ki), Japanese katakana writing カ and キ are two different characters, so they are syllable characters, while Hindi writing क and क have the same basic character क, so they are vowel tagged characters.
Phoneme difference:
Korean (proverbs) combines the letters that represent phonemes into a square character according to syllables, but in fact it does not belong to the syllabic characters in academic definition, but belongs to the whole phonemic characters like Latin letters, except that its letter arrangement is not linear spelling, but according to the syllabic block spelling.

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Notes for filling in the voluntary form:
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2. The candidate's wish is an important basis for filing and admission. It must be filled in by the candidate himself/herself and cannot be replaced by anyone. Schools and teachers shall not set up unified application passwords on behalf of students, interfere with candidates to fill in their applications, fill in their applications on behalf of candidates, or accept candidates' entrustment to fill in their applications.

The teacher of the Marquis of Qi and the Marquis of Chen, and Qu Wancheng's translation

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Extract from the original text:
Xia, Chu Zi made Qu Wan like a teacher. When the division retreats, it is inferior to Shaoling. The Qi Marquis and the Chen Marquis are the masters of Qu Wan. The Duke of Qi said, "What is the purpose of the Valley? The good of the first monarch is the same as the good of the Valley. How about it?" The Duke said, "You can benefit the country of our city, humiliate the few monarchs, and I have no wish for you." The Duke of Qi said, "If you fight with these people, who can resist them? If you attack the city with this, what city will not be conquered!" The Duke said, "If you appease the princes with virtue, who dare not obey you? If you use your strength, the square city of Chu is the city, and the Han River is the pool. Although there are many people, it is useless! "
When describing the diplomatic struggle between Qi and Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period, this article does not use narrative language to describe its process, but places "appearance" characters in the conflict between the two sides. Through their own personalized language and "confrontation", they gradually deepened the diplomatic struggle until the two sides reached a compromise and concluded an alliance. In this way, even if we understand the nature and process of this diplomatic struggle, we can also see the four historical figures with different characteristics. The two envoys of the State of Chu, especially Qu Wan, as the "special and plenipotentiary representative" of King Cheng of Chu, impressed us with his calm, unassuming diplomatic demeanor, his resolute, resolute and unyielding diplomatic demeanor, and his diplomatic wisdom of quick witted and random response. As a politician, Guan Zhong's diplomatic talent, which is familiar with history, accident, and unreasonable, and the hegemonic image of Duke Huan of Qi, who is arrogant and overbearing, but does not lose his identity, are also unforgettable. In a word, reading and appreciating this article is not like reading history, but rather like watching a drama of diplomatic struggle with many highlights.
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