What is Pei Min's historical background

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Pei Min was a figure in the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty.

Historical background:

Kaiyuan Prosperity or Kaiyuan Governance refers to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty under the governance of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

After Tang Xuanzong ascended the throne, he advocated culture and education based on the Taoist thought of quietness and inaction. Employing talents in politics, reforming the official position, rectifying the official administration, and working hard to make the government stable in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. It has laid a foundation for future economic development and recovery.

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty first reformed the economy. In order to strengthen the national strength and increase the financial revenue, new economic measures have been formulated to crack down on the powerful gentry and liberate the labor force. We will reform and implement the system of government subsidies to increase government revenue and reduce the burden on the people. Fight against Buddhism and eliminate monks and nuns. Vigorously develop agriculture.

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty also reformed the military system and took many other measures to reorganize the army.

We should implement a conciliatory ethnic policy abroad, improve ethnic relations and further unify the country. At the same time, the harmonious ethnic relations during the Kaiyuan period also played a great role in promoting social stability and economic development.

Thanks to a series of positive measures taken by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty and the hard work of the masses of the people, the economy developed rapidly. During this period, the Tang Dynasty reached a very high level in all aspects, with unprecedented national strength, unprecedented social and economic prosperity, and substantial population growth. During the Tianbao period, the population of the Tang Dynasty reached 80 million, and the national financial revenue was stable. The business is very developed, the domestic traffic extends in all directions, the city is more prosperous, and the foreign trade continues to grow. Persian and food merchants come in one after another, and merchants from Chang'an, Luoyang, Guangzhou and other metropolises gather. Businessmen of different colors and languages come and go in different clothes, which is very lively. When the Tang Dynasty entered its heyday, China's feudal society reached its peak. Because the year was called "Kaiyuan" at that time, it was called "Kaiyuan Prosperous Age" in history.

The south branch is warm and the north branch is cold 2024-05-13 13:16:00

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Origin: "Poem · Wind · Pao with Bitter Leaves": "When the wild geese sing, the rising sun begins to dawn."
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