What is the size of a desk for two people

Endless scenery
Selected answers

1. The size of double desk is generally 80mm long, 200mm wide and 750mm high. In fact, the size of a desk for two people is not fixed. It needs to be determined according to the size of the home area and the height of the user, so that the overall aesthetic effect of the interior can be the best and the use can be more convenient.

2. When choosing a desk, you should not only consider its practicality, but also worry about whether the desk can match the indoor decoration style. If the indoor space is relatively small, choose a slightly more refined desk, while if the indoor space is relatively large, you can choose an atmospheric desk, which is more suitable.

3. Before buying a desk, what is the environmental protection performance of its materials? You should know that desks made of inferior materials will emit harmful gases, which will cause some harm to users over time. If it is selected for children, pay more attention to the environmental protection performance, so as not to affect the development of children.

Before buying a desk, you also need to consider whether it matches the interior decoration style. The most important embodiment is the color, so as to create a good reading atmosphere.

Water billow 2024-05-13 13:18:27

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Origin: "Poem · Wind · Pao with Bitter Leaves": "When the wild geese sing, the rising sun begins to dawn."
example sentence:
1. Wei Fuxuan's Song of Rising Sun: "The future is not so bright, and the rising sun shines on all sides."
2. The Thirty Rhymes of Huizhen Poems by Tang Yuanzhen: "The splendor is still rising, and the rising sun is becoming more and more brilliant."
3. In the poem "Walking on the lake at dawn" written by Huang Jin of the Yuan Dynasty, "Walking on the lake at dawn is very important, and the rising sun is half green."
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come from:
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