How to reasonably allocate the subjects for self examination

Selected answers

The self-taught exam can take up to 8 exams a year. The self-taught exam is usually arranged in the first half and the second half of each year. In April of the first half and October of the second half of each year, the exam lasts for two days, two in the morning and afternoon, one in the morning and four in the afternoon. A total of 8 exams can be taken in a year.

How many courses can I take in the self study exam in a year

The self-taught exam is taken twice a year, and the maximum number of candidates can be four each time, so the maximum number of candidates can be eight in a year. The self-study exam lasts for two days in April of the first half of the year and October of the second half of the year. It is usually arranged on two weekends, one day in the morning and the afternoon, one exam for each day, and four exams for each day. A total of eight exams can be taken in a year.

As for the number of candidates for each exam, we should arrange according to our own situation, and don't be greedy. Many people are not well prepared and have no time to study at ordinary times, so they try their luck to apply for four courses. But this is really not a matter of probability. All four courses are tested, with average effort. As a result, all four courses are easy to "totter" and it is difficult to pass all at once. Therefore, it is not advisable to apply too much. It is more appropriate to choose two or three courses to ensure that each course is fully studied and reviewed.

How to reasonably allocate the subjects for self examination

1、 Not too many candidates

The number of subjects in the self-taught exam is usually more than ten, and four subjects can be registered for one exam. Some candidates want to get their certificates quickly and register for four exams each time, but they are under too much pressure when preparing for the exam. It is only recommended that students who are well prepared apply for four subjects at a time. It is appropriate to apply for 2-3 subjects at one time, and each subject can be carefully prepared.

2、 Number of subjects registered

Some subjects are only tested once a year, so if the results are not satisfactory after the test, you can only wait for the next year to continue to apply. It's a waste of time. The subjects with few times of examination must have priority in application to avoid wasting time waiting.

3、 Advanced examination of practical courses

Some majors have practical examinations, which can be carried out after the corresponding courses pass the examination, so you should register for the examination as soon as possible. If it is conducted after all course examinations, the graduation time will be prolonged. The practical assessment is arranged two to four times a year. The specific time of the assessment is determined by the examiners. Generally, the examination arrangement and relevant requirements will be announced three months in advance, so pay more attention to the official website information of the examiners.

4、 Subject matching recommendation

Before applying for an exam, check the list of courses of the major you applied for that year or last year to find out the difficulty of the subject, and then apply for an exam reasonably.

secluded orchid in a deserted valley 2024-06-01 15:44:46

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Phoneme difference:
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Extract from the original text:
Xia, Chu Zi made Qu Wan like a teacher. When the division retreats, it is inferior to Shaoling. The Qi Marquis and the Chen Marquis are the masters of Qu Wan. The Duke of Qi said, "What is the purpose of the Valley? The good of the first monarch is the same as the good of the Valley. How about it?" The Duke said, "You can benefit the country of our city, humiliate the few monarchs, and I have no wish for you." The Duke of Qi said, "If you fight with these people, who can resist them? If you attack the city with this, what city will not be conquered!" The Duke said, "If you appease the princes with virtue, who dare not obey you? If you use your strength, the square city of Chu is the city, and the Han River is the pool. Although there are many people, it is useless! "
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