A short literary phrase. When the years are quiet, what should come will come, and what should go will not stay

Floating in time
Selected answers

1、 When the wind and snow change, the dream of the hometown will be broken, and there will be no such sound in the hometown.

2、 I would like to rule the world for you, and you can wear a wedding dress to add fragrance to my tea.

3、 I didn't know until I grew up that I tried not to cause trouble to others, and others had better not bother me. This sentence is not indifference, but maturity.

4、 Try to spread the fire from the elm to the old stove. Cold food in spring is cold and light clothing is cold. Blue water and colored glaze, dancing disorderly, wandering like water, like time. The misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River made me wait for a long time; Whose brilliant sadness bloomed in the tea like purple wisteria; And who is wandering in the mountains like neon clouds, looking for the broken fragrance that makes people cry. If not met, who would remember the vicissitudes of life.

5、 One cigarette, one cigarette time.

6、 Others are waiting for an umbrella, while you are waiting for the rain to stop.

7、 Most of the reason why you can't forget a city is that there are people you love and youth that will never return.

8、 At the age of five, you can run to a field one kilometer away just to catch a butterfly; At the age of ten, you can run all over the shops for an ice cream; At the age of 17, you can go to a strange city alone for the person you like; At the age of 25, you just wanted to get married and just find someone to live with. You said that you are more and more lazy, lazy to love, and lazy to be loved.

9、 Snow, mud and claw, drizzle and plum blossom.

10、 In the days of waiting, study hard, be humble, and have deep roots, so that the branches and leaves will flourish in the future.

11、 Don't try to force things that are not yours, and don't try to force people who don't belong to you, because they shouldn't belong to you, and they will leave sooner or later. Why not let them go gracefully.

12、 Even if everything is not my own, accompanied by the white horse howling west wind.

13、 Time didn't wait for me. You forgot to take me away. The firefly in my left hand is unforgettable. In my right hand is a long meditation for ten years.

14、 We can wait patiently, happiness can come slowly, as long as it is true.

15、 Always have an enterprising mind. Do more things and learn more while you are young. An enterprising person can always find his own position and realize his own value.

16、 True friendship is not rhetoric: people who surround you all day long and make you a little happy are not necessarily true friends. When you are happy, don't flatter you. When you need it, do things for you silently. The person who seems to be far away from you is actually the bosom friend who always pays attention to you. True friendship is not rhetoric, but the hand that pulls you when it is critical.

17、 I don't have a story to tell. I only bring my favorite liquor. If you want to accompany me, you can sit down and raise your glasses. I will certainly have a long way to go with you.

18、 It is said that the memory of fish is only seconds, seeing, turning and forgetting.

19、 Under the banyan tree, a gentle hug, however, at the moment, I can no longer bear the last warmth, and finally cry.

20、 A cup of tea for yourself and a cup of wine for the past.

21、 In the world, except for life and death, which is not an affair.

22、 Time will take away our youth, but it can not take away those memories, those beautiful.

23、 What will happen in the future? You have to work hard to find out. Since you have identified a path, why do you need to ask how long it will take to become a more like yourself first? Anyway, the road is still long, and the sky will always be bright.

24、 Standing at the crossroads of time, I often look back. There is a song of lovesickness and tears in my heart. The deep love is loneliness, the deep love is sadness, picking up fallen flowers and scattering in the dust, the old song in fleeting years is still singing, still cleaning the rhythm of the heart, and the song is permeated with indelible bits and pieces. Whose lovesickness tears are flowing under the lonely Naihe Bridge, whose downpour is falling under the misty sky, whether it is meeting, past, or memory, and who braves the difficulties to cross the other side, but misses the flowering time.

25、 What should come will always come, and what should go will not stay. Life has no ifs, only consequences and results. Whenever you want to have the ability to face everything with a smile, do not forget the magic of a smile.

26、 Accustomed to a person, in the lonely night, silently crying, afraid that loud crying will wake up the pain of sleeping.

27、 You run forward and leave me standing in place. Looking back, only I can't bear it.

28、 Life is a lifetime, grass is a spring. Come like wind and rain, go like dust.

29、 Give, it is not a chip to ask for return. Willingness is just the premise of liking a person. Only when a person has a clear conscience can he be calm and comfortable, can he live happily, can he sleep soundly, and can he be peaceful in his heart! Because of love, let go. Because of love, let her go. Free to fly. Such love may last forever.

30、 If I had white hair and a late face, would you still be like this, holding my hands gently.

31、 Flowing clouds over thousands of mountains is a dream. Why should we remember someone for whom? However, who cares how much?

32、 Wind or wind, rain or rain, but there is no you under my umbrella.

33、 The most beautiful love, there is no end of time, there is no land of old, just want to stay with you for life, that's all.

34、 Warm on the left, bright on the right, light time, singing and walking, all the way scenery, flowers everywhere, breeze.

35、 How I want to see you again, even if I see you in a hurry, I will leave the dim silhouette under the street lamp and walk along the long forest path

36、 Life is like a journey, I am also a pedestrian.

37、 Lay a piece of plain paper lightly, and feel a little lonely. Like Nalan's feelings, she writes about the joys and sorrows of the past, silently perceiving the blossom of the world of mortals and the reincarnation of flowing water. I studied the brush and ink of memory, and wrote the colorful flowers into years of poetry; Also once gathered and scattered, the clouds were light and the wind was light. Once upon a time, ink dripping became an obsession, just to write beautiful words; Today, flowers are silent, but after all, they are in a moment of bloom. I sank in the past, waiting to return, white head.

Just let it go 2024-03-23 11:49:12

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