Clockwork Talent 2020 (Clockwork Talent)

Obsessed with old dreams
Selected answers

1. Witchcraft: Summon Alley: Attacks and skills can damage enemy heroes or shield their own heroes.

2. Mana Lace: The ability to hit enemy heroes can permanently increase the maximum mana value of clockwork by up to 250 points.

3. Exceeding: 10% cooling reduction for clockwork at level 10.

4. Anxiety: This skill will cause a burning effect on enemy heroes and increase clockwork consumption.

5. Inspiration: Magic Boots: Get a pair of shoes for free in 10 minutes, and reduce the acquisition time if you participate in killing. Astral Insight: 5% cooldown reduced for all equipment and skills.

Peach Blossoms Still Smile in Spring 2023-12-04 13:06:02

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For example:
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Basic definition: The emphatic pattern is a kind of rhetoric, which is a form used by people to express their will or emotion. Emphasize a certain part of the sentence in various ways to play a rhetorical role. The commonly used emphasis structure in English is It is (was)+the stressed part (subject, object or adverbial)+who (that).... Generally speaking, when the stressed part refers to people, when the who refers to things, it uses that, but that can also refer to people. In American English, which is often used instead of that
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It is, was+emphasized part (usually subject, object or adverbial)+that/who (when emphasizing subject and subject refers to person)+other parts.
It was yesterday that he met Li Ping
2. The emphatic sentence pattern of general questions:
Same as above, just mention is and was before it.
Example: Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping
3. The emphatic sentence pattern of special questions:
The stressed part (usually interrogative pronoun or interrogative adverb)+is, was+it+that, who+other parts.
Example: When and where was it that you were born

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