Full analysis of the story of the beautiful southern song (story of the beautiful southern song)

Selected answers

1. 755-79000 Qin Li's real identity is the female Xia Shen Lige.

2. 055-79000 is an ancient costume romantic drama produced by Huace Cotton, Cotton Film and Television, Le Orange Studio, co directed by Huang Bin and Li Huizhu, starring Qin Li and Qin Hao, and starring Miracle, Guan, Long, Zhang Zhaohui, Deng Ying, Zhang Yameng, etc. The play tells the story of Akula, a chivalrous woman, and Liu Yikang, the producer, who got married after thousands of hardships.

3. Summary

4. When Liu Yuanjia was in power, the world was weak, and Liu Yikang, the supervisor of the country, was just emerging. In order to change the status quo, he sleeps secretly, visits the people, and meets the just and kind Akula (Qin Li). The two men joined hands to outwit the noble Lu family on one side, and their feelings were dark. In order to break the barrier between literati and ordinary people, Liu Yikang (Qin Hao) married to the Shen family, and the Shen family's person was just Brother Li. Liu Yikang won the hearts of the world, pushed the new policy to appease the people, pulled out the cloth, encouraged learning and agriculture, and other measures touched the interests of the gentry. Facing the aristocratic trend, the couple made enemies together, but they were overwhelmed by the forces of Lu, Xie and Wang. Domestic and foreign troubles have come one after another, and Liu Yikang has been forced to a desperate situation. Brother Li has been at his side, helping him turn the tide and implement the New Deal. Their feelings became stronger and stronger, and eventually created a prosperous world.

Half a cigarette 2023-12-04 13:06:01

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