How to make sea cucumber and rice porridge

Old Hunter
Selected answers

1. Ingredients: 150g rice, 3 sea cucumbers (small points), some ginger, some cooking wine, some oil consumption, some olive oil, half spoon of salt, some chicken essence, some water, and some coriander.

2. Prepare the ingredients: soaked sea cucumber, scrubbed rice, onion, ginger.

3. Chop vegetables, ginger and sea cucumber.

4. In a wok, pour a little olive oil. Heat the oil and pour in the onion and ginger to stir fry until fragrant.

5. Pour the cut sea cucumber into the pot, then pour some cooking wine and cooking oil and stir fry for 3-5 minutes.

6. Pour proper amount of water into the pot, add half teaspoon of salt and proper amount of chicken essence powder, and boil until slightly open.

7. Pour the slightly boiled water in the frying pan into the electric rice cooker, and the amount of water should reach the position shown in the figure (the water in the frying pan should be insufficient, and additional water should be added), about 2000ml.

8. Plug the rice cooker into the power supply, press the key to turn to porridge/Tangjian, press the heat button to start porridge cooking. After about 40 minutes of cooking, unplug the power supply, and then stew for another 10 minutes, you can have porridge.

9. The cooked sea cucumber and rice porridge has a light fragrance.

10. Put it into a bowl, add a little chopped coriander, and cut the coriander into stems only.

blue sky 2024-04-14 12:21:18

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