What emotion does the sunset express

Empty old dreams
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The afterglow of the setting sun is the evening sunshine when the sun has just set. Sunset refers to "sunset" or "sunset". Afterglow refers to "the evening sun". It is used to express the lofty ambition of still dedicating oneself in the twilight years, and the happiness of lovers snuggling together in the sunset, but it is also used to express the feeling of hesitation and depression.

Sentences about the sunset

1. With the sunset gradually setting, the orange light reflects everything. The yellow golden pheasant flower is also changing the splendor of the sunset at this moment. The light so warm into my heart, I can not help but be fascinated by it.

2. After passing the Riyue Mountain and the Tianlu Road from the Ta'er Temple, we finally checked in at the Qinghai Lake Hotel at 6:30 p.m., where the sunset was still very bright at 7:8 p.m.

3. A day is very short and fleeting. When it is too short to embrace the first ray of sunshine, we must welcome the sunset.

4. It's getting late today. The sun must be in a hurry when the black clouds invade the sky quietly. The sun is getting redder and redder. It goes down to the west desperately, and soon only leaves a crescent moon like edge. Seeing the sun hiding, the black cloud became more arrogant and occupied the whole sky, refusing to reveal a bit. The sun has already lost its shadow, leaving only a circle of residual golden light.

5. Passing through the Jinyintan Grassland, the sunset was just outside the window, and the little friend sang that in that remote place, Mr. Wang Luobin's feelings and love were like this mountain and river, like this song years.

6. In the setting sun, Qinghai Lake is very quiet, watching the sparse people gradually disappear in the lake, and the time of calmness remains at this moment. The beauty of Qinghai is something you can't appreciate until you've been here. This place is far away from the world, and the artistic conception is in the heart.

7. The sunset is shining with rosy clouds, facing the breeze and the sky. The gentle breeze sends the festival blessing to you far away. I wish you all the best. Happy Dragon Boat Festival.

8. In the afterglow of the setting sun, the begging children downstairs kicked the plastic bottle as a ball with a loud bang. Fortunately, God gave these poor children the joy of tomorrow

9. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on me, and I want to lie down peacefully until tomorrow.

10. Under the setting sun, the moving boat, the stretched horizon, the overlapping of light and shadow, such as the interweaving of heart and heart, the warmest encounter is the greatest happiness

11. When the day is at the end of the mountain, the afterglow of the sunset will pass through the clouds, like thousands of golden rays, like the boundless rays of the sun, which will dye the sky and white clouds red and reflect the earth, mountains and rivers golden, as if the whole world had become resplendent and enthusiastic at that moment.

12. The sun, after a glorious journey, gradually sinks to the west, still leaving the quiet beauty of dusk and a calm and quiet dignity. Every day, my faltering steps will always accompany me. At sunset, I walk towards the sunset with a calm, calm and unrestrained attitude.

13. The sky, where there is no cloud, is already dark blue. In a twinkling of an eye, the round thing began to appear slightly red from the bottom, gently, lighter than the clouds in the sky. At this time, the sun was covered with a layer of colorful afterglow.

14. The red color of the sunset is so bright, as if it was dyed red by the blood of revolutionary martyrs. It is also like a flame burning in the sky. Pure white clouds dotted the beautiful red sunset. Some clouds are dyed pink, and some clouds still remain the original white, just like a string of colorful pearl necklaces for the mother of sunset.

15. The setting sun shines golden beams on the earth and on the plants and trees of my hometown. A breeze blew, many trees, many grass gently dancing, like a beautiful girl's face shining bright light.

Ancient Poems Describing the Sunset

1. The sky is blue with autumn water, and the rosy clouds are red with the setting sun.

2. The setting sun is a cold crow, and the eyes of the southeast four hundred states are broken.

3. The tired horse lies on the long slope, and the sunset passes through Tianjin.

4. Outside the sunset island, on the autumn wind, the eyes are broken for four days.

5. Long autumn fishing Ge song moon, thousands of miles of sand gulls make sunset.

6. The floating clouds and wandering people mean that the setting sun is the reason for human feelings.

7. At the end of the river, the sun shines on the flat sand, and the fishing boats stay on the shore when the tide recedes.

8. The mountains are dense and the sun sets, and the people are sparse and the grass is far away.

9. The setting sun is on the west peak, and the emerald is lingering in the snow.

10. The old ox has roughened up his farming debt, and the grass is gnawing at the end of the slope.

11. The sound of mangrove cicadas is full of sunset, and the white heads send off and hurt each other.

12. The bosom friend is still lazy before singing, and the lock seal is opened and the sun is setting.

13. The setting sun slants, and the spring haze reflects half the ring.

14. The setting sun is close to the shore, and the clear chime is heard across the tide.

15. With the sound of the drum, the sails are gone, and waterfowl fly in the sunset.

Across the world 2024-05-24 16:06:18

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