What do freshmen need to prepare for admission

Be strong enough to survive
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Clothing: including coats, underwear, socks, shoes, slippers, etc. in spring, autumn and winter. If the school is close to home or students can go home once a month or so, winter clothes can not be taken first. I like common books and a small number of notebooks, but not too many, because books greatly increase the weight of luggage, and the school will issue more notebooks after school.

What items do freshmen need to take with them

The first one: necessary items for school enrollment.

The first thing for a prospective freshman to enter a university campus is to register. At present, the process of college enrollment is not complicated. Many universities will issue admission notices to freshmen before the start of school, and will specifically note the precautions. For example, the tuition is directly transferred to the school account, and the bedding is best distributed by the school. Therefore, most students will not bring cash or bedding when they sign up for school.

The most important thing is the university admission notice and ID card, which must be brought. If you don't have these, you can't apply! Some universities will require students to bring a copy of the residence booklet, depending on the requirements of the school.

The second one: and photos.

Before entering the university, you'd better prepare your League member files, which will be collected and checked by the university after admission. In addition, the students had better prepare a number of one inch two inch photos taken before, red background and blue background. After the start of school, there is no need to fill in various forms, which requires personal photos.

The third kind: military training necessities.

At the beginning of college, military training is the first.

Don't underestimate military training. Experienced students will prepare many things in advance. If they are not prepared, you will suffer a lot in military training. What do you want to take? Girls are more troublesome. They should bring more sanitary supplies. In addition, students can prepare some commonly used drugs, band aids and the like, as well as high-quality sneakers with thick soles and underwear with better sweat absorption, which are all necessary!

The fourth kind: electronic products.

The necessary electronic supplies for college students are mobile phones, laptops and cameras.

These supplies need not be too expensive, just domestic ones. College students should also be considerate of their parents' hard work and not pursue brands. Especially the camera, after entering the university, you will need it especially to record the beautiful university life!

The fifth kind: school supplies.

If you have unused notebooks and pens in high school, you can continue to use them. In college, unlike in high school, students have to live in dormitories and have desks for personal use. A better quality desk lamp and eye protection lamp are essential. In addition, there are some bookshelves, sticky hooks, staplers and the like, which should not be forgotten.

What should freshmen pay attention to

1. Determine the time of school registration. It is better not to go ahead of time. At that time, the school's reception and registration procedures may not be in place in time.

2. Purchase tickets in advance. Freshmen can buy half price train tickets with the admission notice. Remember to go ahead! Buy tickets at the earliest time you can buy them in advance. Now is the peak time for students to return to school, and tickets may be tight.

If the parents accompany them, it is better to determine the time of the return trip so that they can buy the return ticket at the first time. At that time, it is not easy to wait for the ticket in another place.

3. Read the admission notice carefully, and prepare all the materials you have been notified to prepare, such as the admission notice (I believe that generally no one will forget it), party league relationship files, student status files, photos, etc. In the past years, many new students report to take photos, which brings inconvenience to your registration.

4. When you arrive at the school, you can find your own department in time. Generally, there are old students to serve you. Keep your receipts for handling various procedures and paying fees. You don't know when you will need them.

5. Some schools arrange accommodation for accompanying parents. Please consult the school. If you can't, ask the old students. They know better.

6. When new students arrive at school, they should pay attention to keeping their own finances. It has always been reported that the management was relatively loose during that period, and then it was not allowed to purchase door-to-door products during the short time of enrollment. In the future, you will find that many of them have no use value. They are also old people. They have come from your time and understand your heart. For the time being, I only want to think about so much. I hope I can give some help to the incoming freshmen.

The protagonist of thought 2024-05-23 13:58:06

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