How to restore after ie upgrade (ie upgrade)

Liangcheng Old Man
Selected answers

1. First open the current browser version, then click the Help menu on the menu bar, and click Online Help in the pop-up drop-down options. This is actually the official website of Microsoft. We can download and upgrade it on its browser official website.

2. You can find the download page of your browser on the Microsoft website. When you find it, it will automatically detect the version of the browser you are using, such as IE8 browser. Then the download link of IE9 will be displayed on the page. You can click Download and install it.

3. In fact, a more stable way to upgrade the browser is to use the system's automatic update function to upgrade the browser, open the control panel, and then find the system's automatic update option.

4. On the "System Update" page, click the "Check for Updates Now" button on the right, and the system will automatically find and detect the patches and other program updates required by your system.

5. When all the programs and patches to be installed have been checked, they will be displayed on the page. The browser update is an important update, so click this important update.

6. Then we will find the option of IE9 in this series of patches list. We select this option and click OK. If only this option is selected, and no other option is selected, the upgrade is likely to fail, because IE9 requires other patch support.

7. Return to the main update interface and click the Start Update button. Now the system will automatically download and install the latest browser version. This is the most stable and worry free way to upgrade the browser, and the possibility of errors is also the smallest. This method is recommended.

Face with a smile 2023-12-02 15:06:03

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