How to learn computer?

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The order of learning computer content: basic operation, typing speed, knowledge positioning, office software, professional knowledge.

Basic operation: It is necessary to master various methods of computer startup, shutdown, standby, shutdown, restart, etc., use the basic functions of the mouse, copy, paste, roll and roll. Brightness obscures materialism

Typing speed: improve your typing speed to facilitate future operations. Practice makes perfect. Take more time to practice.

Knowledge positioning: there are many computer related knowledge, fields and skills, so it is necessary to make a good positioning, see what knowledge you need to learn and specialize in, and then start to learn related knowledge and carry out a lot of practical operations.

Office software: to deal with daily work, we master relevant office software, such as forms, documents, drawings, etc.

Expertise: learn, study and refer to successful cases based on the professional knowledge you need. You also need to use your knowledge in practice and summarize relevant professional knowledge and experience.

How to learn computer in college?

1. Step by step

Computer science can be divided into several levels from the outside to the inside. Combined with the hierarchy of computer system, it is an effective way to learn computer knowledge from the outside to the inside.

(1) Pay attention to the comprehensiveness of learning content. More and more students have already learned or used computers in middle school, but students should pay attention to the great differences between the content of middle school learning and that of university, which are mainly reflected in three aspects, namely, the difference between the surface of the content of middle school learning and the depth of university learning, the difference between local and comprehensive orange, and the difference between fun and basic. College computer courses provide a more comprehensive explanation of the basic knowledge and use of computers. Students, especially those who have experience in using computers, should further grasp the knowledge content through this semester's study, so as to lay a good foundation for future study and work. Some students mainly focus on the network or games, deviate from the focus of learning, and miss comprehensive learning opportunities, which is very undesirable.

(2) Pay attention to the depth of learning content. Studying the course of "Fundamentals of Computer Application" is to prepare for further study of other computer related knowledge in the future. It can also be seen that Computer Culture Foundation is an important basic course, which is the fundamental guarantee for students to master basic computer knowledge.

2. Attach importance to computer practice

In the process of learning to use computers, listening, reading and computer practice are important, but practice is more important. Many knowledge and skills can only be learned through multiple computer operations. "Learn to swim in swimming" is also a saying for learning computers.

In terms of basic computer operation, the following points can be achieved:

(1) There is no need to be afraid to operate boldly;

(2) Pay attention to various information on the screen, which will prompt you what to do or how to do it;

(3) The operation methods for achieving a certain goal may not be unique. I hope you can find as many methods as possible and compare them;

(4) Although mouse operation is a convenient or commonly used method in Windows, keyboard operation may be convenient sometimes, or it may be a method you have to take. Therefore, keyboard operation in emergency must be remembered, and convenient operation can also be properly recorded;

(5) In the process of operation, pay attention to the summary, which will help improve your operation efficiency;

3. Pay attention to the cultivation of self-study ability and the ability to analyze and solve problems.

The development of computer technology is very rapid, and the renewal cycle is getting shorter and shorter. Some operation commands and steps learned now may be outdated. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to self-study ability. Three suggestions for improving self-learning ability are:

(1) Read carefully and master the basic concepts and principles.

We are in the era of rapid development of science and technology, and the "information explosion" is dizzying. However, we should see that the basic concepts and principles of various disciplines are relatively stable. For example, in just over 40 years, the electronic computer has been updated for four generations, and new technologies and new terms have emerged in endlessly. However, its basic principle has not changed, and it is still a Von Neumann computer. It is composed of five parts: "controller, memory, arithmetic unit, input and output". Its basic mode of "input processing output" has not changed, and its top-down and gradual refinement programming idea has not changed.

Only by mastering the basic structure, basic concepts and principles of a certain discipline can we adapt to the future, cope with changes with the same, and have the ability to further study or self-study the discipline.

Although Pei Wu Kuan's teaching materials can only be used for a specific model, using some software and a computer language as a carrier to help students learn these basic concepts and principles, and the machines and software used may not be the most advanced, nor may they be completely consistent with the model and software targeted in this book, as long as the basic concepts and principles are firmly grasped, It will not hinder the acquisition of the most basic and important knowledge and skills of information technology.

(2) Dare to start and practice diligently.

The electronic computer is a tool, and the use of tools is a skill. The mastery and proficiency of skills can only depend on practice. We advocate exploratory learning. A lot of knowledge and experience can be acquired through our own computer practice. This not only ensures a firm grasp of knowledge, but also cultivates the spirit of exploration and self-learning ability. This kind of spirit and ability is very valuable and necessary for learning computers.

(3) Perseverance and circuitous tactics.

For example, in terms of learning basic concepts and knowledge, there are many nouns and terms, and each knowledge point is closely related, often leading to the whole body. This often makes beginners feel unfamiliar with many nouns, difficult points, complicated ideas, and even fear of difficulties and lose confidence at the entry stage. In view of this situation, on the one hand, we should have the spirit of perseverance and tenacious will to study; On the other hand, we should realize that learning is not a straight forward process, but a "spiral" upward process. Reviewing the old and learning the new, and truly understanding knowledge and mastering skills in a comprehensive and profound way need to be repeated. Therefore, when you come into contact with a new field or a new knowledge point, you can predict its nature, without going deep into its reason for the moment. Wait until you have learned the relevant knowledge behind, and then review the previous content in time, you will have a deeper understanding and understanding.

Electronic computer is the foundation and leader of the development of modern science and technology. Its emergence and development have raised the level of social productivity to an unprecedented height, creating a new era of technological revolution. Computers liberate people from repetitive, fixed program mental work, and make human intelligence develop unprecedentedly. Scientists have predicted that computer science will be the third "universal intelligence tool" after natural language and mathematics, which will be useful for human life. Therefore, we must master this technology, pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the learning content, skillfully use computers, and lay a solid foundation for further study of computer related knowledge.

1 It is recommended to go to more technical websites to learn more.

2 If the major is computer, because there are too many computer categories, all of them can't learn anything in four years. If you want to apply for a good major, you should apply for a more detailed major, such as software engineering, computer animation and other majors. Generally, the more detailed you are, the more professional you will be after graduation.

The main courses of computer specialty are as follows:

Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Original Balance Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Fundamentals of Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Digital Logic or Trapping Circuit, Circuit Electronics, Data Structures and Algorithms.

WEB program design, computer composition and structure, operating system, database system principle, compilation principle, computer network, network engineering, software engineering, database application microcomputer technology, single-chip technology, embedded system, embedded operating system, embedded design and application, mobile device application software development, etc.

Practical teaching includes engineering training, computer application foundation, training, cognition practice, production practice, graduation practice, teaching experiment, social practice, curriculum design, comprehensive design, graduation design (thesis) and other links.

Lotus floating in clear spring 2024-06-17 15:57:05

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