Shangrao Qianshan Old Street (how to read Shangrao Qianshan)

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Selected answers

1. Yanshan [yn shin]: the name of the mountain. It is in the southwest of Qianshan County, Jiangxi Province. Laogui Yangshan, also known as Yangmei Mountain.

2. The Yangmei Mountain is majestic and steep, standing proudly on the surrounding hills and plains. The forest vegetation on the top of the mountain is well preserved, and the trees are lush. It is an evergreen coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest. Longans on the mountain enter the sea, reaching more than 20000 mu; Zhongshilin Reservoir and Cuonai Reservoir, with clear water and transparent color, are embedded in the longan forest; Xuefeng Temple, Huiquan Temple, Taihu Rock, Xizhen Temple, Benshan Rock and other famous temples are hidden in green trees. The unique "four sights and eight interests" landscape of Xuefeng Temple forms a beautiful natural picture of Yangmei Mountain. Overlooking Yangmei Mountain, Xinxing Town has a panoramic view. The gurgling Dongxi, wide roads, and green fields are refreshing and unforgettable.

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