What are the contents of the National Computer Rank Examination

Once the love dead
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Computer Level Examination Level I Computer Foundation and WPS Office Application, Computer Foundation and Photoshop Application, Network Security Quality Education, etc; C language programming, Java language programming, Access database programming, etc.

Content of Computer Grade Examination

1. The first level of computer grade examination mainly tests the basic knowledge of computers and the basic skills of using office software. There are four basic subjects in the first level of computer grade examination, namely, computer foundation and WPSOffice application, computer foundation and Photoshop application, computer foundation and MS Office application, and network security quality education.

2. The second level of computer grade examination not only tests computer knowledge, but also tests how to use advanced computer language to write programs and other more difficult projects. In the basic knowledge of the computer level examination, including data structure and algorithm, software engineering and so on. There are more subjects in the second level examination, including nine subjects, all of which are basically design subjects.

The subjects of Computer Rank Examination Level II are VB language programming, C language programming, Java language programming, Access database programming, C++language programming, MySQL data programming, Web programming, MSOffice advanced application, and Python language programming.

3. In the third level exam of Computer Rank Examination, the exam content will be divided into four categories: network technology, database technology, information management and PC technology. The third level examination of computer grade examination is mainly to examine the technical aspects, with a total of five courses. Network technology, database technology, information security technology, embedded system development technology, Linux application and development technology.

4. In addition to professional knowledge, CET-4 will also test basic skills such as analysis and design of computer application projects, organization and implementation of computer application projects. The CET-4 is an engineer exam, which mainly takes five exams, namely, network engineer, database engineer, information security engineer, embedded system development engineer, and Linux application and development engineer.

How many times a year does the computer grade exam

The number of computer grade examinations can be taken at least twice a year and at most four times a year. On the one hand, it depends on the provincial organizer of the province where the examinee is located, and on the other hand, it is also determined by the examination level of the examinee. The computer grade examination is from bottom to top, one two three four.

There is also a special case that the computer grade exam is only taken once a year. After all, another exam may not be held as scheduled due to force majeure and other factors.

Generally, the computer grade exam is only held twice a year in most provinces, such as Shaanxi, Guizhou, and Yunnan, once in the first half of the year and once in the second half of the year.

Maple Forest Leaves Fall 2024-05-22 14:54:51

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