What department and college is the computer science and technology major of South China University of Technology?

Selected answers

The major of computer science and technology belongs to the School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology.

South China University of Technology started its computer science research in 1958, established its computer specialty in 1960, established its Computer Department in 1981, and established its Sanwan School of Computer Science and Engineering in 2001. Up to now, the School of Computer Science has a doctoral program in computer application technology; There are three master programs in engineering dispersion, namely computer system structure, computer software and theory, and computer application technology, and two master programs in engineering sensitivity, namely computer technology and software engineering; There are four undergraduate majors: computer science and technology, computer software technology, network engineering, and information security engineering. Among them, computer application technology is a key discipline in Guangdong Province, and computer science and technology is one of the first famous majors in Guangdong Province. The college also has a mobile post doctoral research station in computer science and technology.

What IT majors does South China University of Technology have

Major in Computer Science, South China University of Technology.

It's good to count holes when oranges. To return

Major in Computer Science and Technology, South China University of Technology.

It is a national specialty.

And South China University of Technology is 985 University.

Look for a job after reading.

How about the computer major of South China University of Technology?

College of Computer Science and Engineering

1. Computer Science and Technology

This major is a famous brand major in Guangdong Province.

Students of this major will master the basic theories and methods of modern computer science, and understand the latest trends and development directions of computer science; At the same time, the major also guides students to participate in various computer competitions, encourages students to participate in the research projects of their supervisors, and develops and improves students' scientific research and innovation ability. This major focuses on the basic theory teaching of computer science and the cultivation of application and practical ability. In addition to learning all the basic courses and professional courses of computer science, it also offers three professional directions of artificial intelligence, multimedia technology, and complexity computing to cultivate research and engineering application talents with innovative ability.

Main courses: high-level language programming and methods, introduction to computer science, discrete mathematics, circuit and electronic technology, data structure, computer composition principle and architecture, operating system, computer network, database, calculation method, software engineering, compilation principle, distributed computing technology, embedded system design and development, algorithm design and analysis Artificial intelligence, formal language and automata, intelligent robot technology, introduction to neural network, introduction to pattern recognition, mathematical logic, introduction to computing, high-performance computing, multimedia technology, computer graphics and virtual reality, digital image processing and other courses.

After graduation, students of this major can engage in scientific research, teaching, management, development and other work in information technology (IT) enterprises, research institutes, government management departments and other enterprises and institutions, and can also continue to study for masters, doctoral candidates and scholars. The information industry is a new and vigorous high-tech industry, with strong social demand, huge potential and broad development prospects. With the further development of the computer industry, the current hot demand for computer science and technology professionals will continue for a long period in the future.

2. Computer Science and Technology (Software Technology)

This major aims to cultivate computer software R&D and management talents with solid foundation, broad knowledge, ability to adapt to the needs of software technology development in the 21st century, unity and cooperation spirit, and strong innovative ability. Students will understand the direction of computer science and related disciplines, and master the basic theories and methods of modern computer science; Master advanced software engineering methods and have strong software R&D and project management capabilities. The teaching focuses on the cultivation of basic theory and application ability of computer software. Cultivate innovative research and engineering application talents from three directions: software engineering, system software and platform, and large-scale application software.

Main courses: high-level language programming and methods, introduction to computer science, discrete mathematics, circuit and electronic technology, data structure, computer composition principle and architecture, operating system, database, software engineering, compilation principle, computer network, distributed computing technology, embedded system design and development, algorithm design and analysis, software project management Object oriented analysis and design, software testing technology, software engineering quality assurance and other courses.

After graduation, students of this major can engage in scientific research, teaching, management, development and other work in information technology (IT) enterprises, research institutes, government management departments and other enterprises and institutions, and can also continue to study for master's degree. The information industry is an emerging high-tech industry, known as the "sunrise industry", with huge potential and broad prospects for development. The software industry is one of the important components of the information industry. With the further development of the software industry, the current hot demand for software technology professionals will continue for a considerable period of time in the future.

3. Network engineering

This major aims to train compound senior talents who can systematically master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of computer network, engage in the research and development of computer software and hardware technology, plan, design, implement and maintain computer network system and its application software system, and have comprehensive knowledge and strong innovation ability of computer network. This major focuses on the teaching of basic network theory and the cultivation of practical ability, and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Based on the needs of talent cultivation of network engineering ability, the network engineering specialty is divided into four professional directions: network management, network security, mobile computing and massive information processing, with each focusing on strengthening the training of network engineering technology foundation and basic engineering skills.

Main courses: high-level language programming and methods, introduction to computer science, computer network, discrete mathematics, circuit and electronic technology, digital signal processing, computer composition principle and architecture, data structure and algorithm, software engineering, operating system, database, communication principle, distributed computing technology, embedded system design and development Computer security principles, system management principles, network management engineering and practice, information system security, computer network security technology, wireless network, mobile programming and other courses.

Graduates of this major can be engaged in computer network system teaching, scientific research, application system development, system management, as well as computer network system planning, design, construction, maintenance, computer software, hardware industry development and other work in research institutions, government agencies, colleges, enterprises and institutions, and can also continue to study for master's degree. As the underlying technology, computer network technology is the foundation and support of various computer application systems. In modern society, computer networks will be everywhere, so there is a continuous and extensive demand for talents in this major. The professional prospect is broad.

4. Information Security Engineering

The goal of this major is to train senior engineering and technical talents who systematically master the basic theories and methods of information security and have professional knowledge and comprehensive ability in system engineering, computer technology, network technology, etc. This major focuses on the basic theory teaching and the cultivation of practical ability, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Proceeding from the needs of personnel training of information security engineering ability, students are required to master the basic theories and methods of modern information security, have the basic ability to research and develop information security systems and products, and understand the development direction of information security field and related disciplines.

Main courses: high-level language programming, introduction to computer science, computer network, discrete mathematics, communication principle, digital signal processing, computer composition principle and architecture, information security principle, data structure and algorithm, software engineering, operating system, data base, embedded system design and development, information theory and coding, cryptography, information hiding technology Computer virus and its prevention, intrusion detection, network security, etc.

Graduates of this major can engage in scientific research, teaching, management, development and other work related to information security in research institutions, government agencies, colleges and universities, enterprises and institutions of computer, communications, electronic information, e-commerce, e-finance, e-government and other fields, and can also continue to pursue advanced studies for masters. Information security is an emerging interdisciplinary subject that is the national key development. It is closely related to government, national defense, finance, manufacturing, commerce and other sectors and industries, and has broad prospects for development.

School of Software

5. Software Engineering

The Software Institute aims to create first-class and pursue excellence, and aims to cultivate world-class software engineering talents. Through multi-level course learning and a large number of engineering practices, students will be trained to be high-quality and capable senior engineering and technical personnel.

The major has three application directions: software engineering, digital art design, and network information security. More than two-thirds of the main professional courses use English textbooks and bilingual teaching, and foreign experts and professors are invited to teach; Students participate in a large number of software engineering practices; To enable students to have solid skills in software engineering development, design and management.

This major mainly studies advanced programming languages (C and C++), discrete mathematics, digital logic, computer composition principles, computer networks, data structures, operating systems, database system principles, computer graphics, object-oriented analysis and design, software development project management, software testing and quality assurance, software architecture, embedded systems Distributed computing (J2EE, NET), computer system security, data warehouse and other backbone courses, as well as professional courses in various application directions.

After graduation, students can engage in software research and development, project management, software enterprise management, software quality standard certification, evaluation and other related work in IT related fields.

College of Electronic Commerce

6. This major cultivates modern computer and network technology, software development technology, enterprise management skills, enterprise informatization construction application technology, finance and electronic finance technology, international trade theory and experience for foreign trade enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, multinational companies, domestic large and medium-sized enterprises and other institutions, Compound application talents with strong English application ability and innovation ability.

The characteristics of e-commerce major mainly include the following four aspects: complexity - basic knowledge and skills of computer and computer network, finance, enterprise management, international trade and law required for students to learn e-commerce in the first two years; Professionalism - After entering the university, students can choose one of the three major directions they like to study according to the principle of combining comprehensive evaluation results with voluntariness; Applicability - emphasizing the cultivation of students' application ability, innovation ability and problem-solving ability, arranging students to regularly go deep into society or enterprises, participate in planning, design and development, and closely combine knowledge with social needs; Developmental - The combination of comprehensiveness and professionalism not only improves students' employment and opportunities, but also enables students to adjust flexibly according to changes in society and self-development, improving their own sustainable development.

Basic courses: Introduction to E-Commerce, E-Commerce Security and Confidentiality, Fundamentals of Computer Principle and Application, C++Language Programming, Data Structure, Computer Network and Application, Database Principle and Application, Java Language and Technology, Principles of Economics, Network Finance, Principles of Management, Accounting, International Trade Theory and Practice, Supply Chain Management, etc.

This major has three training directions, and the core courses of related directions are as follows:

(1) Information engineering ----- international e-commerce principle and practice, network marketing, enterprise resource planning (ERP), modern manufacturing information system, e-government system design, etc.

(2) Electronic financial engineering - econometrics, electronic currency and payment system, commercial bank and network bank, securities investment analysis and network securities, financial engineering, network financial application system design, etc.

(3) Intellectual property information engineering - creativity principles and innovation ability training, intellectual property protection technology and application, knowledge management, enterprise and regional innovation strategy, introduction to patent and trademark agency, anti computer crime technology and application, etc.

The employment destination of this major mainly includes: enterprise field - transnational corporations, foreign-funded enterprises, foreign trade enterprises, IT enterprises, and other large and medium-sized enterprises; Service field - banks, securities and other financial institutions, management consulting institutions, educational institutions, commercial institutions; Government field - civil servants of party and government organs at all levels, and the military.

Electronic commerce is a hot topic in the world today. E-commerce talents are characterized by the combination of complex and professional knowledge structure, the combination of systematic development and strategic planning in ability, and the combination of adaptability to current work needs and flexibility in future career adjustment in development, The major of e-commerce will develop faster and bigger with the increase of social demand for it.

I hope it is useful to you!

Not bad. Huagong Computer College has four majors: computer science and technology, computer software, network engineering and information security. Each major has different emphasis, but after graduation, they basically go to IT companies. Although it is not very high in the national ranking with the failure of Huagong Computer, it is one of the best in the Pearl River Delta and is also famous.

South China University of Technology is one of the first institutions of higher learning in China to engage in computer science research and teaching. It began computer science research in 1958, successfully developed the first analog electronic computer in South China, and later developed China's first Russian Chinese translation machine. Computer science and engineering department was established in 1981, and computer science and engineering college was established in 2001.

The college has three undergraduate majors: computer science and technology (national characteristic specialty, Guangdong famous brand specialty, and Guangdong key specialty), network engineering (national characteristic specialty), and information security. The college has a doctoral program in computer science and technology and a mobile post doctoral research station in computer science and technology. The Computer Science and Technology of the College is a first-class key discipline in Guangdong Province. The College has scientific research bases such as the Key Laboratory of Computer Network in Guangdong Province, the Hidden Heart in the Research of Big Data Analysis and Processing Engineering Technology in Guangdong Province, the Intelligent Information Processing and Security Engineering Technology Research Center for Massive Big Data in Guangdong Universities, and the Computer Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center in Guangdong Province.

The college has 94 teaching staff, including 73 full-time teachers, including 23 professors and 34 associate professors. The age structure and knowledge structure of the academic team are reasonable, with interdisciplinary advantages and a strong reserve force. According to the research direction, 10 academic teams have been set up to carry out research in computer network, multimedia technology, artificial intelligence, information security and other fields. In recent years, they have successively undertaken and participated in the national "973", "863", the national science and technology support plan, the National Development and Reform Commission demonstration project, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other scientific research projects, He has published a number of high-level academic papers. The relevant academic teams of the college participated in the construction of the China Education and Research Computer Network and China ChinaGrid major projects as the main units, and won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award for three times.

Heart of contract 2024-06-19 13:58:48

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