How long did the Song Dynasty last

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The Song Dynasty lasted 319 years. The Song Dynasty was founded in 960 and was destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty in 1279. It was divided into two stages, namely, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. The Northern Song Dynasty was founded in 960, collapsed in 1127, and the Southern Song Dynasty was founded in 1127 and collapsed in 1279.

The Song Dynasty is an era that inherits the five dynasties and ten kingdoms in Chinese history and ushers in the Yuan Dynasty. According to the changes of the capital and territory, it can be divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, collectively known as the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty was an era of highly prosperous commodity economy, culture and education, and scientific innovation in Chinese history. In the three years of Xianping, China's GDP totaled 26.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 22 and 7 percent of the world's total economy. The per capita GDP was 450 US dollars, more than 400 US dollars in Western Europe at that time. Although later generations believed that the Song Dynasty was "poor and weak", the prosperity of the people and the social economy in the Song Dynasty was far more than that in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Song Ming Neo Confucianism emerged in the Song Dynasty. Confucianism was revived, science and technology developed rapidly, and politics were enlightened. There was no serious eunuch dictatorship and warlord separatism, and the number and scale of mutinies and civil unrest were relatively small in Chinese history. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the population of urban rice increased rapidly, from 37.1 million in the five years of Taiping's rejuvenation to 126 million in the six years of Xuanhe.

a powerful and unconstrained style 2024-06-23 14:34:16

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