What should I do if I encounter carp piling

Sleepless night
Selected answers

1. Straightening method: The angler should use his force to straighten the fishing rod into a bow shape, so that the line is taut like a string, and hold on. At this time, do not loosen the line and then vigorously lift the rod. This will not solve the problem, and it is easy to break the rod and run away. Someone once made an experiment, tying a 3kg stone to the fishing line and sinking it into the water bottom. It was impossible to lift the weight off the water bottom by lifting the rod fiercely. Only the stretching method could lift the stone slowly.

2. Stretching and snapping method: large fish generally do not swim immediately after piling. If the fishing rod is relatively soft and stretching and snapping method is ineffective, you can use one hand to tighten the fishing line and the other hand to pull and release the snapping line. In this way, the fish will get up and flee under the water due to the vibration and pain. However, pay attention to the movement of the fish at any time during operation. When a big fish swims out of position, it is necessary to hold the rod and slide the fish.

3. Driving in the water: In the season when swimming can be carried out, driving in the water is also a method in case of fish piling, but it needs two cooperation when the water depth is deep. If the water is shallow and the fisher is alone, he can draw the line while he goes into the water to approach the big fish. Generally, when he is 3 to 5 meters away from the big fish, the fish will start to swim away. At this time, you must pay attention to setting out in time to avoid losing all your previous achievements.

A young life 2024-06-22 15:30:24

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Extract from the original text:
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