What are the risks of P2P investment

The gentleness behind
Selected answers

1. Overdue risk. Compared with bad debts, the risk of overdue is much smaller. I am not Yaoshen 1080p HD Resources. Overdue means that the borrower can repay the loan but cannot repay within the specified time; After a long overdue period, the platform can also choose to sell its collateral to repay!

2. Revenue risk. No matter what risks are involved in P2P financing, when investing in P2P, you can't see which platform you will invest in if the income is high. Regardless of other reasons, it is easy to cause economic losses to investors! We should look at investment returns rationally, not blindly pursue high-yield products or platforms, but choose P2P platforms with reasonable returns.

3. Operational risk. At present, if the online loan platform wants to operate for a long time, Forex needs to work at both the asset side and the investment side. However, the operating cost of the platform is too high, and carelessness will lead to the rupture of the capital chain. After the rupture of the capital chain, the platform will naturally fail to operate!

4. Liquidity risk. The common operation process of P2P platform is to give you a virtual account, and let you charge money to bid. Repayment is also to repay to this virtual account, and then withdraw to your bank card with self recognition. The liquidity risk is that when you go to withdraw cash, you find that your money cannot be withdrawn. Then the platform tries to cover it up for various reasons, and finally tells you that the bank is out of money or the platform has problems! Most P2P will give you a virtual account, which will be recharged before bidding; Repayment is also to enter this virtual account, and then you can withdraw cash.

5. Transformation risks. According to the Interim Measures for Online Loan Management, more than 90% of the platforms need to be transformed. For many platforms, there are still many paths for transformation, such as the transformation of housing loans into private P2P, and the active expansion of micro lending such as car loans, tourism loans, insurance loans, but these areas need long-term accumulation, and are not achieved overnight. Therefore, as an online loan investor, Fahuidai must pay attention to the compliance transformation of the platform, and form a certain forward-looking understanding through the judgment of the daily operation of the platform to avoid losses caused by the failure of the platform transformation.

In the year of compliance filing, the risk of investment did not decrease, but tended to expand. Although the dividend period has passed, the income is relatively acceptable compared with that of banks.

A real traveler's province is boundless 2024-06-22 15:29:31

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