What's the matter with pregnancy bleeding? Eight signs of brown blood at the beginning indicate that you have miscarriage

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Early pregnancy bleeding Brown

The bleeding in the early pregnancy is mainly manifested by a small amount of bloody secretion in the vagina. If bleeding symptoms occur in the early pregnancy, careful observation should be made to determine the situation according to the shape and color of the bleeding. If the bleeding is brown at the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother should not worry too much. Brown blood indicates that the bleeding has stopped and has been oxidized to brown. If the blood is bright red, she should be hospitalized immediately. However, no matter what is possible, the bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy should be known to the doctor and treated in time.

Is it dangerous to bleed brown in early pregnancy

Early pregnancy bleeding is mainly due to a small amount of bloody vaginal secretions. The color of bleeding may be pink, red or brown. The bleeding is mostly due to abortion, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole and other reasons.

If the bleeding is brown and does not continue, the pregnant mother should not worry too much, because the bleeding color is brown, indicating that the bleeding has stopped and has been oxidized to brown. In this case, expectant mothers should take more rest, avoid exercise, and lower their health care according to the doctor's opinion. Generally speaking, the bleeding situation can be improved without affecting the continued pregnancy.

If the blood is bright red, the expectant mother should pay more attention and go to the hospital immediately for treatment.

However, no matter whether the blood is brown or bright red, it must be known by the doctor to give timely assistance.

Causes of bleeding in early pregnancy

Before the placenta is completely formed, the embryo implantation is not stable, so many factors can cause abortion. When abortion occurs, the embryo and uterine wall will be separated to varying degrees. Once the blood vessels on the separation surface break, vaginal bleeding will be caused. According to the survey, more than 50% of pregnant women can safely get through the early stage of pregnancy bleeding and successfully continue pregnancy; About 30% of pregnant women may have miscarriage; In addition, nearly 10% of pregnant women may have ectopic pregnancy or other problems.

1. Cervical lesions

Severe inflammation of the cervix leads to erosion, or the original cervical polyp, it is easy to cause capillary rupture and bleeding due to hormone changes after pregnancy. So if there is vaginal bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, you should also check whether there is a problem with the cervix.

2. Ectopic pregnancy

The place where the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus is called ectopic pregnancy. The incidence rate is about 1%, and 95% of the ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube. Because the wall of the fallopian tube is very thin, it is unable to provide sufficient nutrition for the embryo, and the gradually developed fertilized egg causes the wall of the fallopian tube to expand, which will lead to the rupture of the tube wall. At 7~8 weeks of pregnancy, abnormal vaginal bleeding will occur, and even severe abdominal pain or shock caused by massive bleeding in the abdomen.

3. Hydatidiform mole

Hydatidiform mole is a benign chorionic disease. Because of the abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic cells in placental villi, the terminal villi turn into vesicles, which are connected in clusters like grapes, it is called "hydatidiform mole". At the beginning of pregnancy, there will be abnormal vaginal bleeding, severe vomiting and even palpitations.

What's the matter with pregnancy bleeding? Eight signs of brown blood at the beginning indicate that you have miscarriage


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What's the matter with pregnancy bleeding? Eight signs of brown blood at the beginning indicate that you have miscarriage

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Is it normal to bleed a little blood at the beginning of pregnancy? The reason for brown blood at the beginning of pregnancy

In the early stage of pregnancy, the symptoms are often complicated and dazzling, but in some unheard of situations, women who become expectant mothers for the first time tend to be very afraid, so is it normal to have some blood during pregnancy?

Is it normal to bleed at the beginning of pregnancy?

After a woman becomes pregnant, her body's secretion system will be disrupted. A few women will have leucorrhea and bloodshot at the beginning of pregnancy. This problem must be paid attention to by every pregnant woman, because there is a serious possibility of miscarriage due to bleeding during pregnancy. Is there any blood normal during pregnancy? Let's get to know.

There are a few women in the early stages of pregnancy will appear leucorrhea with blood silk phenomenon, then early pregnancy leucorrhea with blood normal? Early pregnancy leucorrhea with blood filaments can usually indicate that female genital bleeding occurs. Early pregnancy leucorrhea with blood silk may be physiological reasons, may also be caused by pathological reasons.

This is usually caused by the implantation hemorrhage of the fertilized egg. When the fertilized egg is implanted, because the placenta fails to synthesize enough estrogen and progesterone, and the ovarian function continues to move, the endometrium (including decidua) attached to the placenta and covering the surface of the blastocyst is not fully fused with the true decidua on the surface of the uterine cavity which is not in direct contact with the blastocyst, and there is a cavity, so the endometrium can still fall off, causing bleeding. The amount of bleeding from the implantation of fertilized eggs is very small, which is generally manifested as the leucorrhea with blood filaments or spots. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. If the pregnant woman has no obvious discomfort, and the amount of bleeding is not much, don't worry too much.

What's the matter with pregnancy bleeding? Eight signs of brown blood at the beginning indicate that you have miscarriage

If a pregnant woman has ever had an abstemious sexual life, does not pay attention to menstrual protection, too many births, too frequent abortions, delayed treatment after infection, and cervical injuries during labor and abortion, etc., cervicitis can be caused, which can lead to damage to the reproductive system and bleeding, resulting in blood streaks in the leucorrhea. It is suggested that pregnant women with these conditions should be examined and treated in a timely manner so as not to affect the fetus.

Because there are many reasons for leucorrhea with blood silk during pregnancy, if individuals can't tell which reason is causing it, once they find bleeding during pregnancy, they should seek medical advice in time to find out the reason for targeted treatment.

Causes of brown blood in early pregnancy

We all know that pregnant women's friends will have certain physiological changes during pregnancy, and sometimes there will be some abnormal conditions. Some pregnant women will exclude some brown blood at the beginning of pregnancy. Do you know how to deal with this phenomenon? Come and have a look with me. The brown discharge that usually appears at the beginning of pregnancy is not blood, but brownish leucorrhea. U3000 In the early pregnancy, leucorrhea and brownish color may also be considered as the mother suffering from vaginitis, cervical erosion, cervical polyps, endometrial lesions, tumors, etc. It may also be the phenomenon of threatened abortion, which is mainly manifested by pregnancy bleeding and abdominal pain in early pregnancy. Generally, in the threatened abortion stage, vaginal bleeding is less and abdominal pain is mild. If there is no abnormal embryonic development, the bleeding will stop and the pregnancy can continue after the treatment of fetal protection.

If the pregnancy has just been detected and the fetal implantation position has not been determined, the general obstetrician and gynecologist will arrange ultrasound first to exclude the possibility of extrauterine pregnancy. Because the current equipment is quite advanced, transabdominal ultrasound can determine whether the embryo sac is implanted in the uterus six to seven weeks after the last menstruation; If ultrasonic examination is performed via vagina, embryo sac can be seen a week in advance.

Therefore, if the number of weeks of pregnancy has exceeded seven weeks, but the embryo sac in the uterus is still not visible, and there is abnormal bleeding, it is necessary to doubt whether there is extrauterine pregnancy, and further inspection and treatment must be carried out immediately to avoid a large number of internal bleeding caused by the rupture of extrauterine pregnancy, which will endanger life.

What is the cause of brown secretion in early pregnancy

When you are pregnant, there will also be some annoying phenomena, such as brown vaginal secretions. What should you do? Here are the reasons for brown secretion in early pregnancy that I have sorted out for you. Let's have a look!

Causes of brown secretion in early pregnancy

1. The brown secretion within one week from the date of menstruation is most likely caused by implantation. Cause: Implantation bleeding is a conclusion verified by physiology. HCG rises one or two days after implantation, and the blood volume is very limited. It may not flow out of the vagina immediately, and it will become brown after several days of storage, which coincides with the time on or before the 37th day of pregnancy.

2. The brown secretion after 7 days of menstruation may be related to the development of the embryo. Because the embryo is still fragile and the family is not stable just after implantation, maybe your careless little action may hurt him, causing the rupture of some small blood vessels in the uterus and bleeding a little, but also because the amount is small, it will not flow out immediately, so it becomes brown.

For the brown secretion after a longer pregnancy, I reserve my opinion temporarily, and my stage has not yet reached. To sum up, if you are in the+7 days of pregnancy and menstruation, you don't need to worry about brown secretion!

What to do if you have brown secretion after pregnancy

1. You should stay in bed and have more rest. Don't do strenuous activities. You'd better not get out of bed except going to the toilet. Generally, this phenomenon will disappear in about two days.

2. In order to prevent vaginal bleeding during pregnancy caused by gynecological diseases, it is recommended to go to the hospital to find out the causes; When there is brown secretion after pregnancy, it is best to see a doctor immediately, because this may be a sign of abortion or ectopic pregnancy. In the late pregnancy, such bleeding symptoms may also be a problem with the placenta. When to worry about brown secretion

If the brown secretion is not implantation bleeding, it needs to be diagnosed immediately. If there are symptoms of fainting, fever, abdominal pain, spasm and dizziness, seek medical advice immediately, as they may cause some serious diseases. The treatment of brown secretions depends on the etiology and duration of pregnancy.

If the brown secretion lasts for a period of time and we observe color changes or emissions increase, or even obviously feel spasm and pain, immediately seek medical help or contact our doctor.

Various conditions of brown secretion during pregnancy

First, I have done B-ultrasound. When I see the gestational sac and the mother with fetal heart, I can be a little relieved. When the embryo has been successfully implanted, I suggest going to the hospital to have a B-ultrasound recheck. If the gestational sac and fetal heart are normal, I can recheck progesterone and blood HCG. Generally, it is caused by low progesterone. I can use some fetal protection drugs, including oral and intramuscular, Personally, I feel that the effect of injection is better, but it is more convenient to take oral medicine instead of running to the hospital every day. One week later, I will have a recheck and pay attention to rest. If there is no blood, and the indicators are within the normal range, there is no need to be too nervous, and normal prenatal examination is OK.

Second, expectant mothers who have not yet done B-ultrasound should not blindly take the pregnancy protection drugs. They should do a B-ultrasound to see if they can see the pregnancy sac. If not, it is generally recommended to follow up and recheck the blood HCG and progesterone. If the blood HCG doubles the next day, it is generally considered to be normal intrauterine pregnancy. If there is a small amount of vaginal bleeding, it can be considered to use the pregnancy protection drugs to protect the fetus, However, it may not be successful, and we must pay attention to reexamination.

The third kind is those who have done B-ultrasound, but no pregnancy sac is found inside or outside the uterus, and the progesterone and blood HCG are relatively low. Generally, it is not recommended to use fetal protection drugs, but follow-up can be conducted every other day to prevent ectopic pregnancy or fetal dysplasia.

What is pregnancy bleeding? Brown blood at the beginning

Early pregnancy bleeding is mainly due to a small amount of bloody vaginal secretions. The color of bleeding may be pink, red or brown. The bleeding is mostly due to abortion, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole and other reasons.

If the bleeding is brown and does not continue, the pregnant mother should not worry too much, because the bleeding color is brown, indicating that the bleeding has stopped and has been oxidized to brown. In this case, expectant mothers should take more rest, avoid exercise, and lower their health care according to the doctor's opinion. Generally speaking, the bleeding situation can be improved without affecting the continued pregnancy.

If the blood is bright red, the expectant mother should pay more attention and go to the hospital immediately for treatment. However, no matter whether the blood is brown or bright red, it must be known by the doctor to give timely assistance.

Precautions for early pregnancy care:

1. No contact with tobacco and alcohol: Not only does not contact with tobacco and alcohol mean that you do not smoke or drink, but also includes not staying in a smoking environment for a long time at ordinary times. Passive smoking will also cause harm to children.

2. Brushing teeth frequently: due to the reaction of pregnancy and vomiting, expectant mothers need to brush their teeth frequently to avoid being damaged by vomit residues; In addition, newly pregnant expectant mothers like to eat sour food, which is most likely to damage their teeth.

3. Coping with vomiting: If the expectant mother always wants to vomit after eating, she needs to prepare towels and mouthwash with her. If the expectant mother hasn't told her boss and colleagues the news of her pregnancy, she should think of a convincing excuse in case colleagues help you when you are uncomfortable.

4. The best thing to eat when you have poor appetite: except for the foods that are taboo for pregnant women, you can eat whatever you like. Generally, expectant mothers in early pregnancy like to eat acidic foods, such as oranges, dried plums or pickles. Therefore, husbands and families should prepare more such food. Because the fetus grows slowly in the early pregnancy, it does not need too much nutrition.

5. Eat less and eat more: eat every 2-3 hours. Pregnancy nausea and vomiting is more serious in the morning when the stomach is empty. In order to reduce the reaction to pregnancy vomiting, you can eat more dry foods, such as baked cakes, biscuits, baked buns, bread slices, etc. If the expectant mother is pregnant and vomiting seriously, she should pay attention to eating more alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits to prevent acidosis.

Mid month truth 2024-05-04 14:54:09

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