How to Quickly Score Chinese in Junior One

Selected answers

1. Earnestly accumulate language. Language accumulation not only refers to the accumulation and recitation of ancient poems and modern poems, but also includes the accumulation of words, famous aphorisms, proverbs and proverbs. Accumulated questions account for a certain proportion in the Chinese test questions of the senior high school entrance examination. Their positions in the test paper may be listed separately for centralized examination, or they may be placed in the reading test questions. In some areas, they are placed in the "plus test paper": however, we should pay attention to them in our daily study and review of the senior high school entrance examination: because of language accumulation, It is our traditional Chinese education experience. Examining students' language accumulation through examinations is an excellent way to promote students' learning and improve Chinese teaching.

2. Strengthen the cultivation of language application ability. The examination of language use covers a wide range, including pronunciation, Chinese characters, grammar, rhetoric, extracurricular reading, oral communication, and comprehensive learning. The phonetic examination is generally to accurately pronounce the words that are easy to read and wrong according to the context requirements, including some polyphonic words, similar words, and words that cannot distinguish the front and back nasal vowels and some consonants in the dialect. The commonly used words are the scope of the examination; The examination of Chinese characters involves two aspects, one is to modify the wrong characters, the other is to write in a standard, correct and neat manner; Grammar and rhetoric are examined from the perspective of application, such as modifying faulty sentences; Rhetoric examination is more common, such as the imitation, continuation and filling of sentences. Generally, the rhetorical figures examined are parallelism, antithesis, metaphor, etc., as well as conciseness, coherence and appropriateness in negative rhetoric.

3. Improve reading literacy according to the spirit of the curriculum standards. The requirements of the middle school entrance examination documents of the Ministry of Education for modern text reading are mainly extra-curricular materials. It is obvious that modern text reading should mainly examine the transfer and application ability of knowledge. In review, we should do well in the following aspects: First, we should choose good reading materials. That is, there are not only three major practical styles narrative, expository and argumentative, but also prose and novels in literary works (poetry and drama are rarely seen in the test questions). Naturally, the content should be well chosen, with good language, good ideological content, and deep culture. The expository should be scientific and contemporary. The length of a famous article should be generally between 1000 and 1500 words, with good content and language. The number of words can also be broken through, and can not be arbitrarily deleted. 2、 Attention should be paid to the overall understanding and perception: the main content, important ideas and ideas of the article should be accurately grasped, and the meaning of its image should be understood. This is the key point of reading the article: because only by doing this, can we correctly grasp the key to solving other problems. 3、 It is to clarify the writing idea of the article. That is to clarify the structure of the article and grasp the ingenuity of the author's layout. This is an important aspect of exploring the artistic features of the article, and also an indispensable link to master the center and focus of the article. 4、 Be able to accurately understand the meaning of key words and sentences according to the language environment. Key words and sentences sometimes seem ordinary and plain, but as long as you think carefully, you find that they are very profound. To explore the center and theme of the article, we often understand a word or an important sentence. Therefore, in review, we should try to exercise our ability to find and understand such words and sentences. 5、 It is to be able to use the spirit of inquiry to put forward their own views on the views or writing skills of the article: such questions are generally open questions. According to the materials, we can not only use the normal way of thinking to answer them, but also use divergent thinking and reverse thinking to express our views and opinions. The answers to these questions are usually not fixed, but they must be reasonable and persuasive. This is also the most frequently used question type recently. 6、 It is able to think and expand in combination with the content of the article. From the recent high school entrance examination questions, there are many reading questions with appropriate expansion, for example, from the knowledge described in the expository text to the phenomenon in life, requiring knowledge transfer; Starting from the content of the narrative, it is required to summarize and sort out the articles, make cards, and enjoy the pictures in a migratory way according to the content. This kind of test questions are quite flexible and valuable, which should arouse our attention. Reading materials in classical Chinese mainly come from in class, but there are also many areas to examine the combination of in class and out of class, or only examine extra-curricular materials. These materials are easy to understand. Compared with the past, there are some changes in the way of examination. We can see that the design of the questions not only includes the unique interchangeable words and sentence translation of the classical Chinese examination, but also the understanding of key words and sentences, the grasp of the content of the article, and the open examination questions with the same ability to examine and explore and the spirit of innovation as the modern text. Because it pays attention to the accumulation of ancient poetry and prose. Students' understanding has also been improved accordingly. It is also natural that the difficulty of reading classical Chinese has increased: we should also pay attention to the use of comparative methods to compare two articles that have some common points, find their similarities and differences, and summarize their laws. It should be emphasized that we should have a certain understanding of the purpose and content of the extracurricular reading articles stipulated in the new curriculum standard and outline, such as the main story, the main characters' personalities, and wonderful fragments. This can be said to be the scope of "extended reading": for the appreciation of ancient poetry, there have been many questions recently, both through the multiple choice questions and through the simple answer questions for direct appreciation, There is also the use of comparative reading methods and classical prose appreciation. This kind of questions are not difficult, but they are not paid enough attention at ordinary times, which may also have an impact on the answers.

4. Carry out effective training to improve writing ability. The composition of the senior high school entrance examination is a subjective question with the highest score. Due to improper teaching methods and obvious randomness tendency in the marking, we do not pay enough attention to the composition training, which also affects the improvement of the composition level and ability. In the review, we should first grasp the characteristics of the composition proposition, and then choose appropriate methods.

Ivy 2024-05-28 16:26:21

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Initial consonant: b p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、c、s、y、w。
Finals: a, o, e, i, u, ü ai、ei、ui、ao、ou、iu、ie、 üe、 r、an、en、in、un、 ün、 ang、eng、ing、ong。
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The part of a Chinese character except for its initial consonant and tone. It used to be called rhyme. The finals can be divided into three parts: rhyme beginning (preposition), rhyme belly (main vowels) and rhyme ending. For example, the vowel of "Niang" ni á ng is ang, where i is the beginning of the rhyme, α is the belly of the rhyme, and ng is the end of the rhyme. Every vowel must have a rhyme belly, and rhyme head and rhyme tail are optional.

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1. "Zuo Zhuan, Fifteen Years of Xi Gong": "You will walk on the earth and wear the emperor."
2. Shuzhou Is Called to Try Not to Go to My Book: "It's hard to wear a bowl and look at the sky at the same time."
3. Ode to Tokyo: "Dai Jinzheng built a yellow axe."
Sentence making:
1. Our old headmaster was heartily loved by the whole school.
2. Teacher Li is kind and open-minded, and is deeply loved by students.
3. He has done good things for the people, and people love him for sure.
4. He is selfless, fearless, upright and deeply loved by the people.
5. Mr. Zhang is an old teacher who is deeply loved by his classmates.
6. From childhood to adulthood, I will always respect and love you.
7. These teachers, who have worked hard and made great contributions, are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people.

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From modern phrases.
1. Number of tables. Single. For people and all kinds of things. For example, one place.
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