Boys born on July 16, 2022, on the 26th of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, can choose their names

The beginning of a dream
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Although everyone has the dream of starting their own business and becoming a boss, in real life, more ordinary people are still ordinary. The reason why some people can be born to be a boss is that their own conditions are perfect in all aspects, and they can enjoy a rich life without too much hard work. Our destiny is destined to be good from the moment we are born, and a good name is the key to a good destiny. Let's talk about the boy who was born on July 16, 2022, on the 26th of the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

Five line inquiry of birth on July 16, 2022 Gregorian calendar: July 16, 2022 (Thursday)

Lunar calendar: May 26, the year of the Gengzi

Eight character: Gengzi Renwu Gengshen

Five Elements: Gold Water, Water, Fire, Gold

Orientation: northwest, north, south, Sicily

Orientation of the five elements: northwest, north, west, east

Nayin Five Elements: On the wall, willow, pomegranate

Five element analysis: the five elements [Jinwang] [lack of wood], the annual life of the five elements is [the soil on the wall], the annual trunk and branch is [Gengzi], and the Japanese leader's heavenly trunk is [gold]

A nice name for a boy born on this day [Fanzhe]: it means smart, brilliant, meticulous, knowledgeable, and implies outstanding talent, intelligence, and distinction.

[Wei Zhe]: Wei refers to beautiful jade, and later also refers to rare and precious jade. The word Zhe mainly means smart and talented people. In addition, it also refers to smart and talented people.

[Chen Pei]: Chen refers to the morning of the sun, the moon and the stars. The word Pei implies vigorous growth and flourishing career development. The combination with Pei symbolizes a bright future.

[Wei Yang]: It means that the child will be a very successful person in the future, and it also means the positive and upward temperament of boys.

[Chu Xun]: It means gorgeous, delicate, beautiful, sincere and kind, implying promise, harmony, wealth and carefree.

The naming method suitable for boys is toponymy. This place name can be the place of birth, place of origin, the city where both parents live, or the city with good memories, the name of a street, the name of an alley, or the abbreviation of a province. For example, the singer Qi Qin, the word "Qin" is the abbreviation of Shaanxi Province, his sister Qi Yu, and "Yu" is the abbreviation of Henan Province.

Sugar Plum 2024-04-05 15:50:32

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The image of Yanmen Prefecture

The image of Yanmen Prefecture:
"Dark clouds crush the city" is a metaphor for the enemy's arrogance.
"Armor light" is the flash of armor worn by soldiers. Gold scale: The ancient armor was made of scaly iron pieces. "Jiaguang is blooming to the sun" is a portrayal of soldiers who are indomitable and righteous.
"Purple" refers to the purple soil near the Great Wall.
"Yanzhi" means "rouge", which refers to the color of the blood shed by the border guards, indicating that the border guards suffered heavy casualties.
The writing of "half roll red flag" is very popular, which shows the low and restrained atmosphere when the reinforcements are raiding.
"Heavy frost" means cold weather, indicating that the soldiers fought against the wind and cold, which shows that the battle was extremely hard.
The "Golden Platform" is on the bank of Yishui, that is, the platform where King Zhao of Yan bought thousands of gold to recruit talents. With the allusion of King Yan Zhao in the Warring States Period, he built this platform to attract talents from all over the world. It is used here to refer to being put in high regard by the state. "Jade Dragon" is a sword. These two lines are the gist of the whole poem.
"Yanmen Taishouxing" is a poem written by Li He, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, using the ancient theme of Yuefu.
Original text:
The black clouds are pressing the city to destroy it, and the armour light is turning to the sun.
The horn sounds all over the sky in autumn, and is stuffed with swallow fat to coagulate the night purple.
Half a roll of red flag is near Yishui, and the frost is heavy and the sound of cold cannot rise.
I will report to you on the golden stage and carry the Jade Dragon to die for you.
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