All uses of silica

Winter snow
Selected answers

The uses of silica are as follows:

1. Metallurgical industry: mainly used for manufacturing refractory materials, silicon bricks, smelting silicon alloys and as fluxes. Crystalline silicon can be made from pure silica. Crystalline silicon is the main raw material for producing monocrystalline silicon, and can also be used to produce silicon aluminum and organic silicon;

2. Glass industry: silica is the main raw material for making glass. Silica can be used as ordinary and optical glass. Pure silica can be melted into high-quality technical glass. Refractory brick can be used as lining of glass furnace;

3. Construction industry: can be used as an important building cornerstone. Crushed stone can be used as road filling stone and railway ballast, sand and asphalt can be mixed to pave roads, and quartz can also be used as correction material for Portland cement;

4. Chemical industry: silica can be used to produce various silicides, silicates and nitrates, and can be used as filler in acid resistant sulfuric acid tower if the quality is good;

5. Grinding industry: Quartzite and quartz sandstone can be used to make grinding stone, oilstone, sandpaper, silicon carbonate and other grinding materials; Quartz sand is also mostly used for sawing stones, polishing glass, grinding metal products and the surface of stone products, and quartz is also used to polish jewelry;

6. Other industries: It can be used as raw material for enamel and ceramics. The high-quality ones are widely used in the radio industry, ultrasonic technology, modern national defense and cutting-edge technology.

Miss 18 2024-06-22 15:25:12

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You can apply for the college entrance examination without a high school diploma, because you don't need a high school diploma to apply for the college entrance examination. College entrance examination candidates are divided into two categories: high school graduates, including re entrants, and social youth. According to the relevant regulations of the State, young people who do not have a high school graduation certificate can apply for the college entrance examination as social candidates and can be admitted to universities. However, some colleges and universities (such as military and police) require candidates to be recent high school graduates.
The high school diploma can be used as a supporting document when entering a higher school, studying abroad and looking for a job.
1. High school diploma is required for college entrance examination and studying abroad.
2. If you don't have a higher degree, you need a high school diploma as proof of education when you look for a job.
3. In addition, the high school diploma is basically useless.
4. It is more important if you do not prepare for college entrance examination, because it represents the highest degree of the holder. When looking for a job, junior high school graduates are not treated the same as senior high school graduates. In addition, you can join the army with a high school diploma.
5. If you can enter the university and get the college diploma smoothly, then the high school diploma will have no effect.
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