Wuhan, vocational high school, computer major, 350~400 points, which vocational schools recommend?

Sun flower
Selected answers

The computer specialty of Wuhan Sanxin Vocational and Technical School is the trump card specialty of their school. The main majors offered by the school are nursing, early childhood education, UAV application technology, computer animation production, aviation services, Internet of Things application technology, e-commerce, construction management, music, art and broadcasting hosting. There are a total of 102 cooperative colleges, 26 undergraduate colleges, 76 junior colleges, and each major has its own school.

Address: No.1 Yuguang Village, Liyuan, East Lake, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province (former East Lake Campus of Wuhan Textile University)

Enrollment Office of Wuhan Sanxin Vocational and Technical School

The computer specialty of Wuhan Sanxin Vocational and Technical School is the trump card specialty of their school.

The main majors offered by the school are nursing, early childhood education, UAV application technology, computer animation production, aviation services, Internet of Things application technology, e-commerce, construction management, music, art and broadcasting hosting. There are a total of 102 cooperative colleges, 26 undergraduate colleges, 76 junior colleges, and each major has its own school.

With so many majors set up in the school, surely someone wants to ask about good employment in the future?

The majors offered by the school are all based on rigorous market research and professional planning according to market demand. In addition, the opening of each school specialty requires the approval of the state. If there is no employment prospect and demand, the state will not apply for this specialty. In addition, each major of the school has signed a corresponding school enterprise cooperation enterprise, and students with employment needs can stay on to become regular after the internship.

Instructions for Registration

(1) Enrollment objects and conditions

1. Fresh junior high school graduates;

2. Good moral character, law-abiding, physical and mental health, no tattoos, hair dyeing, smoking, drinking and other bad habits;

3. Nursing, early childhood education, aviation service, music, broadcasting and talking about filial piety host are five majors that require comprehensive interviews before admission. High stupidity

(2) Registration method

1. On site registration: go to our admissions office

If you have any questions about the application of technical secondary school/technical school/vocational school, you can click the 2023 TVU secondary school enrollment consultation (the former Radio and Television University):>

Which higher vocational colleges in Wuhan have better computer majors, please recommend

Wuhan Optics Valley Technology Vocational and Technical School is a full-time general secondary vocational school approved by the People's Government of Wuhan. It is located in the beautiful Dahualing University Town, Jiangxia District. It is the only secondary vocational school in China that has not been named as "Optics Valley". Relying on the high-quality educational resources of Dahualing University Town and colleges, We will work hard to build high-level secondary vocational schools with distinctive characteristics, and work hard to run vocational education that will reassure the Party, satisfy the people, and meet the needs of society.

Wufuchenhan Optics Valley Technology Vocational and Technical School is a full-time general secondary vocational school approved by the People's Government of Wuhan. It is located in the beautiful Dahualing University Town in Jiangxia District. It is the only secondary vocational school named by "Optics Valley" in China, relying on Dahualing University Town and high-quality educational resources of colleges and universities, We will work hard to build high-level secondary vocational schools with distinctive characteristics, and work hard to run vocational education that will reassure the Party, satisfy the people, and meet the needs of society.

Computer network application -- the most popular occupation with market demand

Training objectives:

Cultivate intermediate skilled personnel who can master computer operation, and can use computers for system management, typing, drawing, tabulation, text editing, file processing, data processing, web page production, etc.

Core courses:

Electrical and electronic technology, common office software, computer network technology foundation, computer assembly and maintenance, network equipment installation and adjustment, generic cabling

Design and construction, C language programming, web page design and production, Access database application, graphics and image processing, etc.

Employment direction:

Can work in IT industry in various units of the transportation system, the construction and application departments of transportation informatization and e-government, various computer specialized companies, advertising design and production companies, automobile marketing technology services, etc.

Corresponding colleges and universities:

Wuhan Vocational and Technical College, Wuhan Software Engineering Vocational College, Wuhan Engineering Vocational and Technical College, Wuhan Business Service College, Wuchang Institute of Technology, Huanggang Normal University, Wuhan East Lake University, Yangtze River Vocational College, Wuhan Industry and Trade Vocational College, Wuhan Science and Technology Vocational College, Wuhan University of Engineering, Hubei Institute of Engineering, Wuhan Business School, etc.

Wuhan Optics Valley Technology Vocational and Technical School is the only secondary vocational school in China that has a sea (ship), land (high-speed railway), air (aircraft) training base at the same time. If you want to know about the school, please consult Mr. Ye 18771995572 WeChat yuebaoiiii

If you have any questions about the lack of Chachan secondary school/technical school/vocational school registration, you can click on the 2023 TVU secondary school enrollment consultation (formerly Radio and Television University):>

What courses do computer majors in Wuhan Vocational and Technical College learn?

In the words of higher vocational colleges, Wuhan Vocational and Technical College is a better vocational and technical school. This school has a computer major, and the facilities and teachers are good, but it is up to you.

But if you want to start the project soon, go to the training directly! I'm not boasting that training is good, but computers should not go to specialist schools! You can learn some basic knowledge from Juchun! It's hard to find a job after you come out, unless you learn well! You can find some good training schools by yourself. They are usually expensive (Yu Wujia is usually around 10000 yuan)! You'd better handle it yourself!

I hope Brother Xiao can help you find the following information

College of Computer Technology and Software Engineering 2016 Admission Brochure

Computer Application Technology (IT Operation and Maintenance Engineer)

Mobile application development technology (Apple IOS development direction)

Mobile Application Development Technology (Android Application Development Direction)

Computer Information Management (Business Information Technology Supervisor)

Computer Network Technology (Network Security and Intrusion Prevention Technology, Search and Fight Technology, Supervisor)

Computer Network World Crafts Technology Major (Website Front end Development Engineer Direction, Cradle of Internet Talents)

Computer Network Technology (Network Product Marketing Engineer)

Building Intelligent Engineering Technology (Intelligent Security Engineer)

Intelligent Building Engineering Technology (Intelligent Building Manager)

Software technology (software development and outsourcing services)

Software Technology Specialty (Software Development and Outsourcing Service Direction) "Specialized and Undergraduate Connection" Class

Software Technology (Cloud Computing Technology)

Wake up in the morning 2024-06-15 17:58:49

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Losing the thief means damaging.
Ku Zhe, pronounced ku ī z é i, is a Chinese word.
Source: Mozi, Part II of Universal Love: "It is also a scourge of the world to be in contact with today's bitches and use their weapons, poisons, water and fire to defeat thieves."
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1. He felt very proud of being elected as a model student.
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4. Qiu Yingying is a worthy learning model of our class.
5. Our school will announce the star class at noon. Every time I read about our stars, my heart will rise and fall. I'm afraid I didn't get the model class.

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Abstracts from the original text: The precept says: "When you go to a woman's home, you must respect and discipline, and never violate the teacher!" Those who take obedience as righteousness are also concubines. Live widely in the world, set the right position in the world, and walk the road of the world. If you succeed, let the people follow; If you don't succeed, go your own way. The rich and noble cannot be prostituted, the poor and lowly cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be subdued. This is called a great man.
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Su Shi achieved high attainments in literature, poetry and ci, which can be regarded as the representative of the highest achievement of literature in the Song Dynasty. Moreover, Sushi's creative activities were not limited to literature. His achievements in calligraphy, painting and other fields were outstanding, and he also contributed to medicine, cooking, water conservancy and other skills. Su Shi typically embodies the cultural spirit of the Song Dynasty.
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