What are the subjects of preschool teacher qualification examination

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Selected answers

1. Comprehensive quality: mainly examine the basic abilities of the examinees in education concepts, education laws and regulations, teachers' professional ethics, cultural literacy, reading comprehension, language expression, logical reasoning, information processing, etc.

2. Knowledge and ability of childcare and education: It mainly examines whether candidates have knowledge of preschool children's development and ability to understand children, theoretical knowledge and application ability of preschool education, basic knowledge and ability of children's life guidance, knowledge and ability of kindergarten environment creation, knowledge and ability of game guidance and organization, And whether they have the basic knowledge and ability to evaluate kindergarten education.

More detailed examination contents can be found in the examination outline, and you can check on the website of the Ministry of Education for Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Qualification Examination.

What are the subjects of kindergarten teacher qualification examination?

The subjects of kindergarten teacher qualification certificate examination include:

1. The written examination includes two subjects, namely 101 Comprehensive Quality Kindergarten and 102 Nursing and Teaching Knowledge and Ability.

2. Interview

The three processes of teacher qualification certificate interview are:

Structured (5 minutes) - Trial (10 minutes) - Defense (5 minutes)

Interview preparation method:

1. Structured

Structured answer templates need to be recited. The answer templates of the seven major question types can be recited and applied directly. Remark the idea of universal answer questions. They are all common questions. After reciting some things, you must remember to practice them, otherwise it will be easy to forget if you just have some knowledge and haven't put it into practice.

2. Trial lecture

You can watch some videos to learn something about etiquette, because behavior and facial expressions are very important during the exam. Then pay attention to practice. You can look into the mirror to see what your shortcomings are and improve them. You can also see your shortcomings through mobile phone video. The video has one advantage: you can see your own state from the perspective of a third party, hear what your voice is like at that time, and you can repeat it many times. If conditions permit, you can find a relative or friend to act as the audience to simulate it. Trial teaching is the most important topic. You must practice hard. Only when you work hard at ordinary times can you take your time in the examination room.

3. Defense

Look for some defense idea templates directly. In fact, there is no need to worry about this part. You just need to smile at the examiner when the time comes and take it easy. If the examiner provides guidance, you just need to accept it with an open mind.

Remember that the interview pass rate is 70%, so don't worry too much.

What subjects are examined for preschool teacher qualification certificate

The comprehensive quality and teaching knowledge and ability of the two subjects of kindergarten teacher qualification examination are interviewed to test the practical ability of education and teaching. The interview of kindergarten teacher qualification examination is not divided into subjects.

The examination mainly examines whether the applicant has the professional ethics, basic literacy, education and teaching ability of teachers and the potential for professional development of teachers.

1、 Subject of teacher qualification certificate examination

The written examination for kindergarten teacher qualification consists of two subjects: Comprehensive Quality and Knowledge and Ability of Nursing and Teaching.

The written examination for the qualification of primary school teachers consists of two subjects: Comprehensive Quality and Education and Teaching Knowledge and Ability.

The written examinations for junior middle school and senior middle school teachers' qualification examinations are respectively "Comprehensive Quality", "Educational Knowledge and Ability", and "Subject Knowledge and Teaching Ability".

The written examination subjects of "subject knowledge and teaching ability" in junior middle schools and senior middle schools include 17 subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, ideology and morality (politics), history, geography, music, sports and health, art, information technology, history and society, science, mental health education, and general technology.

Those who apply for the qualification of cultural teachers in secondary vocational schools will participate in the written examinations of various subjects in the senior middle school teacher qualification examination.

Those who apply for the qualifications of professional courses and practice instructors in secondary vocational schools will take the written examinations of "comprehensive quality" and "educational knowledge and ability" for secondary school teachers, and the subjects of "subject knowledge and teaching ability" will be included in the interview.

2、 Contents of teacher qualification certificate examination

The "comprehensive quality" mainly examines educational concepts, educational laws and regulations, teachers' professional ethics, cultural literacy, and basic abilities such as reading comprehension, language expression, logical reasoning, and information processing.

The "knowledge and ability of preschool education" mainly examines the educational principles, preschool children's development, life guidance, environment creation, guidance of play activities, organization and implementation of educational activities, and evaluation.

"Education and teaching knowledge and ability" mainly examines the education principle, student guidance, class management, subject knowledge, teaching design, teaching implementation, teaching evaluation, etc. at the primary school stage.

"Educational knowledge and ability" mainly examines the basic knowledge and principles of education in the middle school stage, middle school teaching, middle school students' learning psychology, middle school moral education, middle school curriculum, middle school students' development psychology, middle school students' psychological counseling, middle school class management and teachers' psychology.

"Subject knowledge and teaching ability" mainly examines the ability to apply, design, implement and evaluate the corresponding subjects in the middle school stage. The examination outline is formulated according to the characteristics of the subject, and basically includes the subject knowledge, teaching design, teaching implementation and teaching evaluation.

What are the subjects of kindergarten teacher qualification examination

The examination subjects of kindergarten teachers' qualification certificate include 2 subjects, namely, Comprehensive Quality and Knowledge and Ability of Nursing and Teaching. The written examination subjects of primary school teacher qualification examination are "Comprehensive Quality" and "Education and Teaching Knowledge and Ability".

The written examination subjects for the qualification examination of teachers in junior middle schools, ordinary senior middle schools and cultural teachers in secondary vocational schools are "Comprehensive Quality", "Educational Knowledge and Ability" and "Subject Knowledge and Teaching Ability"; The written examination subjects for the qualification examination of professional teachers and practice instructors in secondary vocational schools are three subjects, namely, Comprehensive Quality, Educational Knowledge and Ability, and Professional Knowledge and Teaching Ability.

Other provisions on teacher qualifications.

Citizens who have acquired teacher qualifications and intend to acquire the qualifications of teachers in higher grade schools or other institutions of education shall pass the corresponding teacher qualification examinations or obtain the corresponding academic qualifications as prescribed by the Teachers Law, and after being recognized as qualified in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, the education administrative department or the entrusted institutions of higher learning shall issue the corresponding teacher qualification certificates.

Obsessed with old dreams 2024-06-19 15:50:21

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Initial consonant: b p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、c、s、y、w。
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1. "Zuo Zhuan, Fifteen Years of Xi Gong": "You will walk on the earth and wear the emperor."
2. Shuzhou Is Called to Try Not to Go to My Book: "It's hard to wear a bowl and look at the sky at the same time."
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Sentence making:
1. Our old headmaster was heartily loved by the whole school.
2. Teacher Li is kind and open-minded, and is deeply loved by students.
3. He has done good things for the people, and people love him for sure.
4. He is selfless, fearless, upright and deeply loved by the people.
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6. From childhood to adulthood, I will always respect and love you.
7. These teachers, who have worked hard and made great contributions, are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people.

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From modern phrases.
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