What is the nature of the rural credit cooperative union (what bank does the rural credit cooperative union belong to)

Lotus floating in clear spring
Selected answers

1. Rural credit cooperatives do not belong to any bank. They are banking financial institutions and have the basic functions of banks.

2. Rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) are rural cooperative financial institutions established with the approval of the People's Bank of China, which are composed of members with shares, implement democratic management, and mainly provide financial services for members.

3. Rural credit cooperatives are independent enterprise legal persons. They are responsible for the debts of rural credit cooperatives with all their assets and enjoy civil rights according to law.

4. Their property, legitimate rights and interests and business activities carried out according to law are protected by the laws of the State.

5. Its main task is to raise idle funds in rural areas and provide financial services for agriculture, farmers and rural economic development.

Boil wine and discuss the world 2023-12-06 11:06:03

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Apart from the radical, there are two paintings of the character "loss".
Ku (Pinyin: ku ī), a standard Chinese character (commonly used). "Kui" and its traditional character "虧虧" were originally two words with different sounds and meanings. The simplified "kui" was originally a variant of "yu", and the relationship between the shape and meaning is unknown. Wang Yun in the Qing Dynasty believed that the original word of "Yu" was borrowed as the meaning of the verb "Xiang", which extended the meanings of "Da Dao", "Zai", and "Bi", and then falsified a series of prepositional usages. These meanings were mostly written in "Yu" in later generations. The word "Kui" later became a simplified word of "虧".
"虧" was first included in Shuowenjiezi. Xu Shen thought it was a pictophonetic character. From the sound of "雐雐雐雐雐雐雐雐雐雐雐雐", the original meaning meant insufficient qi, extended to defect, extended to short, short, poor, extended to destruction, and extended to moral debt and sorry. Fortunately, I spoke again. In addition, "loss" also means irony.

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"Rush" is pronounced j í x í ng, a Chinese word meaning to walk quickly.
1. Su Wen · Qi Jue Lun: "Water and gas come from the large intestine, and when you walk quickly, you will sound like a bundle of milk."
2. The 72nd chapter of the Annals of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty written by Feng Menglong of the Ming Dynasty: "As for Ezhu, the soldiers are walking fast. As far as the river is concerned, there is no boat to cross the vast expanse of water. The soldiers are in great danger because they are blocking the flood in front and chasing after the army."
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