Is it easy to find a job with a fire engineer certificate? How about the salary

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Selected answers

With the certificate of fire engineer, candidates are very easy to find jobs. They can engage in fire safety inspection, fire control room monitoring, fire facilities operation and maintenance, fire safety management training and other jobs. Their employment direction is very wide.

Employment prospects of fire engineers

Most of the units that need Level I fire engineers are design institutes, fire technology service companies, fire technology testing companies and some key fire protection units. According to relevant laws and regulations, these companies must be equipped with a certain number of first level fire engineers.

In all walks of life, the general units and relevant institutions with important fire responsibility need to be equipped with a corresponding number of fire engineers in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications. The prospect is very good.

Due to the shortage of talents in the fire protection industry, the strong professionalism of the certificate and the high degree of professional matching, many practitioners have found a good prospect of the first level fire protection engineer certificate. It has attracted many professionals and non professionals to register for the exam. The certificate is more and more valuable.

Salary of fire engineer

The average monthly income of Grade I fire engineers is 8400 yuan per month, and there will be some differences in the salaries of different regions. The income of the first tier cities is higher. In terms of welfare benefits, most of them will enjoy five insurances and one fund, working meals, annual travel, annual physical examination, weekends and weekends, statutory holidays and rest, etc.

The salary also depends on personal education, work experience, management ability, company size, project size, etc. According to the overall trend of the fire protection industry, the salary of experienced fire engineers will be greatly improved, that is, the absolute monthly salary will be around 10000 yuan.

Goodbye Yesterday 2024-06-02 14:51:11

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