800 words for learning finance

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Feelings of learning finance

I feel honored to learn this course. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Gong. Through his earnest teaching, I have a deeper understanding of the course of finance, and realized its commanding role in the entire financial curriculum system. I can set basic modules and select modules according to the specific conditions of students at different levels in different schools, In order to better achieve the teaching objectives and improve the teaching content.

Mr. Gong analyzed and introduced the construction of this course, the development of the model four congratulation outside China and the selection and arrangement of teaching forms from multiple perspectives, which also triggered my thinking on high-level classroom teaching. What kind of classroom teaching is of high level? In our current teaching, it is inevitable that there are two situations: some teachers have high level, standardized teaching content, and strict requirements for students, but they are often not very popular with students; Another kind of teacher breaks the framework, teaching forms are novel and diverse, and the scale is broad, but it will conflict with the traditional education background. In the context of today's education system, classroom teaching is still the main battlefield of our teaching, with teachers as the leading role and students as the main body. Therefore, blackboard plus chalk plus a mouth teaching still occupies the mainstream, which is a major problem for the mobilization of students' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity. For most students, their understanding of "preview" is limited to memorizing solutions to several concepts, theorems and examples. Through "preview", they seem to have mastered the knowledge of this lesson. However, they lost the enthusiasm of studying problems in class; They lost the disciplinary thinking methods used in thinking about these problems; What's more regrettable is that because they did not fully participate in the process of solving problems, they lost the training of facing difficulties, facing difficulties and never returning!

In ordinary classes, we have lecture courseware to talk about financial knowledge, group presentation of financial trends, questions in class, and writing papers, which have greatly mobilized our enthusiasm. Finance is the general term of currency circulation, credit activities and related economic activities. In a broad sense, finance generally refers to all economic activities related to the issuance, storage, exchange, settlement and accommodation of credit currency, even including the purchase and sale of gold and silver. In a narrow sense, finance specifically refers to the accommodation of credit currency.

The content of finance can be summarized as the issuance and withdrawal of currency, the absorption and payment of deposits, the issuance and recovery of loans, the purchase and sale of gold, silver and foreign exchange, the issuance and transfer of securities, insurance, trust, domestic and international currency settlement, etc. Institutions engaged in financial activities mainly include banks, trust and investment companies, insurance companies, securities companies, credit cooperatives, finance companies, financial leasing companies, securities, gold and silver, foreign exchange exchanges, etc.

Finance is an economic category formed after the emergence of credit money. It is different from credit:

(1) Finance does not include physical borrowing, but specifically refers to the financing of monetary funds (narrow finance). In addition to borrowing money to finance funds, people also finance funds by issuing stocks.

(2) Credit refers to the borrowing and lending of all currencies, and finance (in a narrow sense) specifically refers to the financing of credit currency. The reason why people want to create a new concept outside of "credit" to specifically refer to the financing of credit money is to summarize a new economic phenomenon; The two economic processes of credit and currency circulation have been closely combined. The bank credit that can create and reduce money is the most obvious financial feature. Bank credit is considered to be the core of finance.

Through understanding the views of various schools on money demand, we can see that the change of money circulation speed is a complex phenomenon, which is the result of the comprehensive effect of various factors. The speculative demand of Keynesianism, monetization, new forms of monetization and expansion of financial assets will all cause the production of money circulation speed. As we all know, the mechanism of these factors is common. They all lead to changes in the structure of money demand, but their effects are all rumoured. Some people have analyzed China's money circulation speed, economic monetization and financial development

The relationship between savings rate, savings rate and interest rate. The research shows that economic monetization is not the reason for the decline of China's money circulation speed, financial development and interest rate are the reasons for the change of money circulation speed V1, and interest rate is not the reason for the change of money circulation speed V2.

Others deny Keynes' money demand theory by combining China's national conditions and using China's financial yearbook data, and he concludes that the velocity of money circulation in China is not sensitive to changes in interest rates.

Through learning, I also slowly generated my own ideas and found my own ideas. What impressed me most was that Fisher believed that the velocity of money circulation would be quite stable in the short term due to the influence of the system. The economic market of our country is largely regulated by the government. In recent years, people have felt more and more intense economic growth, domestic inflation, the central bank has raised the statutory reserve ratio and interest rate several times, which makes me have to link the four concepts of money demand, money circulation speed, national interest rate adjustment and economic growth, If we find out the subtle relationship between these variables, it will be of far-reaching significance for the accurate formulation of China's monetary policy and the prediction of national economic development.

The major of finance mainly cultivates students who have basic knowledge of financial and insurance theory and master financial and insurance business technology, can analyze financial and insurance activities and deal with financial and insurance business using general economic methods, have certain comprehensive judgment and innovation ability, and can work in central banks, commercial banks, policy banks, securities companies, life insurance companies, property insurance companies Senior professionals working in reinsurance inspection companies, trust investment companies, financial leasing companies, financial asset companies, group finance companies, investment fund companies and financial education departments. Finance mainly studies monetary banking, commercial bank management, central bank, international finance, international settlement, securities investment, investment project evaluation, investment banking, corporate finance, etc. Teachers not only "teach people to fish", but also "teach people to fish". Teachers and we have established an equal and democratic relationship between teachers and students, creating a relaxed and harmonious learning atmosphere, which can enable students to have the best learning attitude and learn easily and happily. With the development of computer multimedia technology, teachers can organically combine multimedia technology into classroom teaching. Multimedia courseware is rich in content and flexible in form, which can effectively improve students' interest in learning and enable them to actively participate in classroom activities organized by teachers.

Scientific research has proved that the ratio of knowledge acquired by people through various senses is 83% for vision, 11% for hearing, and 6% for others. The combination of audio and visual can achieve almost the best rate of knowledge retention. When explaining the relationship between human memory and senses, Trella pointed out that people can generally remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they heard, 30% of what they saw, 50% of what they saw and heard, and 70% of what they said when talking. It can be seen that the use of multimedia teaching can mobilize students' multi sensory participation, which plays an important role in developing intelligence, strengthening memory and improving the efficiency of history teaching.

Of course, the use of multimedia technology can not go to a dead end. We should see that advanced technology is only an auxiliary means of teaching and can not fundamentally replace the status of teachers. In teaching, we should adopt appropriate multimedia technology according to the actual conditions and our own characteristics to make teaching more beautiful, instead of blindly pursuing the beauty and novelty of courseware while ignoring its practicality. Therefore, I agree with a new concept: the essence of teaching is communication, which takes both teachers and students as the main body and takes teaching content as the intermediary.

After the teacher's combing, the logical main line and interrelationship are clear at a glance, which can be used in the future explanation and review to guide students to grasp the key points and difficulties of the course as a whole. I will work harder to teach this course in the future!

How about learning finance?

My personal understanding is to solve problems in finance/economy with mathematical methods and financial/economic theories. The focus is still on the latter. This is my own understanding. Of course, I'm still an undergraduate student. I certainly won't have any profound understanding. Just look at the topic. In addition, there is also learning experience, that is, we have a lot of certificates to be examined than other majors, such as CPA, CFA and ACCA. There is nothing special about learning that is similar to other majors. In our class, there are some students who study late every day, and some who don't even go to class. They are ordinary college students.

How do liberal arts students feel about choosing to study finance?

It's good to study finance. I choose the right major and direction, and I will find a wide range of jobs in the future.

When most people hear about finance, their first reaction is that they are very tall and want to study finance related majors inexplicably. Finance, to understand it in a more popular way, is the learning content about money. Most people will think that it is not easy. Money is used every day, and it will be too proud to work in the future.

The content of finance is summarized as the issuance and withdrawal of currency, the absorption and payment of deposits, the issuance and recovery of loans, the purchase and sale of gold, silver and foreign exchange, the issuance and transfer of securities, insurance, trust, domestic and international currency settlement, etc.

Institutions engaged in financial activities mainly include banks, trust and investment companies, insurance companies, securities companies, investment funds, as well as credit cooperatives, finance companies, financial asset management companies, postal savings institutions, financial leasing companies, and securities, gold and silver, foreign exchange exchanges.

Professor Xiong Deping believes that the essence of finance lies in the historical process of the emergence and development of finance. The different definitions of "finance" are actually the reflection of financial reality with different historical backgrounds and under different perspectives and purposes.

Specialty classification

1. Insurance

Insurance is an economic discipline that studies the laws of movement of insurance and insurance related things. Many people didn't know about such a major before, but you must have heard of insurance companies.

In fact, the insurance industry started late in China, which has great development potential. In addition to the gradual understanding of the insurance industry by Chinese citizens in recent years, the insurance industry has been accepted by more and more people, and even valued. Therefore, the future development space of the insurance industry is very broad.

2. Major in Investment

As a science, it is to help people carry out investment activities scientifically. Because "financial management is risky and investment needs to be cautious", many people invest blindly and end up bankrupt.

You can go to learn about the investment policy. There is a lot of investment consulting work and a lot of high-quality investment professionals are needed. However, there are few colleges and universities that offer the major of investment bond sales, which adds a lot of weight to the employment of graduates majoring in investment.

3. Credit Management

This major aims to cultivate high-level financial management talents who master the professional knowledge of credit management, have solid theoretical foundation, strong innovation ability and management ability, are familiar with relevant international practices and rules, master credit risk management technology, and can communicate and exchange in international economic activities.

Finance majors are both liberal arts and science majors. Liberal arts students are accustomed to studying finance, especially in better universities, such as "two finances, one trade dispute" and comprehensive 985 universities.

Finance majors belong to the category of social sciences. Compared with literature and history majors, they have higher requirements for mathematical skills. However, finance majors are also subdivided, including finance, financial engineering, financial management, financial CFA, etc. In fact, different majors have different requirements for mathematics. Financial engineering is the most demanding.

For excellent liberal arts students, mathematics is not a big problem, so any direction of learning finance is often not a key or a big problem.

When I was in high school, I chose science. In fact, I also liked liberal arts. When I was in high school, I planned to choose liberal arts. One of my buddies was also good at arts and science, and finally chose arts. After the college entrance examination, we chose the same university of finance and economics to study finance.

In the end, we all learned well.

Therefore, for the liberal arts students with good grades, learning finance is not a problem at all.

If the performance is poor, especially the liberal arts students who are poor in mathematics, they will not be able to get into any good schools, let alone into such a popular major as finance.

Dream Awakening Fairy Tales 2024-06-18 14:58:14

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6. From childhood to adulthood, I will always respect and love you.
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From modern phrases.
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