How much do you need for tuition and living expenses to apply for studying at the University of Mineo in Portugal

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When you study abroad and ask about the situation of a university, the conditions of application, the cost and so on, you can be in the university library according to the name of the university you applied for. After many years, Stephen Curry finally graduated.

Steven Curry will become the number one shooter in the NBA in the future.

The NBA playoffs in the 2021~2022 season are in the midst of fierce competition, and the list of finals has also been officially released. After the end of the two match tiebreaker 7, the Boston Celtics defeated the defending champion, and will join the Heat if they succeed. The Lone Rangers eliminated the seed players, and the Phoenix Suns successfully played against the waiting Golden State Warriors. When it comes to Golden State Warriors, their playoff trip has attracted the attention of many fans, including many good things. For example, Stephen Curry has finally completed his college education.

As early as 2006, Stephen Curry entered Davis College in the United States as a college student, when he was elected to the NCAA team. After that, he joined the NBA draft and played in the NBA's official league. So far, he has not been able to return to college. Because there is no way to complete credits in American universities, there has been no way to get a diploma. According to relevant media reports, Davidson College has officially announced that Steven Curry has finally completed all the required courses and has been awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology.

This means that Stephen Curry is next to a student with a bachelor's degree. Although a bachelor's degree may not be so important for a player like Steven Curry, after all, he has made a world of his own in the basketball field, but it has greatly improved the future prospects. Maybe after Stephen Curry leaves the Golden State Warriors in the future, he will choose to retire, then he will engage in other industries, and may use his college diploma at that time.

However, this matter will not be implemented in the next few years. After all, Stephen Curry's career in recent years is at its peak. The Golden State Warriors can't let go of this cash cow. They also hope that he and other players in the team will bring them more championships. And Curry also hopes that he can create more championship moments on the NBA stage, and break one difficult record after another to prove his position in the basketball industry. Let's also look forward to the Golden State Warriors led by Stephen Curry this season will face the Lone Rangers in the regional finals. The strength of this team can not be underestimated. Let's wait and see which team can stand out.

NBA biography -- Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry has been playing for the Golden State Warriors since he entered the NBA. He brought the Warriors to the stage of the championship five times and led the team to win the championship three times by virtue of his excellent ball control technology and super three-point shooting ability. Golden State Warriors is also known to the majority of fans because of Curry. Now Curry is truly a popular fried chicken.

But you know what? Young Curry, because of his thin body, was unable to find a home when he entered college. His ideal college was Duke University, and he would participate in Duke University's basketball training camp at the end of high school. Unfortunately, the old coach K and his coaching team at Duke University did not accept Curry at that time. They thought that Curry's physical strength could not adapt to NCAA, And Curry is short and thin.

After being abandoned by Lao K, Curry was depressed for a while and failed to find several universities in succession. Finally, Curry could only go to the university his father attended, Davidson College. Later, Curry did not give up because of his own shortcomings. On the contrary, he tried his best to practice his 3 point shooting skills. He became a star in college. In 2009, he was selected by the Golden State Warriors as the 7th place, and came to the Warriors' Kuli as well as cut through the thorns and won various honors. He led the team to enter the finals five times and won three championships, establishing his own warrior dynasty.

He also gained many fans and was affectionately called the Cute God by the fans. An interesting episode was when Cooley and his wife went to a pizza shop to buy beer, and the salesperson asked Cooley to show his ID card. The reason is that American law stipulates that people under the age of 21 are not allowed to buy or drink alcohol in bars, restaurants or stores. At that time, Curry had become famous in the NBA.

Recently, Curry also reached an agreement with the Warriors. He continued to renew his contract with the Warriors for four years with US $21.5 billion. Green, his teammate who played the Olympics in Tokyo, tweeted: "How crazy!" This shows the influence of Curry. Then this time, Curry has signed more than 200 million contracts twice in a row. In a good mood, Kuri also went out with his family to play and continue to enjoy the off-season time.

Never accepted by Coach K, until now he has continued to sign big contracts, Curry has not only created an era in playing football, but also proved his value.

Stephen Curry has a father who plays in the NBA, which is also an ordinary thing in the NBA. The league's decades of history has cultivated many basketball families, including Walton and son, Bryant and son, Barry and son, Rivers and son. After ordinary families, it is not necessarily the unicorn species, Most of the "second generation of basketball" in the NBA can't carry the flag of their parents. Jordan's son doesn't have outstanding talent. Patrick Ewing's children can't even become a qualified center. Luke Walton can play in the NBA, but he can never touch the height of Bill Walton. Brent Barry can be considered a hero of the time, But it cannot be compared with the superstar like his father Rick Barry. Among them, only the great Kobe Bryant completely surpassed his father, Joe Bryant. Now, it is Stephen Curry who surpasses his father.

When Mengku was a child

This boy, can you do it?

When old Curry was looking for an excellent university in America for his son. The son of Del Curie? After a famous family? High school shakes the whole state? Not bad. But when every scout saw Stephen Curry, 183cm tall and 72kg in weight, plus his elegant appearance, he also responded, "Your son's physique wants to play in NCAA? Want to enter the NBA?". Finally, Davidson College, which has not won an NCAA championship since 1969, has only 1700 students enrolled Stephen. Their head coach Bob McElop publicly said that "this child is not an ordinary person"

People are always used to being slapped

He once said that he would win the national championship for Davidson. He worked hard for this. Although the ultimate goal was not achieved, no one dared to laugh at his seriousness. Curry scored 32 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists in his second game at the University of Michigan.

In his junior season, Curry scored 42 points at one go against Oklahoma of the top runner up Lang Blake Griffin, breaking his own NCAA scoring record in a single game. Curry, a junior, became the history scoring king of the school.

His coach likes to say, "I'm used to his craziness", and the elegance on the basketball court! Let's take a look at the achievements of Curry when he was in college: the average of 215 points in the freshman season, the first in the Southern League, and the second in the national rookie scoring list; The sophomore season averaged 255 points, leading Davidson 26 wins and 6 losses; In his junior year, he averaged 286 points, 44 rebounds, 56 assists and 25 steals per game. 122 three-point NCAA rookie records, 159 three-point NCAA history records, NCAA elimination game before the first four rounds averaged 30+this is Stephen Curry.

Enter NBA

In the 2009 draft conference, Stephen was the seventh winner of Golden State Warriors. He went to Golden State Warriors and had teams with crazy killers like Chamberlain, Rick Barry, Tim Hardaway and Barron Davis. Curry's draft report is about elite shooting, but whether his physical quality can support his foothold in the NBA needs further development. People are still questioning Kuli. The script is just like the one designed by those people who are questioning Kuli. At the beginning of his career, Kuli was injured constantly, and his attributes of "glass man" were fully displayed. When Warriors' rookie contract in Curry ended, they signed a four-year contract of 44 million yuan for Curry. Everyone thought that the management of Warriors was crazy. But is that really the case?

When the time came to 13 years, Curry, who was not an all-star at that time, scored 44 points in the first game, but the old Spurs finally won through double overtime. After the game, Popovich said I would watch Jordan all night. In the end, the Warriors were eliminated by the Spurs 4:2 at home. Then the fans at home were reluctant to leave. Finally, Curry took the microphone, comforted the fans, and said with a cry: "We will come back, and I will bring you the championship.".

Is the future yours

Failure will not be the end of the story

Just two years later, the Warriors changed from a playoff team to a championship team, and Stephen Curry changed from a star to a superstar! This is the story of the Warrior and Kuri. To tell the truth, it's a bit mysterious, but this is the truth, and it doesn't look like a flash in the pan!

Curry became "abnormal quasi". During the regular season of 2014-15, Curry made 286 3-pointers in total, breaking his previous record of 272 3-pointers in a single season. In the record list of 3-pointer hits in a single season in history, the top five Kuri has appeared three times! 286 3-pointers in 2014-15 season ranked first, 272 in 2012-13 season ranked second, and 261 in 2013-14 season ranked fifth!

The year 2015 is the year of record and honor for warriors, and the year of success for Kuri!

But it's far from over

As a basketball fan, last season was undoubtedly lucky (in addition to the abominable injuries), because we witnessed too many miracles. Wei Shao's 18 triple doubles were brilliant, and Kobe Bryant made 22 of 50 shots in the curtain call, cutting 60 points. Warriors are unprecedented, and there will be 73 victories in the future.

But all the stories are unique because of the existence of Stephen Curry.

Founder of 73 win regular season

The league's 3-pointer record in a single season is 402

The league's 3-pointer record in a single game 12

The league scores 303 points

The first regular season MVP in history to pass by all votes

If Miller and Allen are in our impression that they are the deadly snipers who always open the sight glass and wait for bullets to be loaded, then Curry is exactly what you feel when you play video shooting games. The other teams are - rifles are rifles, pistols are pistols, sniper guns are sniper guns. This guy is a big sniper no matter how far or near he is. More importantly, he never opens the camera and his sniper is not finished. He also throws the remaining bullets to his teammates, what

more? These team-mates also carry a big sniper.


The ending is not perfect. The 73 victories are the runners up. But "when the sky falls on such a big task, people must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, empty their body, and act in disorder. Therefore, patience has benefited them."

The Warriors welcomed Durant in the off-season. After the pains of the running in period, the Warriors became invincible again, and even could compete with the historical dynasty teams. The best warrior is the Golden State Warrior, who is healthy and holds the ball and launches the whole team's tactics by himself. After watching the first two games of the 2017 finals, we saw that Curry held the ball to single out James, threw a provocative three-point ball in front of James, and the fancy dribble passed James twice by catching the ball, He is a smart breakthrough layup. This is the normal Kuri we are familiar with, the MVP of the second company and the first point guard of the league. Curry, who was injured in the first round last year and didn't recover at all, who was extremely difficult to break through Thompson, and who couldn't make a big change of direction and a difficult three-point shot, is not normal. This time, the Warriors didn't give the Cavaliers any chance, and Curry won the championship trophy as he wished.

The story is far from over, and we firmly believe that Curry will win more honors in his future career.

Old Man in the Mountain 2024-06-14 19:00:43

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