What are the advantages and disadvantages of Japanese for college entrance examination

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Use Japanese to take the college entrance exam instead of English. The Japanese language for the college entrance exam has gradually become popular. What universities can you apply for in the Japanese language for the college entrance exam? The following is the details of the compilation. Let's have a look!

Which universities can apply for college entrance examination in Japanese

The first is the very well-known universities, which are Beijing International Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Shandong University, Peking University, Jilin University, Ocean University of China, East China Normal University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and so on. These universities are very well-known in China. After all, their strength and resources are clear to everyone, But the difficulty of these colleges is also very high.

Secondly, it is easier for colleges and universities, including Dalian Foreign Studies University, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin University of Technology, Jinan University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Beijing Union University, Tonghua Normal University, Chengdu University of Technology, Hunan University of Technology, Southwest University for Nationalities, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, to some extent, although these colleges and universities are slightly easier to pass, But in fact, the local reputation is also good.

In fact, the advantages and disadvantages of learning Japanese for senior high school students are obvious. First, there are advantages. The basic Japanese is relatively easy to master, so it can completely cope with the college entrance examination. However, the disadvantages are also obvious. Because the examinees need to study extra, they can delay the learning of other courses. So we must be careful to choose, not to favor one over the other.

An Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Japanese in College Entrance Examination

First: points, which is the first advantage

I saw many students who took the college entrance examination in Japanese. The Japanese score in the college entrance examination was basically high, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of Japanese in the college entrance examination were even close to full score, which was rarely seen in the English volume.

Why? The reason is that the Japanese test paper is much easier than the English test paper. The Japanese test paper is a national unified test paper, and there is no province independent proposition; In addition, the listening speed of Japanese test paper is 1-2 times slower than that of English test paper; Plus the students' hard work, it is much easier to get high marks in Japanese than in English.

Second: learning is easier, which is the second advantage

I have been exposed to English for at least ten years from the beginning to the college entrance examination, but some of my classmates still have poor English scores. At this time, if you don't change your mind and stick to English, the disadvantages of choosing Japanese for college entrance examination will be hard to learn. It will consume time and make you bored.

Many Japanese fonts are derived from Chinese characters, so learning and getting started are very simple; If you have enough time, you can basically get a good score with ordinary intensity.

Third: English learning is insufficient and follow-up development is difficult

Choosing a minor language major means the lack of English learning in high school, which limits the English level of students with weak English foundation. However, in college, many courses are taught in English, and it will be very difficult to face these courses. In addition, college training programs generally require passing CET-4 to graduate, and many companies and institutions will also pay attention to CET-4 and CET-6 scores in the process of employment, so how to pass CET-4 and CET-6 in college is also a problem.

Of course, the family's economic level is OK. After graduating from high school, the advantages and disadvantages of college entrance examination Japanese can be applied to study abroad in Japan, giving children a larger platform.

Fourth: How to learn is a problem

Taking the college entrance examination in English has been practiced for so many years. There are compulsory courses in English in schools, while Japanese is basically not taught. The disadvantage of choosing Japanese in the college entrance examination has caused certain problems for students who want to learn Japanese.

Basically, this situation requires external teachers to teach themselves to learn Japanese, so the schedule of learning time will be very tight, and a perfect learning plan is needed to ensure that the corresponding Japanese level is learned before the college entrance examination, and finally get high marks in the college entrance examination.

Thank you for your experience 2024-05-29 10:56:54

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