In 2022, what university can Inner Mongolia apply for with 359 points in college entrance examination

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In 2022, colleges and universities with 359 points in Inner Mongolia College Entrance Examination and the lowest score: Leshan Normal University 359 points; North China University of Science and Technology 359 points; Hubei Institute of Automotive Industry 359 points; Luoyang Normal University 359 points; Hebei Institute of Environmental Engineering 359 points; Chifeng University 359 points; Inner Mongolia University of Technology 358 points; Chifeng University 358 points; Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics 358 points.

Note: Due to the different enrollment plans of each university, the minimum admission score of each university is also different. The following table is only part of the content. To view the complete information, please visit the library to volunteer to browse the relevant content.

Name of institution subject batch Lowest score
leshan normal university science This second batch three hundred and fifty-nine
North China University of Science and Technology science This second batch three hundred and fifty-nine
Hubei Institute of Automotive Industry science This second batch three hundred and fifty-nine
Luoyang Normal University science This second batch three hundred and fifty-nine
Hebei Institute of Environmental Engineering science This second batch three hundred and fifty-nine
Wuhan Institute of Physical Education science This second batch three hundred and fifty-eight
Shanxi Media College science This second batch three hundred and fifty-eight
Inner Mongolia Agricultural University science This second batch three hundred and fifty-eight
hanshan normal university science This second batch three hundred and fifty-seven
Jinggangshan University science This second batch three hundred and fifty-seven
xi'an siyuan university science This second batch three hundred and fifty-seven
hunan women's university science This second batch three hundred and fifty-seven

Note: This table is only part of the list of recommended colleges and universities for your reference. If you want to browse the complete information, it is recommended to visit the library and volunteer to view it.

The greatest advantage of obeying the adjustment is to reduce the chance of downshifting. Any school has relatively good majors and relatively bad majors. When enrolling, the school first includes the students who fill in the school (regardless of their majors first) into the proposed enrollment list, and stops when they reach the enrollment plan. At this time, the score of the last student is the promotion line of the school that year.

The electronic files of the students to be admitted have been taken away by the school, and will not appear in the enrollment goals of other schools, even if you are higher than the promotion line of other schools. The school that has taken away the files has further work, which is to distribute according to the majors the students have applied for. If the major you have filled in is a popular major in the school with a large number of students, and your score is not competitive, and you have not been admitted by the major you have filled in, then whether to obey the adjustment will play a role.

If you choose to obey the adjustment, the school will arrange you to go to a major that is not fully enrolled. If you do not choose to obey the adjustment, the school will withdraw from the file and have to wait for volunteers or the next batch.

From the above, we can see that if we do not obey the adjustment, the worst result is to withdraw, participate in the voluntary recruitment or the next batch of admission. The greatest possibility of obeying the transfer is to go to many schools you have filled in, but the major is not certain. The major of the transfer is generally not good, and there is no chance to choose the next batch.

Laugh over the past 2024-06-19 14:03:36

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What is it that Mengchong Juhang said a word lightly

"The Mengchong warship is a feather light." The last sentence was the spring water near the river last night. From Zhu Xi of Song Dynasty's "Reading Feelings - The Second".
Original text: Last night, the spring water on the riverside was just a feather of the Mengchong giant ship. I have always wasted my efforts, and I am free to walk in the middle of the day.
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The meaning of Jingmei

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Pinyin: j ì ng m ě i.
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Collection of "Jingmei":
The poet quoted Tagore's famous line "Life is as beautiful as summer flowers and death is as beautiful as autumn leaves", and named his poem "Beauty of Tranquility". Through those beautiful lines, the poet described beautiful scenes of Tranquility, and fully demonstrated the poet's feelings of Tranquility!
About the author:
Zhang Yubin, a native of Zhumadian, Henan Province, was born in July 1989. He began to write poetry when he was in middle school. Now he has published collections of poetry such as Jade Plate and Jingmei. He is good at writing poetry and playing guitar.

Ancient Poems of Chinese Scenic Spots

Ancient poems describing Chinese scenic spots include:

1. Watching Lushan Waterfall Li Bai:

Sunshine incense burner produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in Qianchuan from a distance.

Flying down three thousand feet, I suspect the Milky Way is falling nine days.

2. Early Departure to Baidi City Li Bai:

When I say goodbye to the White Emperor in the morning, the thousand mile Jiangling will return in one day.

The boat passed thousands of mountains with apes shouting without endless.

3. "Climbing the Stork Tower" Wang Zhihuan:

The sun beyond the mountains glows; the Yellow Riverseawards flows.

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4. Looking at Tianmen Mountain Li Bai:

The Tianmen Gate stops the opening of the Chu River, and the blue water flows eastward to this point.

The green mountains on both sides of the river are opposite each other, and the lone sail is coming from the sun.

5. Look at the Dongting Court Liu Yuxi:

The lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind mirror on the surface of the pool.

Looking at the landscape of Dongting, there is a green snail in the silver plate.

6. Watching Dongting Lake as a gift to Prime Minister Zhang Meng Haoran:

The level of the August Lake is modest and clear.

Steam the clouds and dream the marsh, and shake Yueyang City.

If you want to help others without boats, you should be ashamed and wise.

Sitting and watching the anglers, you can't envy them.

7. Ascending Yueyang Tower Du Fu:

Once I heard of Dongting water, now I go to Yueyang Tower.

In the southeast of Wu and Chu, heaven and earth float day and night.

There is not a word between relatives and friends, and old illness has a lonely boat.

To the north of Rongma Pass, there is a stream of tears.

8. "Drinking on the lake after the first clear rain" Su Shi:

The glittering water is sunny, and the mountain scenery is also strange.

If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup.

9. Night Mooring at Maple Bridge Zhang Ji:

When the moon goes down, the crow cries and the frost fills the sky. The maple fishing fire sleeps with sorrow.

Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou City, the passenger ship arrives at midnight.

10. Watching the Mountains Du Fu:

How about Daizongfu? Qilu is still young.

The nature clock is beautiful, and the Yin and Yang cut the twilight.

Sway your chest and let Zeng Yun rise, and turn your canthus into the bird.

It will be the top of the mountain and the small mountains.

11. Shu Xiang Du Fu:

Where can I find the Prime Minister's Ancestral Hall? Outside the Jinguan City, there are many cypresses.

The green grass reflects the spring scenery, and the orioles across the leaves have a good sound.

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He dies before he finishes his apprenticeship, which makes the hero full of tears.

12. "Returning to Mount Song" Wang Wei:

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If the flowing water is intended, the evening birds will return to each other.

The desolate city faces the ancient ferry, and the setting sun fills the autumn mountains.

Come back and close the door.

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At night, I sent a clear stream to the Three Gorges, but I missed Yuzhou.

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The painting tower flies towards the south, and the pearl curtain rolls the rain in the west mountain at dusk.

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Name of Ouyang Xun's story

The name of Ouyang Xun's story: Ouyang Xun wanders around to watch the monument, and Ouyang Xun devotes himself to learning the calligraphy of the "two kings".
Ouyang Xun (about 557-631), a letter, was born in Linxiang County, Tanzhou (now Changsha City, Hunan Province). Tang Dynasty ministers, calligraphers. The son of Ouyanghe.
Sui Yangdi ascended the throne and Ouyang Xun became Dr. Taichang. In the third year of Wude (620), he joined Dou Jiande, King of Xia, and was granted the post of Taichangqing. In the fifth year of Wude (622), he submitted to Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, was appointed a servant, moved to Yinqing Guanglu doctor, gave Shizhong, the crown prince led Gengling, and Hongwenguan bachelor. He was awarded the title of male of Bohai County, and presided over the compilation of "Gathering of Arts and Literature". Zhenguan died at the early age of 85.
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