Classical Chinese Translation of Wei Yuan Zhuan

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Wei Yuan, a native of Jianchang County, has the character Wenyuan.

In the fourth year of Yongle, he was admitted as a Jinshi. To appoint and supervise the imperial historian. Identify the case that Huang Ziwei, the magistrate of Songjiang, was framed. Shangzuo reduced or exempted taxes on fishermen along the coast of eastern Zhejiang. Wei Yuan inspected Shaanxi. A great plague occurred in Xi'an, and he saved many people through treatment. Shangzuo said, "There are more than 10.9 million stones of grain stored in the government granaries, enough to last for ten years. Now the people are hindering farming due to the plague, and I ask (let them) to pay cash vouchers instead of half of the two taxes." The emperor listened to his request. He suffered two bereavements of his parents and was reappointed during the mourning period. In the fifth year of Xuande, famine occurred in the area south of the Yellow River due to drought, and most people moved around. The emperor thought Wei Yuan was honest, upright and promising, so he appointed him as the Left Chief Executive and asked him to take the post horse to take office quickly. At that time, Xu Kuo, the servant, went to Henan to appease the victims. The court discussed the use of Li Changqi, the local magistrate who was in mourning at home, to reinstate him. Wei Yuan, Xu Kuo and Li Changqi opened the granary for relief, exempted the overdue taxes and various miscellaneous labors, and the exiled people gradually returned to their homes. Soon, the rain also came down, and the grain harvest was great. Three years later, Wei Yuan was recalled to the imperial court and served as the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Punishment. The next year, Xia Jiuxu and other Yongfeng people occupied Dapanshan and caused chaos. The emperor thought Wei Yuan was from Jiangxi and ordered him to appease him. The governor Ren Li led the soldiers to follow him. Before they arrived, the officials had captured Xia Jiuxu, so the emperor ordered them to collect wood in Sichuan and rectify border affairs. Yingzong ascended the throne and (Wei Yuan) was promoted to minister of punishment. In May of the second year of Zhengtong, Wei Yuan was ordered to renovate the towns in Datong and Xuanfu, and was allowed to make decisions on his own according to the situation. Wei Yuan sent Li Qian, the governor, to guard Dushi. Patrol the fortresses of Tiancheng and Shuozhou, and order the officials to guard in different areas. Weiyuan Guard was set up, Kaiping and Longmen City were built, and from Dushi to Xuanfu, fortresses were added to look out for the enemy. The tax on garrison troops will be exempted for one year, and firearms will be stored as border defense equipment. All those who rely on dignitaries to escape military service will be incorporated into the army. Soon, because the military affairs of Xuanfu and Datong had been lax for a long time, the imperial court was asked to recall Lu Rui, the governor of Jindu, and recommend Yu Qian, the minister of the Ministry of War, as the guard counselor. The court did not allow his request. At this time, the admonishment officer accused Wei Yuan of arbitrarily changing the minister who was at the border and impeached him together. The emperor thought that Wei Yuan had made a contribution, so he placed him without investigation. When he returned to the imperial court after the matter was completed, Wei Yuan and Chen Zhi, the imperial historian, scolded each other in the duty room. Chen Zhi reported the matter to the emperor, who issued an imperial edict to blame them both. One year, when a drought occurred, Wei Yuan reviewed the difficult case of Shangzuo and requested that it be carried out throughout the country, which was approved by the imperial court. Soon, he was convicted of misjudgment and was put in prison with He Wenyuan, a waiter. He was forgiven for not telling Zhu Guixuan, the king of Liao, about the civil unrest, because he had told him about his crime, and he was put in the imperial prison together with the officials of the Third Division. A few months later, Wei Yuan was released and reinstated. Wei Yuan has been in the penal department for a long time, and most of the cases are judged peacefully and leniently. Shaanxi Jinshi Capital Accounting proposed that if military officials committed other crimes, they would be given half of their salary and demoted to the most remote places. Wei Yuan thought what he said was too harsh, and Shangzuo stopped this practice. In the sixth year of orthodoxy, because of foot disease, the court specially ordered him to go to court only on the first day of the first lunar month and the fifteenth lunar month. After eight years of orthodoxy, he retired and died. Original text: Wei Yuan, with the word Wenyuan, is from Jianchang County. In the fourth year of Yongle's reign, in addition to supervising the imperial historian, Huang Ziwei, the magistrate of Songjiang, made a false accusation. Play a lesson on coastal fishing in eastern Zhejiang. Patrol in Shaanxi, Xi'an, the great epidemic, many people live. As a saying goes, "The millet in all the government warehouses has accumulated more than 1.9 million stones, which is enough for ten years. Now the people are plagued and the farmers are harmed. Please pay half of the two taxes with money.". Two bereavements, both rise and recover. In the fifth year of Xuande, Henan suffered from drought and famine, and many people migrated. The emperor, who was honest and promising, appointed Zuo as the Chief Executive and was appointed as the post post. At that time, Xu Kuo, the minister of the court, went to the court to collect the information, and Li Changqi, the political envoy of Dingyou, was the former official of the court. Yuanyukuo and Changqi sent granaries, free from Bufu, and refugees gradually returned. The rain is also falling, and the year is full. After three years of residence, he was summoned to return, and was awarded to Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Punishment. Next year, Yongfeng Min, Xia Jiuxu and others will be in chaos according to Dapanshan. The emperor, who was the source of Jiangxi people, ordered him to be pacified, and the governor appointed Li Shuai and soldiers to follow him. Before they arrived, the officers and soldiers captured Jiuxu and ordered them to pick wood from Sichuan and take charge of border affairs. Yingzong ascended the throne and entered the Shangshu. In May of the second year of the orthodoxy, he ordered all the borders of Datong and Xuanfu to be straightened out. Yuan sent Li Qian, the governor's official, to guard Dushi. He ordered officials to guard Weiyuan Wei according to the dangers of Shuozhou in the Tiancheng City, and to repair Kaiping Longmen City. From Dushi to Xuanfu, Dunhou was added. Free from garrison rent for one year, firearms are kept at the border, and all those who are sheltered by dignitaries are included in the army. We are looking for a long relaxation of the military affairs of Yixuan and Dajun. Please call back Lu Rui, the governor of Jindu, and recommend Yu Qian, the minister of the Ministry of War, as the garrison counselor. The Imperial Court refused to listen. Therefore, the official said that it was the original crime to arbitrarily place ministers at the border and impeach them. The emperor is so diligent that he won't ask. When the matter was over, he swore at Zhilu [Note] with Chen Zhi, the imperial historian of the capital. Wisdom is to hear, and the imperial edict is to do both. Years old drought, recorded in the suspect prison, and please promote in the world, can report. It is improper to sit in the prison, and both he and he Wenyuan are sent to prison. I was excused. I replied to the above accusation of Guigui, the king of Liao, and did not mention his civil unrest. He and the three commissioners were all in prison. After months, he was released from his post. The source is in the Ministry of Punishment for a long time, and the discussion of prison is more peaceful and forgiving. Shaanxi officials count the money and speak, and military officials commit miscellaneous crimes. They will be given half salary and relegated to the extreme. The source is profound. For six years, I have been looking forward to the new moon with my foot disease. He became an official in eight years and died. Xia Jianqin, also known as Zuyao, was born in 1945 and graduated from the Chinese Department of Fudan University in Liuyang, Hunan Province. He has been engaged in the collation, publishing and research of local literature for many years. In recent years, since he presided over the editing and publishing of Complete Works of Wei Yuan, he has made in-depth exploration and research on Wei Yuan's life, works, thoughts and other aspects. He has created a lot of achievements and then put them into simple terms. He has written Biography of Wei Yuan, which is the second biography of Hunan sages collected by the author after he wrote "The Outstanding Thinker Wang Fu Zhi" for "The Motherland Series" in the last century, The author with strong academic and readability is also the deputy director of the editing and publishing committee of Huxiang Library.

Cloud passengers 2024-05-05 12:00:17

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