Beautiful sentences describing dandelion

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Selected answers

1. I praise the dandelion. Her whole body is white, representing a simple and pure heart. I don't want peach blossoms to be so enchanting, nor noble as the rare flowers in the greenhouse. Some of them are just plain. Where there is wind, there will be dandelions. If I could, I would like to be a dandelion in the next life, drifting with the wind, dreaming and longing for the unknown future. Then, find a place to take root and sprout. If possible, I would like to be a dandelion in the next life, a white dandelion, a dandelion drifting with the wind.

2. Dandelions are casually scattered in the grass beside the flower bed, which is not noticeable at all. It seems that the newly grown dandelion can't find her trace in the green grass. It's a bit green. She sticks out her head shyly in the green grass, afraid of being discovered by others. A few days later, a small leaf appeared on the small stem. The green leaf raised a smiling face in the wind and greeted the beautiful world with a smile. The longer the stem is, the higher the leaves are. When the wind blows, the dandelion dances like a beautiful princess performing! Looking at it, even the grass beside it could not help dancing, as if all the joys in the world were just like this!

3. The life span of dandelion flower is very short. After a few days, it withers. Then, a small "white hair ball" grows on it. The white hair ball gathers together like a cotton ball. When the spring wind blows, the small hair ball leaves her mother's arms and "wanders around".

4. I like dandelion. I like her freedom and go with the wind. Whenever the breeze blows, every dandelion father and mother will personally send their children to the train, hoping that their children can fly to a warm place with the wind, and then take root and sprout. I envy dandelion and his freedom. For me, freedom is just an extravagant hope, even a wish. Only one book accompanied me in my childhood. Where will you go like a dandelion? You can go wherever you want, free from the constraints of space. You can face the future, hope, imagine and yearn.

5. When summer comes, the whole earth is covered with golden dandelions, which seems to have covered the earth with T-shirts. Although dandelion is not as gorgeous as peony or as fragrant as clove, it attracts me with its simple beauty.

Talking about the past 2024-05-31 13:28:36

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