Postgraduate Entrance Examination Major in Digital Finance

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The postgraduate courses for finance majors include politics, English 2, mathematics 3, or economic joint examination, and finance comprehensive. Among them, politics and English are uniformly set by the state, and they are also required subjects for each college. Students of Mathematics III or Economic Joint Examination can choose one from the other, but the choice of economic joint examination institutions will be limited. Comprehensive finance is set by colleges according to the national unified examination outline.

The political examination for the postgraduate entrance examination of finance includes current affairs politics and basic political knowledge at home and abroad. The difficulty of the second English examination is between CET-4 and CET-6, and the full score of both subjects is 100. Mathematics III includes three parts: advanced mathematics, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics. The economic joint exam includes three parts: mathematics, logic and writing. The difficulty of the exam is lower than that of Mathematics III. The full score of the exam paper is 150 points. Comprehensive finance includes finance and corporate finance. The full score of the test paper is 150.

The major of finance is mainly engaged in financial business and management in the banking system, schools and research institutions, and mostly in financial teaching and research fields. With the continuous improvement of China's securities market, entering industrial and commercial enterprises and listed companies has become the employment direction of many financial talents.

Graduates of finance major have higher theoretical level of finance and more comprehensive professional quality, have good knowledge structure, can work independently and innovate, and meet the needs of the socialist market economy. They are high-level talents engaged in financial theory research and financial practice.

Master graduates of this major will master basic financial theories, have a solid foundation of economic and financial theories, master the laws of various financial transactions, and have the ability to engage in financial business activities and achieve success, and have strong scientific research ability and continuous learning and improvement ability, Have the ability to independently undertake work related to professional research and the ability to innovate.

Laugh at others 2024-06-15 17:57:00

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3. The Northern History, The Legend of Gonglun in the West of Wei Longxi: "The strong wind is strong today. If we push the straw cart and the square track together, ride the wind and let the fireworks fly, and use the best soldiers to ride it from behind, it will be broken."
Synonyms: beacon fire, smoke, fireworks.
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