Ranking of the best universities in finance

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The best universities in finance rank as follows:

Renmin University of China: No.1 in China (professional grade A++). Fudan University: ranking the second in China (professional grade A++). Tsinghua University: ranked second in China (professional grade A++). Nankai University: ranked second in China (professional grade A++). Central University of Finance and Economics: ranked second nationwide (professional grade A++).

Peking University: ranked second in China (professional grade A++). Southwest University of Finance and Economics: ranking 7th nationwide (professional grade A+), Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics: ranking 7th nationwide (professional grade A+). Zhongnan University of Economics and Law: ranked 7th nationwide (professional grade A+). University of International Business and Economics: ranked 7th nationwide (professional grade A+). Noisy and poor

Finance is an undergraduate major in Chinese ordinary colleges and universities. The length of study in this major is four years. It mainly studies the basic knowledge and skills in finance, economics, monetary banking, securities investment, insurance and other fields, and conducts investment management and risk control in securities, investment, trust, insurance and other industries.

Professional definition: Finance mainly studies basic knowledge and skills in finance, economics, monetary banking, securities investment, insurance, etc., and conducts investment and financing and risk control in securities, investment, trust, insurance and other industries. For example: income analysis, risk assessment and investment management of funds, stocks and bonds, sales of property and life insurance, handling of bank counter business, etc.

Course system: Taxation, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Financial Accounting, Financial Econometrics, Securities Economics, Financial Modeling, Financial Derivatives, Simulated Banking Business, and Bank Accounting. Some colleges and universities are trained in the following professional directions: CFA, investment, international finance, international banking, financial management Financial statistics, securities investment, securities and futures, commercial bank finance, insurance theory and operation.

University Ranking of Finance

National universities majoring in finance are ranked as Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Tsinghua University, Nankai University and Central University of Finance and Economics.

1. Renmin University of China, directly under the Ministry of Education, is a national key university jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Beijing. It is one of the first batch of "985 Project", "211 Project" and "double first-class" universities in China. The school is located in Beijing, and its motto is "seek truth from facts".

Renmin University of China is a comprehensive research university focusing on humanities and social sciences. It is the cradle of "builders of the People's Republic of China", an important town of higher education in humanities and social sciences, and a highland of Marxist teaching and research. Lasongsox is known as a banner in the field of higher education in humanities and social sciences in China.

2. Fudan University, located in Shanghai, a municipality directly under the Central Government, is a national key rotational university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is directly under the jurisdiction of the central government and is organized at the level of deputy ministry. As of 2014, Fudan University has 30 directly affiliated colleges (departments) and 70 undergraduate majors.

The predecessor of the school is Fudan Public School founded in 1905, which is the first private college in China. After the adjustment of departments in 1952, the university became a comprehensive university focusing on basic teaching and research of arts and science. In 2000, Fudan University merged with Shanghai Medical University, formerly the National Fourth Sun Yat sen University School of Medicine founded in 1927, to form a new Fudan University.

Which school is better to study finance in China? How many points do you need?

University rankings of finance: Renmin University of China, Central University of Finance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Northeast University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

1. Renmin University of China is one of the first batch of "double first-class" (Class A), "211 project" and "985 project" in Mohu. It is a member of the World University Alliance, the International Cooperation Network for Applied Science and Technology Development, the Asia Pacific International Education Association and the Jinggang University Alliance. As of April 2017, the school covers an area of more than 2.3 million square meters, with Zhongguancun Campus, Tongzhou Campus (under construction), Suzhou Campus, Shenzhen Research Institute, and Shenzhen Campus (under construction); The value of teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment is 74.4 billion yuan.

2. The Central University of Finance and Economics, located in Beijing, China, is a university jointly built by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and Beijing directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, a world-class discipline construction university, a national "211 Project" and the first batch of "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" project construction universities. Colleges and universities with the right to independently set up undergraduate majors in economics and management.

3. UIBE is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, a national "211 Project" construction university, a world-class discipline construction university, and a university jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Commerce. The school was founded in 1951 as a senior business cadre school. In 1953, it was renamed Beijing Foreign Trade College.

4. Dongbei University of Finance and Economics is a university jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of Liaoning Province, and a key university of first-class universities in Liaoning Province; It is a university of finance and economics that highlights the advantages and characteristics of economics and management, and develops in multiple disciplines such as economics, management, law, literature, science, etc; It has been selected into the national "2011 Plan" and the national "Featured Key Discipline Project".

5. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics is a key research-oriented university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, which focuses on economic management disciplines and coordinates the development of economics, management, law, literature, science, philosophy and other disciplines. It is one of the first batch of world-class discipline construction universities in China, and one of the key construction universities of the national "211 Project" and "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform".

Ranking of the best financial professional schools in China

The first echelon: four famous schools (the four famous schools preferred by the securities firm IBD, fund and consulting) 1, Guanghua, Peking University: about 400, with the reported enrollment ratio less than 3%, professional courses are extremely difficult, public course reform papers are scored, employment is excellent, tuition fees are high, but it is extremely difficult! The second interview is fair! And prefer science and engineering background! 2. Premium payment: generally more than 400+, reporting ratio is 45%, but the difference ratio is 2:

1. The teachers are very strong, the number of international students is the first in the country, and the reexamination is outrageous! Undergraduate who is not a top university, basically failed the second exam! And prefer science and engineering background! 3. CCER of Peking University: 370+in general, 4% of the report to record ratio is the best quality for going abroad, and the reexamination is very difficult! Not fair, very high requirements for undergraduate schools! And prefer science and engineering background! 4. Beijing University HSBC: 370+in general, 5% in reporting ratio! Dual degree is very attractive, and the employment prospect is very good! Tuition is the most expensive! 5. Tsinghua Economics and Management: Finance only enrolls Master of Finance (professional master), with a quota of 97 people, and in Shenzhen campus, the tuition is in line with Guanghua! But the number of applicants in the first year is not very large! Average difficulty! And prefer science and engineering background! It is estimated that Tsinghua Economic Management will adjust the source of students this year! Previously, Tsinghua Economic Management recruited about one unified examinee, with a score of 360+, a ratio of 5%, and a number of one. 6. Fudan School of Classical Learning: generally, 20 people are recruited and 1000 people are reported, which is lower than Guanghua, and the employment is excellent. Fudan's employment is not inferior to that of Tsinghua University, and its reputation in Shanghai is better than that of Tsinghua University! But the second round exam is very fair, many students will not be brushed! 7. Fudan School of Management: In 2011, the new financial engineering and financial engineering projects were jointly cultivated with top foreign universities, and the first year's enrollment was average! It is very attractive, and the future source of students is bullish! 8. Submitted to Antai: 400+or so, and the ratio of reporting to recording is 4%. It is very private and transparent, and the second interview is of course extremely black! However, the degree of internationalization is extremely high, the employment is excellent (every year I go to Goldman Sachs), the score is very high, and the reexamination is very powerful! And prefer science and engineering background! 9. Peking University School of Economics: about 370+, with 4% of the reported record, average employment and academic backwardness, but the reexamination is extremely fair. The second echelon:

1. Wudaokou: Generally about 360+, with a reported record ratio of 4%, but its main strength is concentrated in the money market (banks), and its performance in the capital market (brokers) is poor! Employment is OK, but there is still a gap with the four famous universities! Prefer the section class! 2. Renmin University: about 360+, very difficult, and limited employment! Prefer the section class! 3. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics: 390 or so, with a report to record ratio of 4%, the difficulty is rising, and the preference for science and engineering background! 4. Nanjing University: 390 or so, with 5% of the enrollment ratio. The score of the financial joint examination is second only to Fudan and Shangcai! Holding the Third Echelon:

1. Central Finance and Economics: The number of sub towns is very low, about 340 in general! However, the public courses in Beijing have low scores, and the professional courses of the Central Finance Department have very low scores, which leads to a low score line and preference for sections! 2. Foreign trade and economic cooperation: The score is not high. The two colleges recruit 200+people, and the score is about 340, but Beijing scores lower! Reporting ratio 9%! It's actually very difficult! Of course, employment is very good, and the requirements for English are very high. Professional courses require professional English! 3. Nankai University: About 360, Tianjin also scores, but Nankai is almost as difficult as Yangcai! 4. Sun Yat sen University: Around 390, Ling Xilv Qingnan College has a very high score, and the School of Management also has a high score! 5. Xiamen University: About 360 financial joint examination, with strong teachers, but remote location! 6. Wuhan University: 370 or above, but the test paper is simple! The fourth echelon: 1, Huazhong University of Science and Technology: 350+, the ratio of reporting to recording is 8%, and there are high-level people in charge, and the score is very high! 2. Zhejiang University: generally 360 points, Zhejiang points, there is no doctoral program in Zhejiang University Finance, and the tutors are all teachers of the former Hangzhou University. The projects are provincial projects, and employment is basically branches in Zhejiang Province, preferring courses! 5% of the enrollees will be assigned to the City College of Zhejiang University (three books) for joint training! 3. Southwest University of Finance and Economics: There are many students enrolled, but thanks to the accumulation of alumni, employment is good! 4. Xi'an Jiaotong University: Very difficult! 5. Jinan University: the second in South China

1 Renmin University

National key point: in universities, the overall strength of finance is the strongest. From Huang Da in his early years to Zhou Shengye now, he is a famous figure in finance; The strength of each sub subject is average. Whether it is monetary banking, securities investment or international finance, it has obvious regional advantages and high quality students.

2 Wudaokou (Graduate Department of the People's Bank of China)

People's Bank of China is the direct member of the People's Bank of China. This advantage is incomparable. Students have high level, good basic conditions (and high costs), pay attention to reality, and are easy to find jobs.

3 Southwest University of Finance and Economics (formerly the first university directly under the People's Bank of China)

Advantages: It is a national priority. Money and banking in finance is the most popular in China. From the scale of his master's enrollment, we can see that Sun has come out. The campus environment is good and clean. More students and more alumni in the financial system will benefit in the future.

4 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (the first university directly under the former Ministry of Finance)

Advantages: national priority, good securities learning, currency and banking, general international finance, insurance is also acceptable, and obvious regional advantages.

5 Peking University

Advantage: One of the best universities in China, there is no need for others. As long as it is Peking University, it will not worry about coming out. Good place, good school scenery.

6 Xiamen University

985 National key, good money and banking, good financial engineering, beautiful school environment, good teachers (Zhang Yichun), high quality students.

7 Fudan Daze Demography

Advantages: 985 is a national key financial comprehensive university, second only to the National People's Congress, which is relatively strong in all aspects, especially in international finance and monetary banking. The acceptance of western knowledge is relatively new, and the school atmosphere is also good. There are several good teachers (Jiang Boke).

8 University of International Business and Economics (formerly the first university directly under the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation)

Advantages: national focus, strong international finance, great emphasis on English, practical ability, obvious regional advantages

9 Nankai University

Advantage: 985 national key point. Since liberation, it has established its leading position in international finance. Actuarial insurance is also the best in the country, with good schools and high quality students

10 Central University of Finance and Economics (formerly under the Ministry of Finance)

Advantages: location advantages, good school conditions, and first-class student quality.

11 Advantages of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (formerly affiliated to the Ministry of Finance): good environment, can be used as a sanatorium in school, and the quality of students is good

12 Xi'an Jiaotong University (formerly directly under the People's Bank of China)

Advantages: famous universities, good at money and banking. The former school directly under the People's Bank of China (Shaanxi University of Finance and Economics) has several good teachers

13 Hunan University (formerly directly under the People's Bank of China)

Advantages: 985 National Key University, the first school in China to introduce actuarial insurance, has good insurance, and the former school directly under the People's Bank of China (Hunan University of Finance and Economics) has good money bank.

14 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (formerly under the Ministry of Finance)

Advantages: After the merger, more attention is paid to finance.

15 Tsinghua University

Advantages: One of the best universities in China, the university is well built, strong in science and engineering, and the micro finance of financial engineering is at the forefront of China.

16 Wuhan University

Advantages: 985, a national key university, has a beautiful campus. Finance has been paid more attention in recent years. With good teachers, Huang Xian seems to be a doctoral advisor, and financial engineering is also good.

17 Liaoning University

Advantages: local key universities, local attention, good teachers, Bai Qinxian in finance, and Kong Xiangyi, a famous doctoral advisor.

18 Sun Yat sen University

Advantages: The campus scenery is good, and the place in Guangzhou is also good. The finance department is in Lingnan University, and the students' quality is relatively high. Graduation is popular in the south. I graduated with two diplomas. It seems that Lingnan University also issued diplomas.

Strength and employment are two concepts. Employment is of a regional nature.

The first level of employment is available nationwide: Peking University Guanghua, Wudaokou, Tsinghua, Fudan, People's Congress

Second level regional access: Nankai, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Xiamen University, Shangcai, Central Finance, Xicai

The third level is accessible in some regions: Zhongnan Finance, Dongcai, Xijiao, Wuhan University, Liaoning University, Zhongshan, Hunan.

Of course, the most important thing depends on your efforts in college.

Ordinary life 2024-06-14 18:58:31

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1. Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values—— Dreiser
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3. If someone comes to the sky, loyalty is for clothes, and faith is for clothes—— Lu Zhaoling
4. Words must be honest and deeds must be honest—— Confucius
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