Complete set of folding methods of garbage cans (folding methods of garbage cans)

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Selected answers

1. A simple trash can:

2. Prepare material: paper. Any piece of paper can be used, but it should be rectangular. Take notebook paper as an example.

3. First, fold both sides of the paper in half along the length twice.

4. Then fold the paper in half, with the folding direction not reversed.

5. After folding in half, pick up the lower right corner with your hand along the current direction, and fold it in half along the diagonal of the rectangle to form a triangle. The other side is the same.

6. Then take the left corner of the triangle and fold it. The triangle is located at a right angle and embedded in it.

7. The other side is the same as step 5 above.

8. Fold the triangle below and insert it, and the other side is the same.

9. After this step, pick up the paper, pull it from the middle, and smooth it. A simple garbage can is completed. Of course, the better the paper, the better it looks.

10. II. Cylindrical garbage can:

11. First cut the paper into a square, then turn one side over, and then fold the upper and lower sides in half to make a peak mark in the middle of the paper.

12. Then fold the lower part of the paper upward, and the folding can have creases. The folding can also be adjusted according to your own needs. Then restore, leaving creases.

13. Fold the right part of the origami model slightly to the left.

14. Apply glue to the correct area. Then roll up the origami model and stick it to the left.

15. Press the right part inwards with your finger, the position and amplitude of the peak mark.

16. Then press the right point to the middle. At this time, two points will intersect.

17. After completing the previous steps. At this time, press the upper edge of the origami model counterclockwise inward in the same way as in step 6.

18. When all the pressing is completed, you can get an origami model. Add some glue at the bottom to fix it. Then level it with your fingers.

19. So the garbage can is finished.

Dusty memory 2023-12-04 13:06:02

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