What to do when high school children are nervous about exams

Be diligent and honest
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Children are nervous when they take an exam. This situation is not good, especially the big exam such as the college entrance exam, which is bound to affect their life. Therefore, it is necessary to change and overcome, which is related to the prospect of life. So, what should we do when high school children are nervous about exams?

What to do when high school children are nervous about exams

1. Review well

No matter what kind of exam, it's better to make full preparations before the exam, review all the test points, and at least master the key test points. If you have worked hard at ordinary times, there is no need to be nervous. You can recall the examination points you reviewed in your mind, find and fill the gaps, as long as you have mastered most of them, you will have no problem.

2. Don't ask too much of your children

Parents hope that their children will be admitted to a good university, which is understandable. However, some parents completely ignore their children's objective strength and set high goals for their children, which will bring great psychological pressure to their children. Of course, they are not willing to discuss learning with you, and they naturally dislike your proposed results and rankings. To be honest, the pre exam scores and rankings are no longer meaningful, so don't talk too much about them, and don't urge or check too much, just let the children study quietly. As a parent, we should encourage children to "do their best in learning, and it doesn't matter whether the results are good or bad". Giving children a reassuring pill is the best way to reduce stress.

3. Get enough sleep

Before the exam, the brain must get enough rest, nourish enough spirit, and store brain energy, so as to provide powerful spiritual guarantee for thinking, memory, logic, reasoning and creative thinking in the exam. Therefore, examinees must adjust their sleep time according to their personal habits and physical and mental status before the exam to ensure a good and sufficient sleep. Do not let the brain be overloaded and tired just to review. When the brain is tired, it is often more efficient, and it is often more effective.

The Causes of High School Children's Tension in Examinations

1. Ask too much of yourself and don't allow yourself to fail

This kind of examinee is rigorous and serious in learning, introverted in personality, does not like sports very much, and the desks are neat. They are very popular with teachers in the class and are trusted by students. It's just that I have a strong desire to win in my heart, and I don't give up, but I'm not good at expressing myself.

2. Because parents and teachers' requirements are too high, I am afraid that I will be criticized for not doing well in the exam

Such examinees are usually learning bully, and their sense of self-worth is based on the evaluation of others. Only when they meet the requirements of others can they have a sense of achievement and self-esteem. Otherwise, I will feel that I am a failure and useless person. In addition, candidates with superior family conditions and highly educated parents will also be nervous before the exam for such reasons.

3. Cowardly personality, lack of self-confidence

Some children have poor psychological quality, low tolerance, and lack of correct evaluation of their academic achievements. They always doubt their ability. When they encounter a tense and serious situation, they can't help being stage frighten, so they can't play to their original level.

What to do when high school children are nervous about exams? In the process of daily life, parents can also play some simulated exam games with children to reduce their nervousness about exams. Finally, parents must be patient when communicating and getting along with children, and do not put themselves in a leadership position.

Unwilling to degenerate 2024-06-12 15:06:50

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1. Shuowen (Shuowen) by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty: Later, the emperor followed.
2. Zuo Zhuan, Thirty second Year of Xi Gong: Tomb of Hougao in Xia Dynasty.
Group words: Qinghou, Houjing, Houzheng, Zhuhou, Houxu, Houshi, Wanghou, Houzhang, Houkai.
Antonyms: first, first.

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Jin Ou means the basin of gold; It is also used to refer to territory; The laudatory name of the wine cup.
Jinou, a Chinese word, is spelled j ī n ō u.
Provenance: Jin Ganbao, "Sought the Gods", Volume IV: "The woman parted with her husband with a golden Ou, a musk pouch, and tears."
example sentence:
1. The History of the Ming Dynasty · The Tin Biography of Qian Long: "The emperor imitated the ancient divination scripture, stored it in the name of Jinou, burned incense and worshipped it, and then explored it."
2. Qing Dynasty · Huang Zunxian's poem "Feelings": "Jin Ou is close to Bubi Gongqing, and receives the title of ice for ten days."
3. The fifth poem of Tang · Sikongtu's "Feelings about the History of the South and the North": "The Jin Ou in the Hall of Warfare Girders is broken, and the jade trees in the Palace are destroyed by fire."
4. Chen Jiru of the Ming Dynasty, "Records of the Grand Sima Festival Huan Yuan Gong's Temple": "Turn over the history of maps, chisel fields, Suiyang has been like the golden Ou for generations."

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Provenance of idiom: The 24th chapter of Peng Yangou's Black Book Ghosts in the Qing Dynasty: "This thing must be tasted. Why not just taste it for literati and literati, but also try it to make people feel happy?"
Idiom usage: as predicate and attribute; It refers to the fear of difficulties.
Example: Don't stop doing things. You should persevere in order to succeed.
Near synonym: give up halfway, skim on the surface.
The opposite: perseverance.
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